六足行走机器人的设计 摘要 本文以完成六足行走机器人的机械机构和控制系统为主要目标,对六足行走机器人的控制系统进行研究。本文需要解决的问题:一是机器人的机械结构、控制结构,二是多关节分级控制和相应的编程部分。具体的内容包括:根据六足行走机器人对控制系统的要求分析了六足行走机器人的机构以及运动特点。确定了分级控制结构的硬件配置和下位机结构的软件设计,控制器选用合理,采用插补算法规划路径,即先规划脉冲总数最大的关节,后按比例插补其他关节,分析了伺服系统的多关节控制原理,并选用OWL编程。采集和处理来自传感器的信息,得到关节转角和着地状态。最后从实验的角度研究和分析行走速度并分析误差。有助于进一步完成六足行走机器人的制作和控制。 关键词:六足行走机器人;多关节控制;分级控制结构;OWL编程 ABSTRACT This paper aims to study the co
ntrol system of six-legged walki
ng robot i
n order to make six foot walki
ng robot. The problem of this paper is the mecha
nical structure a
nd co
ntrol structure of the robot, the multi-joi
nt classificatio
n co
ntrol a
nd the correspo
ng programmi
ng part. The specific co
nt i
ncludes: the six foot walki
ng robot's requireme
nts for the co
ntrol system a
nalyzed the mecha
nism of the six-legged robot a
nd its characteristics. Determi
ne the hierarchical co
ntrol structure of the hardware co
n a
nd the structure of the software of si
nglechip processor desig
n, choose reaso
nable co
ntroller, path pla
ng based o
n the i
n algorithm,
namely the first program pulse's largest total joi
nt, a proportio
nal i
n after other joi
nts, co
ntrol pri
nciple of multi-joi
nt servo system are a
nalyzed, a
nd selects the OWL programmi
ng. Collect a
nd process i
n from the se
nsor, a
nd obtai
n the A
ngle a
nd la
ng co
n of the joi
nt. Fi
nally, the walki
ng speed a
nd a
nalysis error were a
nalyzed from the experime
ntal A
ngle. These are the basis for the productio
n a
nd co
ntrol of the six-legged robot. Key Words:The six-legged robot; Multi-joi
nt ;Co
ntrol structure ;OWL programmi
ng 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1.绪论1 2.六足机器人结构4 2.1机器人的机构以及运动特点4 2.2机器人对控制系统的要求4 2.4机器人控制系统的结构8 2.5小结10 3.多关节控制11 3.1控制原理11 3. 2 OWL编程12 4.编程部分13 4. 1语言13 4. 2工艺组合13 4. 3序列13 4.4参数传递13 4.5示例15 4.6小结17 5.机器人速度实验研究18 5.1速度的实验和误差分析18 5.2速度的因素分析和改进方法18 5.3小结18 5.结论20 致谢22
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