大倾角带式输送机设计 DESIGN OF LARGE DIP BELT CONVEYOR 摘要 随着科技的发展,大倾角输送机已在运输行业广泛使用起来。本篇简单介绍了带式输送机现状及国内外的技术差距,详细的说明了输送机的分类及特点,阐述了输送机的工作原理并设计出了一套可行性较高的总体方案,通过已给定的参数进行一系列的设计计算对输送机各个部件做出设计选型,完成整个机体的设计。大倾角带式输送机的基本部件均可与普通输送机通用,因此维修方便,而与通用带式输送机相比,大倾角带式输送机可以以0°~90°任意角度进行输送,这大大地减少了机器的占地面积也节约了工程投资的费用,为我国输送行业的发展做出了巨大地贡献。 关键词带式输送机;大倾角;滚筒 Abstract With the developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, large a
ngle co
nveyors have bee
n widely used i
n the tra
n i
ndustry. This paper briefly i
ntroduces the status quo of belt co
nveyors a
nd the tech
nological gaps at home a
nd abroad. It explai
ns i
n detail the classificatio
n a
nd characteristics of co
nveyors, elaborates the worki
ng pri
nciple of co
nveyors a
nd desig
ns a set of feasible overall pla
ns. A series of desig
n calculatio
ns are performed o
n the give
n parameters to desig
n a
nd select the various compo
nts of the co
nveyor to complete the desig
n of the e
ntire body. The basic compo
nts of the large-a
ngle belt co
nveyor ca
n be used i
n commo
n with commo
n co
nveyors, so it is easy to mai
n. Compared with the u
niversal belt co
nveyor, the large-a
ngle belt co
nveyor ca
n be tra
nsported at a
ny a
ngle from 0° to 90°. Greatly reduced the area of the machi
ne also saved the cost of the project i
nt, a
nd made great co
ns to the developme
nt of the tra
n i
ndustry i
n Chi
na. Keywords belt co
nveyor large a
ngle roller 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1带式运输机的现况1 1.1带式输送机的分类及特点1 1.2带式输送机的工作原理3 1.3所选课题的内容及意义3 2总体设计方案5 2.1总体设计5 2.2输送机主要部件用途及选择5 2.3布置形式的选择8 2.4托辊间距离的选择8 3输送机参数的设计计算9 3.1输送机输送量的计算9 3.2输送机的运行功率及张紧计算10 3.2.1传动滚筒上所需的圆周力10 3.2.2张紧力的计算11 4输送机部件的选型13 4.1输送带13 4.1.1输送带的选用13 4.1.2输送带的结构与选用13 4.2电动机的选用17 4.3减速器的选用17 4.4托辊18 4.4.1托辊的分类与选用18 4.4.2辊子载荷计算18 4.4.3辊子轴的基本选择20 4.5张紧装置21 4.5.1张紧装置在输送机中重要地位21 4.5.2张紧装置的分类21 4.6制动装置21 4.6.1制动器的分类22 4.6.2制动力的计算22 5附属装置24 5.1给料装置24 5.1.1对给料装置的基本要求24 5.1.2装料点的缓冲24 5.2清扫装置24 5.2.1清扫器的类型25 5.2.2清扫器的安装位置25 5.3机架25 6总装图27 结论28 致谢29 参考文献30
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