The characteristics a
nd developme
nt of i
n mould are i
ntroduced. The desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of i
n mould o
n the back of electro
nic clock are described i
n detail. The formi
ng process of the product a
nd the structural characteristics a
nd worki
ng process of the i
n mould are i
ntroduced. I
n the desig
n of i
n mould of electro
nic clock receiver, the followi
ng Suggestio
ns should be paid atte
n to plastic should be desig
ned as reaso
nably as possible. The selectio
n of sub-type parts is be
neficial to the formi
ng of plastic parts. The desig
n of patter
n structure is
not o
nly simple, but also stable a
nd reliable. O
n the premise of
not affecti
ng the appeara
nce of plastic, the selectio
n of golde
n ru
ner should e
nsure the plastic eve
nly filled. The cooli
ng bra
nch pipe shall be desig
ned to maximize the productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd e
nsure that a
ny effect o
n the equality of plastics has
no effect. Mea
nwhile, i
n the desig
n process, we ca
n use a
nalysis software, such as CAM, to make the desig
n more reaso
nable a
nd efficie
nt. A large
number of sta
ndard parts ca
n be fully used to reduce the cost of plastic mold ma
ng. The key poi
nts of mold a
nd plastic desig
n have met the requireme
nts of actual productio
n. Key words i
n mould, plastic face basi
n, parti
ng surface, side core pulli
ng, demouldi
ng mecha
nism. 目录 摘要3 abstract 4 第一章绪论5 1.1研究的背景和意义5 1.2塑料模具工业的现状6 1.3塑料模具工业的发展趋势6 第二章塑件的成型工艺分析7 2.1塑料盆材料的选用7 2.2产品的结构分析7 2.3塑件的成型工艺参数9 第三章注射机型号的确定10 3.1确定注射成型的工艺参数10 3.2选择注射机11 3.3注射机有关参数的校核12 (1)锁模力的校核12 (2)安装尺寸的校核12 (3)开模行程的校核13 第四章拟定模具的结构形式14 4.1确定型腔数目及排列方式15 4.2注射模分型面的选择15 (1)分型面的形式16 (2)分型面的选择原则16 第五章浇注系统的设计18 5.1浇注系统设计原则18 5.2主流道的设计18 5.3分流道的设计19 5.4浇口的设计20 5.5冷料穴的设计20 第六章成型零部件的工作尺寸的计算21 6.1影响尺寸和精度的因素21 6.2零件钢材的选用21 6.3工件工作尺寸计算21 6.4模架的选择22 6.5型腔侧壁厚度及底板厚度的计算22 第七章导向机构、推出机构和复位机构的设计24 7.1导向机构的设计24 7.2脱模力的计算24 7.3脱模机构设计原则25 7.4推杆的设计26 第八章结构零部件的设计28 8.1型腔的设计28 8.2型心设计28 第九章模具冷却系统的设计30 总结31 致谢32 参考文献33
nd developme
nt of i
n mould are i
ntroduced. The desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of i
n mould o
n the back of electro
nic clock are described i
n detail. The formi
ng process of the product a
nd the structural characteristics a
nd worki
ng process of the i
n mould are i
ntroduced. I
n the desig
n of i
n mould of electro
nic clock receiver, the followi
ng Suggestio
ns should be paid atte
n to plastic should be desig
ned as reaso
nably as possible. The selectio
n of sub-type parts is be
neficial to the formi
ng of plastic parts. The desig
n of patter
n structure is
not o
nly simple, but also stable a
nd reliable. O
n the premise of
not affecti
ng the appeara
nce of plastic, the selectio
n of golde
n ru
ner should e
nsure the plastic eve
nly filled. The cooli
ng bra
nch pipe shall be desig
ned to maximize the productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd e
nsure that a
ny effect o
n the equality of plastics has
no effect. Mea
nwhile, i
n the desig
n process, we ca
n use a
nalysis software, such as CAM, to make the desig
n more reaso
nable a
nd efficie
nt. A large
number of sta
ndard parts ca
n be fully used to reduce the cost of plastic mold ma
ng. The key poi
nts of mold a
nd plastic desig
n have met the requireme
nts of actual productio
n. Key words i
n mould, plastic face basi
n, parti
ng surface, side core pulli
ng, demouldi
ng mecha
nism. 目录 摘要3 abstract 4 第一章绪论5 1.1研究的背景和意义5 1.2塑料模具工业的现状6 1.3塑料模具工业的发展趋势6 第二章塑件的成型工艺分析7 2.1塑料盆材料的选用7 2.2产品的结构分析7 2.3塑件的成型工艺参数9 第三章注射机型号的确定10 3.1确定注射成型的工艺参数10 3.2选择注射机11 3.3注射机有关参数的校核12 (1)锁模力的校核12 (2)安装尺寸的校核12 (3)开模行程的校核13 第四章拟定模具的结构形式14 4.1确定型腔数目及排列方式15 4.2注射模分型面的选择15 (1)分型面的形式16 (2)分型面的选择原则16 第五章浇注系统的设计18 5.1浇注系统设计原则18 5.2主流道的设计18 5.3分流道的设计19 5.4浇口的设计20 5.5冷料穴的设计20 第六章成型零部件的工作尺寸的计算21 6.1影响尺寸和精度的因素21 6.2零件钢材的选用21 6.3工件工作尺寸计算21 6.4模架的选择22 6.5型腔侧壁厚度及底板厚度的计算22 第七章导向机构、推出机构和复位机构的设计24 7.1导向机构的设计24 7.2脱模力的计算24 7.3脱模机构设计原则25 7.4推杆的设计26 第八章结构零部件的设计28 8.1型腔的设计28 8.2型心设计28 第九章模具冷却系统的设计30 总结31 致谢32 参考文献33