This desig
n co
nt i
nvolves the mecha
nical ma
ng process a
nd fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne, tolera
nce a
nd measureme
nt a
nd other aspects of k
nowledge. The desig
n selects the shift fork of machi
ne tool as theworkpiece to be processed. The desig
n i
ncludes three parts: the formulatio
n of processi
ng procedure, the desig
n of process a
nd the desig
n of fixture for milli
ng the fro
nt e
nd face ofφ 22. I
n the process desig
n,we should first a
nalyze the parts, u
nd the process of the parts, the
n desig
n the structure of the bla
nk, a
nd select the processi
ng be
nchmark of the parts, a
nd desig
n the process route of the parts; the
n calculate the size of eachworki
ng step of the part, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt a
nd cutti
ng amou
nt of each process; the
n, desig
n the special fixture, select a
nd desig
n the fixture The positio
ng error is calculated, the ratio
nality a
nd deficie
ncy of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the improveme
nt i
n the future desig
n is paid atte
n to. Keywords: machi
ne tool fork; processi
ng tech
nology; process; special fixture; cutti
ng parameters 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章零件的分析1 1.1零件的作用1 1.2零件的工艺分析1 第2章工艺规程设计2 2.1确定毛坯的制造形式2 2.2机械加工余量的确定2 2.3基面的选择2 2.4加工工艺路线4 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时5 第3章铣床夹具设计16 3.1问题的提出16 3.2定位基准的选择16 3.3切削力及夹紧力计算16 3.4定位误差分析17 参考文献19 结束语20 心得体会21
n co
nt i
nvolves the mecha
nical ma
ng process a
nd fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne, tolera
nce a
nd measureme
nt a
nd other aspects of k
nowledge. The desig
n selects the shift fork of machi
ne tool as theworkpiece to be processed. The desig
n i
ncludes three parts: the formulatio
n of processi
ng procedure, the desig
n of process a
nd the desig
n of fixture for milli
ng the fro
nt e
nd face ofφ 22. I
n the process desig
n,we should first a
nalyze the parts, u
nd the process of the parts, the
n desig
n the structure of the bla
nk, a
nd select the processi
ng be
nchmark of the parts, a
nd desig
n the process route of the parts; the
n calculate the size of eachworki
ng step of the part, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt a
nd cutti
ng amou
nt of each process; the
n, desig
n the special fixture, select a
nd desig
n the fixture The positio
ng error is calculated, the ratio
nality a
nd deficie
ncy of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the improveme
nt i
n the future desig
n is paid atte
n to. Keywords: machi
ne tool fork; processi
ng tech
nology; process; special fixture; cutti
ng parameters 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章零件的分析1 1.1零件的作用1 1.2零件的工艺分析1 第2章工艺规程设计2 2.1确定毛坯的制造形式2 2.2机械加工余量的确定2 2.3基面的选择2 2.4加工工艺路线4 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时5 第3章铣床夹具设计16 3.1问题的提出16 3.2定位基准的选择16 3.3切削力及夹紧力计算16 3.4定位误差分析17 参考文献19 结束语20 心得体会21