本设计涉及一种切割装置,尤其涉及废纸回收设备中的一种切纸机。由于我国废纸回收质量远低与发达国家的水平,因此我国废纸回收率仅达到37.19% ,仍低于47.17%的世界平均水平和发达国家70%左右的水平。废纸中的杂质特别是书刊装订处的胶粘物、金属物,不但对产品内在质量、外观质量有决定性影响,而且给生产过程造成无穷的后患。
The utility model relates to a cutti
ng device, i
n particular to a paper cutter i
n waste paper recovery equipme
nt. As the quality of waste paper recycli
ng i
n our cou
ntry is far lower tha
n that of developed cou
ntries, the rate of waste paper recovery i
n Chi
na has reached o
nly 37.19%, still lower tha
n the world average level of 47.17% a
nd about 70% i
n developed cou
ntries. Impurities i
n waste paper, especially the stickies a
nd metals i
n the bi
ng place of books a
nd periodicals,
not o
nly have a decisive i
nce o
n the quality a
nd appeara
nce of the products, but also cause e
ndless trouble for the productio
n process. I
n order to improve the quality of recycled paper, stickies, the metal of the bookbi
ng processi
ng, this paper mai
nly i
n the back office, book glue cutti
ng desig
n. Paper cutti
ng machi
ne is mai
nly composed of support platform, tra
n mecha
nism, clampi
ng tra
n mecha
nism, cutti
ng system. The drivi
ng mecha
nism adopts the disk rotatio
n to drive the books to rotate, a
nd the clampi
ng mecha
nism is clamped by a clampi
ng module, a
nd the cutti
ng system adopts a saw tooth for cutti
ng, a
nd the efficie
ncy is fast. Through this desig
n, we have successfully desig
ned a book cutti
ng machi
ne, which greatly improves the efficie
ncy of the waste paper recycli
ng pla
nt a
nd liberates more labor force. It is of great sig
nce to social developme
nt. Key words: paper cutti
ng machi
ne; waste paper recycli
ng; book glue; clampi
ng; cutti
ng; 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1本设计的研究意义1 1.2目前国内外状况1 1.3本主要完成内容2 2总体方案的设计及选定3 2.1方案一3 2.2方案二6 2.3最终方案的确定8 3机构主要部分的计算9 3.1夹紧力的计算9 3.2电机、转盘转速、切割效率的计算12 4机构主要部分的设计原理13 4.1夹紧设计的原理13 4.2切胶装置的设计14 4.3凸轮的设计15 5总结与展望19 参考文献20 致谢21 附录22 附件1:外文资料翻译译文22 附件2:外文原文26
ng device, i
n particular to a paper cutter i
n waste paper recovery equipme
nt. As the quality of waste paper recycli
ng i
n our cou
ntry is far lower tha
n that of developed cou
ntries, the rate of waste paper recovery i
n Chi
na has reached o
nly 37.19%, still lower tha
n the world average level of 47.17% a
nd about 70% i
n developed cou
ntries. Impurities i
n waste paper, especially the stickies a
nd metals i
n the bi
ng place of books a
nd periodicals,
not o
nly have a decisive i
nce o
n the quality a
nd appeara
nce of the products, but also cause e
ndless trouble for the productio
n process. I
n order to improve the quality of recycled paper, stickies, the metal of the bookbi
ng processi
ng, this paper mai
nly i
n the back office, book glue cutti
ng desig
n. Paper cutti
ng machi
ne is mai
nly composed of support platform, tra
n mecha
nism, clampi
ng tra
n mecha
nism, cutti
ng system. The drivi
ng mecha
nism adopts the disk rotatio
n to drive the books to rotate, a
nd the clampi
ng mecha
nism is clamped by a clampi
ng module, a
nd the cutti
ng system adopts a saw tooth for cutti
ng, a
nd the efficie
ncy is fast. Through this desig
n, we have successfully desig
ned a book cutti
ng machi
ne, which greatly improves the efficie
ncy of the waste paper recycli
ng pla
nt a
nd liberates more labor force. It is of great sig
nce to social developme
nt. Key words: paper cutti
ng machi
ne; waste paper recycli
ng; book glue; clampi
ng; cutti
ng; 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1本设计的研究意义1 1.2目前国内外状况1 1.3本主要完成内容2 2总体方案的设计及选定3 2.1方案一3 2.2方案二6 2.3最终方案的确定8 3机构主要部分的计算9 3.1夹紧力的计算9 3.2电机、转盘转速、切割效率的计算12 4机构主要部分的设计原理13 4.1夹紧设计的原理13 4.2切胶装置的设计14 4.3凸轮的设计15 5总结与展望19 参考文献20 致谢21 附录22 附件1:外文资料翻译译文22 附件2:外文原文26