小型种薯机的结构设计-双行马铃薯种植机械 摘要 马铃薯,也就是我们常说的土豆,作为粮食和农作物之一,是我国非常重要也是大面积栽培的对象。虽然我国马铃薯总产量较大,但是相对于单产量来说却是很低。种植方式和机械化水平落后是造成这一原因的两个主要因素。所以说,提高马铃薯种植的单产量是当前我国面临的最主要也是刻不容缓的任务。 我国马铃薯种植机械还处于一个起步初级阶段,距离欧美等国家还有很大的差距。针对这一现象及存在的问题并根据马铃薯种子是块状型的特点,提出了相应解决办法。即本设计采用升运链式马铃薯播种机。其主要设计结构有:机架、升运链式排种器、外槽轮式排肥器、链轮、镇压轮、行走轮等。其具有基本结构简单,工作可靠,机器使用效率高,对马铃薯薯种零危害的优点。不论是在国内还是在国外都正在逐渐得到大量应用。在本次设计中,通过不断查找资料以及参考大量文献,为播种机各个结构进行选型并确定参数,计算后最终定型。 关键词:播种机;外槽轮式排肥器;除铲式开沟器;升运链式排种器 Abstract The potato, as we ofte
n say, as o
ne of the food a
nd crops, is very importa
nt i
n Chi
na a
nd is also the object of exte
nsive cultivatio
n. Although the potato productio
n i
n Chi
na is bigger, but it is very low relative to the si
ngle output.The backward pla
ng method a
nd mecha
n level are two mai
n factors of this reaso
n.Therefore, it is the most importa
nt a
nd urge
nt task for Chi
na to i
ncrease the si
ngle output of potato pla
ngle potato yields ca
n be i
ncreased either through improved croppi
ng practices or through i
ncreased mecha
nized pla
ng. Chi
na's potato pla
ng machi
nery is still i
n its i
ncy, far from Europe a
nd the U
nited States a
nd other cou
n view of this phe
n a
nd existi
ng problems a
nd accordi
ng to the characteristics of potato seeds are lumpy, the correspo
ng solutio
ns are proposed.That is, this desig
n USES the elevator chai
n potato seeder.Its mai
n desig
n structures are machi
ne frame, lifti
ng chai
n seedi
ng device, outside groove wheel type fertilizer discharge device, chai
n wheel, pressure wheel, walki
ng wheel, etc.It has the adva
ntages of simple structure, reliable work, high efficie
ncy a
no harm to potato seed.Both at home a
nd abroad are gradually bei
ng widely used.I
n this desig
n, through co
nt searchi
ng of data a
nd referri
ng to a large
number of literature, the model selectio
n a
nd parameters determi
n were carried out for each structure of the pla
nter, a
nd the fi
nal desig
n was fi
nalized after calculatio
n. Key words seeder;Exter
nal groove wheel fatter;Stripper tre
ncher;Elevator chai
n seeder 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1课题背景和科学意义1 1.2国内外马铃薯播种机的发展现状2 1.2.1国外马铃薯播种机的发展现状2 1.2.2我国马铃薯播种机的发展现状2 1.2.3马铃薯播种机的研究内容4 第2章总体设计4 2.1内容设计5 2.2方案设计5 2.2.1设计原则5 2.2.2基本结构5 2.2.3工作原理6 第3章设计计算说明书7 3.1升运链式播种机主要技术参数7 3.2配套动力的选用7 第4章传动装置的设计计算9 4.1传动路线的确定9 4.2传动比的计算9 第5章机器的选型设计10 5.1排种器的选型设计10 5.1.1种箱尺寸的确定10 5.1.2种箱容积的计算10 5.1.3排种器的选型与计算11 5.1.4马铃薯播种机对排种器的性能要求11 5.1.5现有排种器的类型和特点11 5.1.6排种器的选型12 5.1.7升运链相关系数的确定13 5.2排肥器的选型设计14 5.2.1排肥器的性能要求14 5.2.2常用排肥器的种类和特点14 5.2.3排肥量的计算17 5.3开沟器的选型设计18 5.3.1开沟器的性能要求18 5.3.2现有开沟器的种类和特点18 5.3.3开沟器的选型19 5.4.4开沟器结构参数的确定19 5.4.5开沟器外形尺寸的确定20 5.5输种管的选型设计20 5.5.1输种管的性能要求20 5.5.2输种管的选型21 5.5.3输种管参数的确定21 5.6覆土器的选型设计22 5.6.1覆土器的种类和特点22 5.6.2覆土器的选型22 5.6.3覆土器性能结构参数的确定22 5.7镇压轮的选型与设计23 5.7.1镇压轮的使用条件23 5.7.2设计要求24 5.7.3结构设计24 5.8行走轮的选型设计26 5.8.1行走轮的设计要求26 5.8.2行走轮的结构26 5.8.3行走轮的安装27 5.8.4行走轮转速的计算27 结论29 参考文献31 致谢33
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