关键词:网链式;水果清洗机; 3D装配模型
ng machi
ne for fruit clea
ng machi
nery, is o
ne of the key equipme
nt of the fruit supply e
nterprises i
n the processi
ng of fruits a
nd automatio
n. I
n order to facilitate fresh fruit storage a
nd subseque
nt processi
ng, a
network chai
n co
nveyor fruitwashi
ng machi
ne is desig
ned to impleme
nt the fu
n of fruits automatic clea
ng. The desig
n is based o
n the research status a
nd developme
nt of clea
ng machi
nery, accordi
ng to the type ofwashi
ng machi
ne, structural characteristics a
ng pri
nciple, combi
nedwith related desig
n ma
nuals, selectio
n a
nd calculatio
n of process parameters a
nd the ki
netic parameters of thewashi
ng machi
ne, the choice of motor, coupli
ng the choice of the desig
n of the sprocket, a
nd improve the overall desig
n of thewashi
ng machi
ne. The fruit machi
ne has to start a smooth, reliable operatio
n a
nd high efficie
ncy, suitable for clea
ng a
nd processi
ng of apple, peach, ora
nge a
nd red dates a
nd other fruits. The dy
namic part co
nsists of motor, reducer, the i
nput shaft mai
n, the rest of the refere
nce parameters of the purchased parts to i
ntegrate desig
n. Focused o
n the desig
n is the fruit clea
ng structure. I
n the calculatio
n process, the desig
n of the shaft is the key. First proposed the fruit clea
ngworks, for the structural desig
n; a
nd the
n determi
ne some of the origi
nal data to calculate the shaft speed, power, torque. Fi
nally, draw fruitwashi
ng machi
ne assembly drawi
ng a
nd typical compo
nt graphs, calculatio
n a
n of the key parameters of the fruitwashi
ng machi
ne. Its partswill be usi
ng solidworks software for computer-aided desig
n, data more atccurate measureme
nts a
nd calculatio
nswill be obtai
ned i
n the desig
n process, 3D modeli
ng, usi
ng the model to simulate the assembly a
nd i
nce checki
ng. i
n order to improve o
n the details of the desig
n,Idea toverify the desig
n do
ne by creati
ng three-dime
nal model of such a platform. Desig
n is complete, the use of Solidworks 3D assembly model to establish the fruitwashi
ng machi
ne; more realistically reflect the effect of the exterior desig
n a
nd fruitwashi
ng machi
ne, structure a
nd size relatio
ns, drawi
ng two-dime
nal part drawi
ngs, assembly drawi
ngs. Keywords: Network chai
n; Fruitwashi
ng machi
ne;3D assembly model. 目录 引言6 1清洗机的概况及现状分析6 1.1概况…………………………………………………………………………….6 1.2现状分析7 1.3清洗工艺及设备设计的要求7 2方案的设计8 2.1论述…………………………………………………………………………….8 2.1.1清洗机方案选择8 2.1.2结构9 2.2机械结构的设计10 2.2.1传动方案的分析拟定10 2.2.2设计方案的选择13 2.3电动机的选择14 2.3.1电动机功率的选择14 2.3.2确定电动机的转速15 2.3.3电动机的型号的确定15 2.4减速机的选择15 3传动机构的设计计算16 3.1链轮的选择计算16 3.2链轮几何尺寸计算17 3.3主要失效形式18 4辅助设备的选择19 4.1输送带的选择19 4.2张紧机构的设计19 4.3调整机构的设计20 4.4整体槽体的设计20 4.5泵的选择20 4.6减速器的选择21 5主要部分零件的设计计算及校核21 5.1轴的设计计算21 5.1.1初算轴的直径21 5.1.2轴的结构设计22 5.2轴的受力分析及强度校核23 5.2.1水果清洗机的轴用键受力分析23 5.2.2按弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度条件计算24 5.3键的选择及其校核25 5.3.1减速机轴上键的选择25 5.3.2水果清洗机的轴用键校核26 5.4联轴器的选择29 5.4.1联轴器的选用29 5.4.2联轴器的型号和主要尺寸29 5.5滚动轴承及轴承座的选择30 5.5.1类型选择30 5.5.2型号选择31 5.5.3轴承的结构和定位方法31 5.5.4滚动轴承润滑和密封32 5.5.5滚动轴承座的选择及其配置32 6水果清洗机的三维建模与设计32 6.1 Solidworks软件概述32 6.2水果清洗机三维模型的组装32 总结36 谢辞38 参考文献39
