4t气动单轨吊设计 DESIGN OfF4T PNEUMATIC MONORAIL CRANE 摘要 本文中所设计的单轨吊其主要动力来源为气动,利用减速装置对气动马达所提供的速度进行调节,以达到实际使用所需要的速度值,本文中主要完成以下工作:一、对课题的研究的背景、意义以及对单轨吊的国内外现状进行阐述,其中包括对单轨吊进行分类概述,分别从不同方面进行叙述,其中包括:动力方式、减速器选择等方面。二、对本文中所设计的单轨吊为气动单轨吊,给出设计参数。从而利用设计参数对气动单轨吊今天整体方案的设计,主要完成以下工作:牵引力计算、吊车功率、气动马达的选择、以及最为重要的减速方案的确定。其中在减速方案中对单机减速器进行计算与设计,其中确定各轴以及齿轮的转速、功率、扭矩等相关参数。三、就是对本文的4t气动单调轨的制动系统进行设计,首先对制动原理进行阐述,表明气动单轨吊制动系统的工作原理,提出本文中所需要的制动要求。从而给出制动系统的整体设计以及相关结构与材料的选择,紧接着对制动力进行计算,以及对主要的零部件进行设计与选择。四、对气动系统中的控制子系统进行设计,其中包括气动工作的原理阐述,对气动传动的设计要求进行叙述,并且根据本文中气动气动单轨吊所工作的环境与工作要求进行对气功工作的回路进行设计。五、在这里,我们主要对气动单轨吊的安装进行说明,因为气动单轨吊的使用空间较为狭小,因此对其安装工艺以及设备使用要求都会相对严格,因此在这里要严格按照工艺流程进行安装,保证设备的使用寿命以及防止安全事故的发生。 关键词气动;减速;工作原理 Abstract The mai
n power source of the si
ngle cra
ne rail i
n this paper is the aerody
namic force. The speed of the p
neumatic motor is adjusted by the speed reductio
n device to achieve the required speed value. The followi
ng work is completed i
n this paper: first, the backgrou
nd a
nd sig
nce of the research o
n the subject, a
nd the status of the si
ngle cra
ne rail at home a
nd abroad are explai
ned. It i
ncludes the summary of the si
ngle cra
ne track, i
ng the power mode a
nd the choice of reducer. Two, the desig
n parameters are give
n for the si
ngle ha
ng rail desig
ned i
n this paper. The desig
n parameters are used to desig
n the overall pla
n of the p
neumatic si
ngle cra
ne rail today. The mai
n tasks are as follows: the calculatio
n of the tractio
n force, the power of the cra
ne, the selectio
n of the p
neumatic motor, a
nd the determi
n of the most importa
nt deceleratio
n scheme. Amo
ng them, the si
ngle speed reducer is calculated a
nd desig
ned i
n the deceleratio
n scheme, a
nd the releva
nt parameters such as speed, power a
nd torque of each shaft a
nd gear are determi
ned. Three, it is the desig
n of the 4T p
neumatic mo
ne rail brake system, first of all, the pri
nciple of braki
ng is expou
nded, a
nd the worki
ng pri
nciple of the p
neumatic si
ngle rail brake system is show
n, a
nd the requireme
nts i
n this paper are put forward. The overall desig
n of the brake system a
nd the selectio
n of the related structure a
nd materials are give
n, a
nd the braki
ng force is calculated, a
nd the mai
n parts are desig
ned a
nd selected. Four. Desig
n the co
ntrol subsystem i
n the p
neumatic system, i
ng the pri
nciple of p
neumatic work, the desig
n requireme
nts of the p
neumatic drive, a
nd the desig
n of the qigo
ng work circuit accordi
ng to the e
nt a
nd work requireme
nts of the p
neumatic a
nd p
neumatic si
ngle cra
ne rail. Five, here, we mai
nly explai
n the i
n of p
neumatic si
ngle cra
ne rail, because the use of p
neumatic si
ngle rail is relatively small, so the i
n process a
nd equipme
nt requireme
nts will be relatively strict, so here I should strictly follow the process of i
n, e
nsure the service life of the equipme
nt a
nd preve
nt the safety of the equipme
nt. The accide
nt happe
ned. Keywords P
neumatic Deceleratio
n Worki
ng Pri
nciple 目录 摘要II Abstract III 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景1 1.2课题研究意义1 1.3单轨吊发展概述2 1.3.1单轨吊国外发展概况2 1.3.2单轨吊国内发展概况3 1.3.3气动单轨吊特点3 1.3.4气动单轨吊结构与工作原理3 1.4课题研究的主要内容4 2总体方案设计5 2.1气动单轨吊设计参数5 2.2气动单轨吊参数计算5 2.2.1气动单轨吊牵引力计算5 2.2.2气动单轨吊车的功率计算6 2.2.3气动单轨吊车的气动马达6 2.3气动单轨吊减速方案设计7 2.3.1气动单轨吊传动装置7 2.3.2气动单轨吊传动装置的传动比8 2.3.2气动单轨吊减速方案设计8 2.4本章小结9 3单极减速器相关设计10 3.1计算传动装置参数10 3.2一级齿轮传动的设计计算10 3.3二级齿轮传动的设计计算14 3.4三级齿轮传动的设计计算17 3.5传动轴滚动轴承的设计18 3.5.1输入轴的强度校核18 3.5.2传动轴的结构设计23 3.6本章小结24 4气动单轨吊制动系统26 4.1制动原理26 4.2制动系统总体设计26 4.2.1制动结构设计26 4.2.2制动系统的材料选择28 4.2.3气缸的计算与选型29 4.3本章小结29 5气动控制系统设计30 5.1气动概述30 5.1.1气动系统的组成部分30 5.2控制回路设计31 5.3本章小结31 6结论33 参考文献34 致谢35
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