汽车前轴油封盖冲压工艺分析与模具设计 摘要 模具是制造业的重要工艺基础,在我国模具制造属于专用设备制造业。模具工业是汽车产品开发和大批量生产的重要组成部分。 汽车前轴油封盖作为汽车的零部件之一,伴随着汽车业的高速发展,便要求快速的生产效率,及冲压得到的成品需要达到较高的精度以便满足所需的安全性能。以此为前提,分析其外形特征,需要完成落料—拉深—切边—翻边—冲孔,共五道工序才能成型。通过工艺性分析,确定了适合给定生产条件的最佳工艺方案,即落料拉深复合冲压、单工序切边冲压、翻边冲孔复合冲压的模具组合,共三副模具。本文分析了工件的冲压工艺性,确定零件的凸缘性质、拉深件的尺寸要求、拉深次数、切边余量,从而计算出毛坯尺寸,完成零件的排样设计;根据圆角半径、凸凹模之间的间隙、尺寸公差,计算出凸、凹模刃口尺寸,确定凸模长度,凹模厚度;计算模具所需的冲压力,完成卸料装置、挡料销、顶出装置、推件装置的模具结构设计,以及压力机规格的选择;根据凸模、凹模的尺寸选择模架、导柱、导套、模柄、垫板、固定板;对每副模具的工作过程,模具的装配流程进行了详细的说明,并对模具的凸模、凹模、凸凹模的加工工艺进行了分析。 根据分析计算得出的零件尺寸绘制了模具装配图和零部件图。完成零件的冲压工艺分析与模具设计。 关键字:工艺分析;模具设计;绘制零件图 Abstract Mould is the importa
nt tech
nical fou
n of ma
ng. I
n our cou
ntry, mould ma
nufacture belo
ngs to special equipme
nt ma
ng i
ndustry. Mould i
ndustry is automotive product developme
nt a
nd a
n importa
nt part of mass productio
n. Car fro
nt axle oil seal cover as o
ne of the parts of the car, alo
ngwith the high speed developme
nt of auto i
ndustry. It
needs high-speed productio
n efficie
ncy, a
nd the presswork
needs to achieve high precisio
n i
n order to satisfy the required safety performa
nce. For this premise, a
nalysis its appeara
nce characteristics, co
ng the fi
nished product complete bla
ng—deep drawi
ng, a total of five processes. Through the a
nalysis of process a
nd determi
ned the suitable for a give
n the best process program productio
n co
ns, combi
n of three molds. That is, ga
ng dies of bla
ng a
nd deep drawi
ng, si
ngle—process mode stampi
ng— trimmi
ng stampi
ng, ga
ng dies of fla
ng a
nd pu
ng. A
nalyze stampi
ng process ofworkpiece,determi
ne the fla
nature, parts drawi
ng parts size requireme
nt, deep drawi
number, trimmi
ng surplus, a
nd calculated the bla
nk dime
ns, complete bla
nk layout desig
n; Accordi
ng to the fillet radius, the gap betwee
n die a
nd pu
nch, dime
n tolera
nce, calculate the co
nvex, co
ncave die size, determi
ne the le
ngth of the pu
nch, co
ncave die thick
ness; Calculati
ng the die the blu
nt pressure, complete the die desig
n of u
nload device, block material pi
n, ejector device, pushi
ng a device structure, a
nd press specificatio
ns choice; Accordi
ng to the pu
nch, co
ncave die size selectio
n of formwork, guide pi
n, guide set, die ha
ndle, pad, fixed board; For eachvice theworki
ng process of the die, die assembly process makes a detailed i
n, a
nd to mould the pu
nch, co
ncave die, die a
nd pu
nch processi
ng tech
nology is a
nalyzed. To draw assembly drawi
ng a
nd parts drawi
ng. Accomplish the a
nalyze stampi
ng process ofworkpiece a
nd mold desig
n. Keywords: A
nalysis of process; Mould desig
n; Drawi
ng parts drawi
ng 目录 引言1 1.冲裁件的结构工艺分析2 1.1材料分析2 1.2冲裁件断面质量2 1.3结构分析2 1.4精度分析2 1.5工艺分析2 2.冲裁工艺流程3 2.1工序性质和数量3 2.1.1工序性质的确定3 2.1.2工序数量的确定3 2.2工序顺序和组合3 2.2.1工序顺序3 2.2.2工序组合方式的选择4 2.3冲压工艺方案的确定4 2.3.1工艺方案4 2.3.2工艺方案分析4 3.落料拉深模设计6 3.1零件拉深工艺分析6 3.1.1确定凸缘性质6 3.1.2拉深件的圆角半径要求7 3.1.3拉深件尺寸7 3.2必要的工艺计算7 3.2.1拉深性能7 3.2.2确定切边余量7 3.2.3计算毛坯直径D 8 3.2.4判断能否一次拉深成形9 3.2.5最终毛坯尺寸10 3.3排样计算10 3.3.1排样方法10 3.3.2搭边与料宽11 3.3.3排样图12 3.4落料拉深模具设计12 3.4.1拉深凸模和凹模尺寸计算12 3.4.2冲裁模刃口尺寸及公差的计算14 3.4.3外形尺寸设计16 3.4.4计算冲压力17 3.4.5压力机的选择21 3.5模具结构设计22 3.6模具装配24 3.6.1模具的总装图24 3.6.2模具的装配25 3.6.3落料拉深复合模的工作过程26 3.6.4模具主要零件的加工工艺分析26 4.切边模设计28 4.1切边模工艺计算28 4.1.1切边值的计算28 4.1.2冲裁力的计算29 4.1.3压力中心的确定31 4.2切边模具的设计31 4.2.1切边凹模圆角半径及凸、凹间隙31 4.2.2切边凸、凹模的尺寸及公差32 4.3切边凸、凹模结构设计及加工工艺分析33 4.3.1结构设计33 4.3.2加工工艺分析34 4.4压力机的选择34 4.5模具结构设计35 4.6切边模的装配36 4.6.1切边模的总装图36 4.6.2切边模的装配36 4.7切边模的工作过程37 5.翻边模的设计37 5.1零件工艺性分析38 5.1.1翻边工艺性分析38 5.1.2翻边工艺计算38 5.2冲裁力计算39 5.3工作部分尺寸计算40 5.3.1翻边凸、凹模尺寸40 5.3.2冲孔凸、凹模尺寸41 5.4工作部分设计42 5.4.1材料选用42 5.4.2模具尺寸设计42 5.5压力机的选择44 5.5.1压力中心的确定44 5.5.2压力机的参数选择44 5.6模具结构设计45 5.7模具的装配46 5.7.1翻边冲孔模总装图46 5.7.2模具的装配47 5.7.3翻边冲孔复合模的工作过程48 5.7.4模具主要零件的加工工艺分析48 结论49 谢辞51 参考文献52
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