With the rapid developme
nt of i
ndustrial machi
nery i
n the cou
now the hydraulic tra
n tech
nology has developed quite well, because of the si
ngle colum
n hydraulic machi
ne has a simple structure, good guida
nce, small
noise, less pollutio
n, stable work a
nd easy to shape a
nd so o
n, gradually become a
n i
nsable equipme
nt i
n i
ndustrial machi
nery. The si
ngle colum
n hydraulic press is a ki
nd of machi
ne which takes liquid as the worki
ng medium a
nd tra
nsmits e
nergy accordi
ng to the pri
nciple of Pascal to realize various processes. I
n agricultural machi
nery, machi
nery ma
ng, automotive ma
ng, forgi
ng a
nd so o
n i
n the i
ndustry, have bee
n widely used. Because the hydraulic system is the core part of the hydraulic press, its performa
nce is directly related to the performa
nce of the hydraulic press. So the mai
n desig
n is for the hydraulic system, which the hydraulic system i
n the desig
n a
nd i
n of hydraulic cyli
nder to improve the form of hydraulic valves, hydraulic pumps, pisto
n rods, cyli
nder head a
nd other desig
n selectio
n a
nd stre
ngth check, so that it reached
nal sta
ndards. After desig
n, the hydraulic system of si
ngle colum
n hydraulic press achieves simple purpose, it ca
n prolo
ng the hydraulic impact of service life a
nd improve worki
ng efficie
ncy, which is be
neficial to the developme
nt of hydraulic press. Through the desig
n of the lear
ned theoretical k
nowledge to gai
n recog
n a
nd applicatio
n, improve the desig
n ability a
nd experie
nce. Keywords: hydraulic press; hydraulic system; hydraulic cyli
nd 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1选题的目的和意义1 1.2国内外发展概况及趋势1 第2章液压传动的工作原理及优点2 2.1液压传动优点及设计2 2.2单柱液压机的用途及使用范围2 2.3设计所需主要技术参数2 2.4液压传动工作原理3 2.5关键问题极其解决办法3 2.6调速方案确定比较4 第3章液压机液压系统的设计5 3.1设计液压系统方案与确定5 3.1.1液压传动装置结构组成5 3.1.2制定液压系统基本方案5 3.2液压系统各液压元件的确定6 3.2.1液压介质的选择6 3.2.2拟定液压系统图7 3.3液压系统主要参数计算8 3.3.1选定系统工作压力8 3.3.2液压缸主要参数的确定8 3.3.3液压缸强度检验与校核8 3.3.4液压缸稳定性校核10 3.3.5计算液压缸实际所需流量12 3.4各种液压阀的选择与确定13 3.4.1液压阀的作用13 3.4.2液压阀的基本要求13 3.4.3液压阀的选择13 3.5液压泵站14 3.5.1液压泵站概述及液压泵站油箱容量系列标准14 3.5.2液压泵14 3.5.3电动机功率的确定17 3.5.4液压管件的确定17 3.5.5滤油器的选择18 3.5.6油箱及其辅件的确定19 3.6液压缸的设计21 3.6.1液压缸的基本参数的确定22 3.6.2液压缸主要元件结构与材料22 3.6.3缸盖24 3.6.4活塞25 3.6.5活塞杆25 3.6.6液压缸的排气装置27 3.6.7液压缸联接部分的安装形式28 结论30 参考文献31 致谢32
nt of i
ndustrial machi
nery i
n the cou
now the hydraulic tra
n tech
nology has developed quite well, because of the si
ngle colum
n hydraulic machi
ne has a simple structure, good guida
nce, small
noise, less pollutio
n, stable work a
nd easy to shape a
nd so o
n, gradually become a
n i
nsable equipme
nt i
n i
ndustrial machi
nery. The si
ngle colum
n hydraulic press is a ki
nd of machi
ne which takes liquid as the worki
ng medium a
nd tra
nsmits e
nergy accordi
ng to the pri
nciple of Pascal to realize various processes. I
n agricultural machi
nery, machi
nery ma
ng, automotive ma
ng, forgi
ng a
nd so o
n i
n the i
ndustry, have bee
n widely used. Because the hydraulic system is the core part of the hydraulic press, its performa
nce is directly related to the performa
nce of the hydraulic press. So the mai
n desig
n is for the hydraulic system, which the hydraulic system i
n the desig
n a
nd i
n of hydraulic cyli
nder to improve the form of hydraulic valves, hydraulic pumps, pisto
n rods, cyli
nder head a
nd other desig
n selectio
n a
nd stre
ngth check, so that it reached
nal sta
ndards. After desig
n, the hydraulic system of si
ngle colum
n hydraulic press achieves simple purpose, it ca
n prolo
ng the hydraulic impact of service life a
nd improve worki
ng efficie
ncy, which is be
neficial to the developme
nt of hydraulic press. Through the desig
n of the lear
ned theoretical k
nowledge to gai
n recog
n a
nd applicatio
n, improve the desig
n ability a
nd experie
nce. Keywords: hydraulic press; hydraulic system; hydraulic cyli
nd 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1选题的目的和意义1 1.2国内外发展概况及趋势1 第2章液压传动的工作原理及优点2 2.1液压传动优点及设计2 2.2单柱液压机的用途及使用范围2 2.3设计所需主要技术参数2 2.4液压传动工作原理3 2.5关键问题极其解决办法3 2.6调速方案确定比较4 第3章液压机液压系统的设计5 3.1设计液压系统方案与确定5 3.1.1液压传动装置结构组成5 3.1.2制定液压系统基本方案5 3.2液压系统各液压元件的确定6 3.2.1液压介质的选择6 3.2.2拟定液压系统图7 3.3液压系统主要参数计算8 3.3.1选定系统工作压力8 3.3.2液压缸主要参数的确定8 3.3.3液压缸强度检验与校核8 3.3.4液压缸稳定性校核10 3.3.5计算液压缸实际所需流量12 3.4各种液压阀的选择与确定13 3.4.1液压阀的作用13 3.4.2液压阀的基本要求13 3.4.3液压阀的选择13 3.5液压泵站14 3.5.1液压泵站概述及液压泵站油箱容量系列标准14 3.5.2液压泵14 3.5.3电动机功率的确定17 3.5.4液压管件的确定17 3.5.5滤油器的选择18 3.5.6油箱及其辅件的确定19 3.6液压缸的设计21 3.6.1液压缸的基本参数的确定22 3.6.2液压缸主要元件结构与材料22 3.6.3缸盖24 3.6.4活塞25 3.6.5活塞杆25 3.6.6液压缸的排气装置27 3.6.7液压缸联接部分的安装形式28 结论30 参考文献31 致谢32