n a ma
nipulator co
ntrol systemwith 3 degrees of freedom Abstract I
n the past 30years, ma
nipulator have a great developme
nt.It is a ma
npower a
nd arms to mimic the fu
n a
nd it is a compositive systemwhich i
ng all the tech
nology of mechatro
nics system a
nd the latest research results of artificial i
nce tech
nology. It represe
nts the most active area of the tech
nology of mechatro
nics system. The ma
nipulator my desig
ned has three degrees of freedom. The e
nd of it is a actuator fixed o
n mobile platform. The actuator to grasp or operate a
nd so o
n, a
nd the movei
ng platform used to expa
nd thework space of ma
nipulator, so that the e
nd of the actuator ca
n arrive to the desig
nated positio
n.The platform’s mobile is drive
n by stepper motor a
nd co
ntrolled by SCM. We use software to ge
nerate pulse, the
n after Optocoupler to elimi
nate the i
nce. Fi
nally the sig
nal must flow through amplifier to amplify electric curre
nt a
nd power, so that the sig
nal ca
n drive the stepper motor. There is also a
need for the 8031 to expa
nd I/O,We use the matrix keyboard to i
nput the co
ntrol sig
nal of positio
n a
ndvelocity. The desig
n of the keyboard i
n the software i
nclude keys buffeti
ng, keypad code ide
n a
nd data tra
nsfer. By co
ng the
number of stepper motor’s pulse,we ca
n co
ntroll the dista
nce of moveme
nt i
n the three joi
nt Cartesia
n. By modifyi
ng the i
nitial timer to cha
nge the timi
ng of time, so thatwe ca
n cha
nge the pulse freque
ncy. Fi
nallywe ca
n cha
nge the motor speed. Thiswill e
nable the ma
nipulator achieve a
ny positio
n i
n the space a
nd the speed is adjustable. These three degree-of-freedom ma
nipulator ca
n be used for the actual productio
n, a
nd experime
nts ca
n be used i
n teachi
ng a. For the actual productio
n, it ca
n meet the assembly operatio
ntswhich are cha
nged freque
ntly. For teachi
ng experime
nt, people ca
n directly observe the robot structure a
nd easily u
nd ratio
n of actio
n. Therefore, the desig
n a
nd developme
nt of ma
nipulator has the most exte
nsive practical sig
nce a
nd applicatio
n prospects. Keywords: stepper motors, microprocessor, keyboard, pulse 目录 摘要………………………………………………………………. I Abstract…………………………………………………………… II 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2研究背景1 1.3机械手现状与发展趋势2 1.4本文主要的研究内容4 第2章单片机硬件电路设计5 2.1单片机元件的选择5 2.2复位电路设计6 2.3时钟振荡电路7 2.4显示接口电路设计8 第3章键盘电路设计10 3.1键盘排列设计10 3.2中断电路11 3.3键盘扫描并识别按键13 3.4数据转换设计14 3.5本章小结16 第4章步进电机的驱动和控制17 4.1步进电机的选择17 4.2驱动电路的设计18 4.2.1拍脉冲的生成18 4.2.2隔离电路的设计20 4.2.3功率放大电路的设计21 4.3本章小结22 结论23 谢辞24 参考文献25 附录26
n a ma
nipulator co
ntrol systemwith 3 degrees of freedom Abstract I
n the past 30years, ma
nipulator have a great developme
nt.It is a ma
npower a
nd arms to mimic the fu
n a
nd it is a compositive systemwhich i
ng all the tech
nology of mechatro
nics system a
nd the latest research results of artificial i
nce tech
nology. It represe
nts the most active area of the tech
nology of mechatro
nics system. The ma
nipulator my desig
ned has three degrees of freedom. The e
nd of it is a actuator fixed o
n mobile platform. The actuator to grasp or operate a
nd so o
n, a
nd the movei
ng platform used to expa
nd thework space of ma
nipulator, so that the e
nd of the actuator ca
n arrive to the desig
nated positio
n.The platform’s mobile is drive
n by stepper motor a
nd co
ntrolled by SCM. We use software to ge
nerate pulse, the
n after Optocoupler to elimi
nate the i
nce. Fi
nally the sig
nal must flow through amplifier to amplify electric curre
nt a
nd power, so that the sig
nal ca
n drive the stepper motor. There is also a
need for the 8031 to expa
nd I/O,We use the matrix keyboard to i
nput the co
ntrol sig
nal of positio
n a
ndvelocity. The desig
n of the keyboard i
n the software i
nclude keys buffeti
ng, keypad code ide
n a
nd data tra
nsfer. By co
ng the
number of stepper motor’s pulse,we ca
n co
ntroll the dista
nce of moveme
nt i
n the three joi
nt Cartesia
n. By modifyi
ng the i
nitial timer to cha
nge the timi
ng of time, so thatwe ca
n cha
nge the pulse freque
ncy. Fi
nallywe ca
n cha
nge the motor speed. Thiswill e
nable the ma
nipulator achieve a
ny positio
n i
n the space a
nd the speed is adjustable. These three degree-of-freedom ma
nipulator ca
n be used for the actual productio
n, a
nd experime
nts ca
n be used i
n teachi
ng a. For the actual productio
n, it ca
n meet the assembly operatio
ntswhich are cha
nged freque
ntly. For teachi
ng experime
nt, people ca
n directly observe the robot structure a
nd easily u
nd ratio
n of actio
n. Therefore, the desig
n a
nd developme
nt of ma
nipulator has the most exte
nsive practical sig
nce a
nd applicatio
n prospects. Keywords: stepper motors, microprocessor, keyboard, pulse 目录 摘要………………………………………………………………. I Abstract…………………………………………………………… II 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2研究背景1 1.3机械手现状与发展趋势2 1.4本文主要的研究内容4 第2章单片机硬件电路设计5 2.1单片机元件的选择5 2.2复位电路设计6 2.3时钟振荡电路7 2.4显示接口电路设计8 第3章键盘电路设计10 3.1键盘排列设计10 3.2中断电路11 3.3键盘扫描并识别按键13 3.4数据转换设计14 3.5本章小结16 第4章步进电机的驱动和控制17 4.1步进电机的选择17 4.2驱动电路的设计18 4.2.1拍脉冲的生成18 4.2.2隔离电路的设计20 4.2.3功率放大电路的设计21 4.3本章小结22 结论23 谢辞24 参考文献25 附录26