With the developme
nt of logistics a
nd automobile i
ndustry, the equipme
nt i
ndustry that serves it has become a
new i
ndustry i
n our cou
ntry. Sales i
ncreased year by year. This desig
n hydraulic lifti
ng platform with shear-fork structure. I
n rece
nt years, the literature o
n hydraulic system of shear-fork platform is
not u
n, but the co
nt of literature is mostly focused o
n a topic, but there are few papers o
n hydraulic system of moder
n shear-fork platform. Therefore, the research a
nd desig
n of shear-fork platform hydraulic system has importa
nt practical a
nd theoretical sig
nce. This paper mai
nly summarizes the developme
nt history of hydraulic tech
nology of shear-fork platform a
nd its developme
nt situatio
n at home a
nd abroad, a
nd briefly describes the developme
nt tre
nd of shear-fork platform. The hydraulic system diagram of the whole machi
ne is composed of co
ntrol circuits a
nd hydraulic sources draw
n up separately. Whe
n the circuits are combi
ned with each other, duplicate redu
nt eleme
nts are removed, a
nd the system structure is simple. I
n this paper, the commo
n hydraulic circuit of the shear-fork platform is simply described a
nd a
nalyzed, a
nd the hydraulic system of the shear-fork platform is desig
ned a
nd a
nalyzed. The hydraulic system schematic diagram, the worki
ng ta
nk assembly, the hydraulic layout drawi
ng, the oil ta
nk parts drawi
ng are draw
n by usi
ng AutoCAD. Fi
nally, the feasibility of the desig
n is proved by checki
ng calculatio
n. Key Words:Platform; Shear fork type; Hydraulic system, Hydraulic cyli
nde 目录 目录I 摘要v Abstract VI 1绪论1 1.1升降平台的设计特点1 1.2剪叉式升降平台的安全保证措施1 1.2.1设计制造方面的安全保证措施2 1.2.2使用维护方面的安全保证措施3 1.3研究地目地及意义3 2总体设计方案确定4 2.1设备液压系统设计地原始依据4 2.2工作情况分析4 2.3设备液压系统设计运动速度地确定5 3剪叉式升降台受力分析6 3.1剪叉式升降平台的三种结构形式6 3.2剪叉式升降平台机构的位置参数计算7 3.3剪叉式升降平台机构的动力参数计算10 3.4剪叉式升降平台机构设计时应注意的问题10 4液压缸的设计计算12 4.1明确设计要求制定基本方案: 12 4.1.1确定液压缸的类型12 4.1.2确定液压缸的安装方式12 4.1.3缸盖联接的类型12 4.2液压缸载荷计算12 4.3液压缸各组成部分的设计16 4.3.1液压缸缸筒的设计和计算: 16 4.3.2活塞杆的设计与计算: 18 4.3.3导向套的设计与计算: 23 4.3.4液压缸油口的设计: 25 4.3.5端盖和缸底的设计计算: 27 4.3.6密封件的选用: 29 4.3.7防尘圈30 4.3.8液压缸的安装连接结构30 4.4液压缸主要零件的材料和技术要求33 4.4.1缸体33 4.4.2活塞杆34 5液压传动系统的设计计算34 5.1拟订液压执行元件运动控制回路34 5.2液压源系统34 5.3确定液压系统的主要参数34 5.3.1载荷的组成与计算: 34 5.3.2初选系统压力35 5.3.3计算液压缸的主要结构尺寸35 5.3.4确定液压泵的参数39 5.3.5管道尺寸的确定38 5.3.6油箱容量的确定39 5.4绘制液压系统原理图40 5.4.1、压力油源40 5.4.2、控制回路40 5.4.3、液压锁紧回路40 5.4.4、绘制液压系统原理图40 致谢42 参考文献43
nt of logistics a
nd automobile i
ndustry, the equipme
nt i
ndustry that serves it has become a
new i
ndustry i
n our cou
ntry. Sales i
ncreased year by year. This desig
n hydraulic lifti
ng platform with shear-fork structure. I
n rece
nt years, the literature o
n hydraulic system of shear-fork platform is
not u
n, but the co
nt of literature is mostly focused o
n a topic, but there are few papers o
n hydraulic system of moder
n shear-fork platform. Therefore, the research a
nd desig
n of shear-fork platform hydraulic system has importa
nt practical a
nd theoretical sig
nce. This paper mai
nly summarizes the developme
nt history of hydraulic tech
nology of shear-fork platform a
nd its developme
nt situatio
n at home a
nd abroad, a
nd briefly describes the developme
nt tre
nd of shear-fork platform. The hydraulic system diagram of the whole machi
ne is composed of co
ntrol circuits a
nd hydraulic sources draw
n up separately. Whe
n the circuits are combi
ned with each other, duplicate redu
nt eleme
nts are removed, a
nd the system structure is simple. I
n this paper, the commo
n hydraulic circuit of the shear-fork platform is simply described a
nd a
nalyzed, a
nd the hydraulic system of the shear-fork platform is desig
ned a
nd a
nalyzed. The hydraulic system schematic diagram, the worki
ng ta
nk assembly, the hydraulic layout drawi
ng, the oil ta
nk parts drawi
ng are draw
n by usi
ng AutoCAD. Fi
nally, the feasibility of the desig
n is proved by checki
ng calculatio
n. Key Words:Platform; Shear fork type; Hydraulic system, Hydraulic cyli
nde 目录 目录I 摘要v Abstract VI 1绪论1 1.1升降平台的设计特点1 1.2剪叉式升降平台的安全保证措施1 1.2.1设计制造方面的安全保证措施2 1.2.2使用维护方面的安全保证措施3 1.3研究地目地及意义3 2总体设计方案确定4 2.1设备液压系统设计地原始依据4 2.2工作情况分析4 2.3设备液压系统设计运动速度地确定5 3剪叉式升降台受力分析6 3.1剪叉式升降平台的三种结构形式6 3.2剪叉式升降平台机构的位置参数计算7 3.3剪叉式升降平台机构的动力参数计算10 3.4剪叉式升降平台机构设计时应注意的问题10 4液压缸的设计计算12 4.1明确设计要求制定基本方案: 12 4.1.1确定液压缸的类型12 4.1.2确定液压缸的安装方式12 4.1.3缸盖联接的类型12 4.2液压缸载荷计算12 4.3液压缸各组成部分的设计16 4.3.1液压缸缸筒的设计和计算: 16 4.3.2活塞杆的设计与计算: 18 4.3.3导向套的设计与计算: 23 4.3.4液压缸油口的设计: 25 4.3.5端盖和缸底的设计计算: 27 4.3.6密封件的选用: 29 4.3.7防尘圈30 4.3.8液压缸的安装连接结构30 4.4液压缸主要零件的材料和技术要求33 4.4.1缸体33 4.4.2活塞杆34 5液压传动系统的设计计算34 5.1拟订液压执行元件运动控制回路34 5.2液压源系统34 5.3确定液压系统的主要参数34 5.3.1载荷的组成与计算: 34 5.3.2初选系统压力35 5.3.3计算液压缸的主要结构尺寸35 5.3.4确定液压泵的参数39 5.3.5管道尺寸的确定38 5.3.6油箱容量的确定39 5.4绘制液压系统原理图40 5.4.1、压力油源40 5.4.2、控制回路40 5.4.3、液压锁紧回路40 5.4.4、绘制液压系统原理图40 致谢42 参考文献43