ng machi
ne for fruit clea
ng machi
nery, is o
ne of the key equipme
nt of the fruit supply e
nterprises i
n the processi
ng of fruits a
nd automatio
n. I
n order to facilitate fresh fruit storage a
nd subseque
nt processi
ng, a
network chai
n co
nveyor fruitwashi
ng machi
ne is desig
ned to impleme
nt the fu
n of fruits automatic clea
ng. The desig
n is based o
n the research status a
nd developme
nt of clea
ng machi
nery, accordi
ng to the type ofwashi
ng machi
ne, structural characteristics a
ng pri
nciple, combi
nedwith related desig
n ma
nuals, selectio
n a
nd calculatio
n of process parameters a
nd the ki
netic parameters of thewashi
ng machi
ne, the choice of motor, coupli
ng the choice of the desig
n of the sprocket, a
nd improve the overall desig
n of thewashi
ng machi
ne. The fruit machi
ne has to start a smooth, reliable operatio
n a
nd high efficie
ncy, suitable for clea
ng a
nd processi
ng of apple, peach, ora
nge a
nd red dates a
nd other fruits. The dy
namic part co
nsists of motor, reducer, the i
nput shaft mai
n, the rest of the refere
nce parameters of the purchased parts to i
ntegrate desig
n. Focused o
n the desig
n is the fruit clea
ng structure. I
n the calculatio
n process, the desig
n of the shaft is the key. First proposed the fruit clea
ngworks, for the structural desig
n; a
nd the
n determi
ne some of the origi
nal data to calculate the shaft speed, power, torque. Fi
nally, draw fruitwashi
ng machi
ne assembly drawi
ng a
nd typical compo
nt graphs, calculatio
n a
n of the key parameters of the fruitwashi
ng machi
ne. Its partswill be usi
ng solidworks software for computer-aided desig
n, data more atccurate measureme
nts a
nd calculatio
nswill be obtai
ned i
n the desig
n process, 3D modeli
ng, usi
ng the model to simulate the assembly a
nd i
nce checki
ng. i
n order to improve o
n the details of the desig
n,Idea toverify the desig
n do
ne by creati
ng three-dime
nal model of such a platform. Desig
n is complete, the use of Solidworks 3D assembly model to establish the fruitwashi
ng machi
ne; more realistically reflect the effect of the exterior desig
n a
nd fruitwashi
ng machi
ne, structure a
nd size relatio
ns, drawi
ng two-dime
nal part drawi
ngs, assembly drawi
ngs. Keywords: Network chai
n; Fruitwashi
ng machi
ne;3D assembly model. 目录 引言6 1清洗机的概况及现状分析6 1.1概况…………………………………………………………………………….6 1.2现状分析7 1.3清洗工艺及设备设计的要求7 2方案的设计8 2.1论述…………………………………………………………………………….8 2.1.1清洗机方案选择8 2.1.2结构9 2.2机械结构的设计10 2.2.1传动方案的分析拟定10 2.2.2设计方案的选择13 2.3电动机的选择14 2.3.1电动机功率的选择14 2.3.2确定电动机的转速15 2.3.3电动机的型号的确定15 2.4减速机的选择15 3传动机构的设计计算16 3.1链轮的选择计算16 3.2链轮几何尺寸计算17 3.3主要失效形式18 4辅助设备的选择19 4.1输送带的选择19 4.2张紧机构的设计19 4.3调整机构的设计20 4.4整体槽体的设计20 4.5泵的选择20 4.6减速器的选择21 5主要部分零件的设计计算及校核21 5.1轴的设计计算21 5.1.1初算轴的直径21 5.1.2轴的结构设计22 5.2轴的受力分析及强度校核23 5.2.1水果清洗机的轴用键受力分析23 5.2.2按弯扭合成应力校核轴的强度条件计算24 5.3键的选择及其校核25 5.3.1减速机轴上键的选择25 5.3.2水果清洗机的轴用键校核26 5.4联轴器的选择29 5.4.1联轴器的选用29 5.4.2联轴器的型号和主要尺寸29 5.5滚动轴承及轴承座的选择30 5.5.1类型选择30 5.5.2型号选择31 5.5.3轴承的结构和定位方法31 5.5.4滚动轴承润滑和密封32 5.5.5滚动轴承座的选择及其配置32 6水果清洗机的三维建模与设计32 6.1 Solidworks软件概述32 6.2水果清洗机三维模型的组装32 总结36 谢辞38 参考文献39