摘要 拨叉的加工质量将直接影响机器的性能和使用寿命。本次设计旨在提高CA6140车床拨叉的加工效率,由此我们首先对拨叉的结构特征和工艺进行了仔细的分析,然后确定了一套合理的加工方案,加工方案要求简单,操作方便,并能保证零件的加工质量。在制定加工工艺规程的顺序如下: 1分析零件; 2选择毛坯; 3设计工艺规程:包括制定工艺路线,选择基准面等; 4工序设计:包括选择机床,确定加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸,确定切削用量及计算基本工时等; 5编制工艺文件。 此外,为了提高劳动生产率,降低劳动强度,保证加工质量,需设计专用夹具,本次设计选择了第2道工序铣Φ50、Φ20孔下端面的专用夹具设计,以满足加工过程的需要。 关键词:拨叉;工艺规程;夹具设计 Abstract The processi
ng quality of fork will directly affect the performa
nce a
nd service life of the machi
ne. The purpose of this desig
n is to improve the processi
ng efficie
ncy of the fork of CA6140 lathe. First, we have carefully a
nalyzed the structural characteristics a
nd tech
nology of the fork, a
nd the
n determi
ned a reaso
nable processi
ng scheme. The processi
ng scheme is simple, easy to operate, a
nd ca
n e
nsure the processi
ng quality of the parts. The order of formulati
ng the processi
ng procedure is as follows: 1. A
ng parts; 2. Choose bla
nk; 3. Desig
n process regulatio
ns: i
ng formulati
ng process route a
nd selecti
ng datum level, etc. 4 process desig
n: i
ng selecti
ng machi
ne tools, determi
ng processi
ng allowa
nce, process size a
nd bla
nk size, determi
ng cutti
ng parameters a
nd calculati
ng basic ma
n-hour, etc. 5. Prepari
ng process docume
nts. I
n additio
n, i
n order to improve labor productivity, reduce labor i
nsity a
nd e
nsure processi
ng quality, special fixture is
needed to desig
n. This desig
n chooses the special fixture desig
n for milli
ng the lower e
nd face of hole 50 a
nd 20 i
n the seco
nd process to meet the
needs of processi
ng. Key words: diali
ng fork; process specificatio
n; fixture desig
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 前言4 1.零件分析5 1.1零件的作用5 1.2零件的工艺分析5 2.工艺规程设计5 2.1毛坯的制造形式5 2.2基准面的选择6 2.3制定工艺路线6 2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定7 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时8 2.5.1工序二:粗、精铣孔Ф20mm、Ф50mm的下表面8 2.5.2工序三:粗、精铣孔Ф20mm、Ф50mm的上表面10 2.5.3工序四:钻、扩、铰、精铰Ф20mm的孔10 2.5.4工序五:粗、精镗Ф50 mm的孔16 2.5.5工序六:铣断18 2.5.6工序七:钻锥孔Ф8mm的一半Ф4mm 19 2.5.7工序八:钻Ф5mm的孔,攻螺纹M6 21 2.5.8工序九:铣缺口22 3.绘制零件图和编制工艺文件24 3.1绘制零件图24 3.2编制工艺文件24 4、夹具设计26 4.1问题的提出26 4.2夹具设计26 4.3切削力及夹紧力计算26 4.4定位误差分析28 4.5定向键与对刀装置设计28 4.6夹具设计及操作简要说明30 总结31 参考文献33
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