PE400×600复摆颚式破碎机的设计 THE DESIGN OF PE400 X 600 COMPOUND JAW CRUSHER 摘要 中国有许多破碎机,平时所见最多的就是复摆鄂式破碎机。它的零件型号越来越普及化,制造方便,构造简单,维护运行可靠。随着科学的发展和进步,破碎机的所需量越来越大。本次的毕设主要目的是让破碎机更好的工作,并规定了以下尺寸:进料口尺寸: 900 1200mm ;出料口尺寸:100 ~ 200mm ;进料快最大尺寸:750mm ;产量:150 ~ 300t/h 。研究的重点在于机器的颚板与齿板对工作的要求,电机和带轮的选择,构件的参数是否会影响的机器工作。工作的侧重点是主要改善机器的系统和传动方面的问题。 关键词破碎机;传动;磨损 ABSTRACT There are ma
ny crushers i
n Chi
na, a
nd the most commo
n o
nes are the swi
ng jaw crusher. It's mecha
nism parameters a
nd structure are reaso
nable, co
nt to ma
nufacture, simple structure a
nd reliable operatio
n. With the developme
nt a
nd progress of the scie
nce, the dema
nds for crusher is are higher. The mai
n purpose of this project is to make the crusher work better, meet the requireme
nts of huma
n bei
ngs, a
nd stipulate the followi
ng dime
ns: the size of feed i
nlet is 900×1200mm , the outlet size is 100 ~ 200mm ,the maximum size of feedi
ng block is 750mm,,This study focused o
n the requireme
nts of the jaw plate a
nd the tooth plate for the work, the selectio
n of the motor a
nd the belt wheel, a
nd whether the parameters of the compo
nt will affect the machi
ne work.The focus of the work is to improve the system a
nd tra
n aspects of the machi
ne Keywords:wi
ng jaw crusher,drive wear a
nd tear 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT 1 绪论3 1选题背景4 1.1研究的目的和意义4 1.2特点和现状与发展5 1.3国内外复摆式颚式破碎机的进展9 1.4基本结构和工作原理10 1.4.1基本结构: 10 2主要参数的设定12 3电动机的选择14 3.1、电动机的容量15 3.2、选择电动机的型号15 4V带的设计15 5技术性能参数19 6分析复摆颚式破碎机动颚的工作过程20 6-1材料在齿板间的受力情况20 7偏心轴的改进21 7.1改进前状况21 7.2修复及改进措施22 7.2.1更换飞轮端密封套和套筒螺纹旋转22 7.2.2修复偏心轴和锥形配合表面22 7.2.3修复磨损的飞轮端面22 7.3改进效果23 8磨损24 8.1复合摆颚式破碎机齿面磨损分析24 8.2颚板磨损机制25 8.3对鄂板材质的选择27 9破碎机出口扬尘的解决28 结论29 致谢30 参考文献31
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