ntly,with the soari
ng price of meat, the breedi
ng i
ndustry has o
nce agai
n ushered i
n the spri
ng. With the developme
nt of scie
nce, remote co
ntrol breedi
ng has become the product of the developme
nt of the times. Remote co
ntrol breedi
ng saves a lot of huma
n a
nd material resources, breedi
ng costs a
nd time for farmers. Although our cou
ntry is
not as lack of ma
npower a
nd high cost as thewester
n cou
ntries, itwill fall behi
nd ifwe do
not co
nform to the developme
nt of the times. Remote co
ntrol culture has bee
nwidely used i
n large-scale farms a
nd isvery popularwith large-scale farms. However, i
n the aquaculture i
ndustry, the remote co
ntrol level of small a
nd medium-sized farmswith a large base is low, a
nd they are basically traditio
nal artificial breedi
ng. There are some problems i
n the promotio
n of remote co
ntrol culture i
n small a
nd medium-sized farms, such as complex equipme
nt operatio
n, expe
nsive price, co
nservative co
ncept a
nd so o
n. I
n order to solve these problems a
nd the problem of movi
ng back a
nd forth betwee
n the breedi
ng area a
nd the reside
nce, this paper desig
ns a ki
nd of remote co
ntrol feedi
ng devicewhich is simple i
n structure a
nd co
ntrol, low i
n cost a
nd suitable for medium a
nd small farms. Co
ng the co
nce of remote co
ntrol feedi
ng, the feedi
ng time of the farm ca
n be greatly reduced, a
nd the remote co
ntrol feedi
ng structure desig
n ca
n be realized o
n the farm. However, there is
no mature tech
nology related to the remote co
ntrol of feedi
ng a
nd distributio
n i
n the farm. At prese
nt, some high level has bee
n desig
ned at home a
nd abroad, but the cost of desig
n a
nd ma
ng isvery high. Keywords: remote co
ntrol, breedi
ng, feedi
ng, feedi
ng 目录 1绪论5 1.1国内外现状5 1.2国外的发展状况6 1.3任务要求及实现预期目标的可行性分析7 2设计思路及分析8 2.1设计思路8 2.2远程控制送料装置的工作原理9 2.3动力装置分析9 3总体结构设计11 3.1电机的选择11 3.2带传动结构的设计12 3.3传动轴的设计与校核15 3.4带传动输送机构的设计17 3.5传动深沟球轴承的设计校核18 3.6储料装置的设计19 3.7支架的设计20 3.8键的设计校核20 4远程控制系统的设计21 4.1远程控制回路的选择21 4.2远程控制的结构设计21 4.3远程控制的结构特点24 结论25 参考文献26
ntly,with the soari
ng price of meat, the breedi
ng i
ndustry has o
nce agai
n ushered i
n the spri
ng. With the developme
nt of scie
nce, remote co
ntrol breedi
ng has become the product of the developme
nt of the times. Remote co
ntrol breedi
ng saves a lot of huma
n a
nd material resources, breedi
ng costs a
nd time for farmers. Although our cou
ntry is
not as lack of ma
npower a
nd high cost as thewester
n cou
ntries, itwill fall behi
nd ifwe do
not co
nform to the developme
nt of the times. Remote co
ntrol culture has bee
nwidely used i
n large-scale farms a
nd isvery popularwith large-scale farms. However, i
n the aquaculture i
ndustry, the remote co
ntrol level of small a
nd medium-sized farmswith a large base is low, a
nd they are basically traditio
nal artificial breedi
ng. There are some problems i
n the promotio
n of remote co
ntrol culture i
n small a
nd medium-sized farms, such as complex equipme
nt operatio
n, expe
nsive price, co
nservative co
ncept a
nd so o
n. I
n order to solve these problems a
nd the problem of movi
ng back a
nd forth betwee
n the breedi
ng area a
nd the reside
nce, this paper desig
ns a ki
nd of remote co
ntrol feedi
ng devicewhich is simple i
n structure a
nd co
ntrol, low i
n cost a
nd suitable for medium a
nd small farms. Co
ng the co
nce of remote co
ntrol feedi
ng, the feedi
ng time of the farm ca
n be greatly reduced, a
nd the remote co
ntrol feedi
ng structure desig
n ca
n be realized o
n the farm. However, there is
no mature tech
nology related to the remote co
ntrol of feedi
ng a
nd distributio
n i
n the farm. At prese
nt, some high level has bee
n desig
ned at home a
nd abroad, but the cost of desig
n a
nd ma
ng isvery high. Keywords: remote co
ntrol, breedi
ng, feedi
ng, feedi
ng 目录 1绪论5 1.1国内外现状5 1.2国外的发展状况6 1.3任务要求及实现预期目标的可行性分析7 2设计思路及分析8 2.1设计思路8 2.2远程控制送料装置的工作原理9 2.3动力装置分析9 3总体结构设计11 3.1电机的选择11 3.2带传动结构的设计12 3.3传动轴的设计与校核15 3.4带传动输送机构的设计17 3.5传动深沟球轴承的设计校核18 3.6储料装置的设计19 3.7支架的设计20 3.8键的设计校核20 4远程控制系统的设计21 4.1远程控制回路的选择21 4.2远程控制的结构设计21 4.3远程控制的结构特点24 结论25 参考文献26