摘要 减轻人工坚果破壳的工作量繁重、人工成本高的麻烦是我此设计的最终目的用破壳机代替人工来节约破壳成本和提高工厂的效益。因为坚果种类繁多,这里我选用榛子来作为研究对象。开发深加工技术,拓宽榛子利用方法是提高榛子商品价值的主要途径,而解决这一问题的前提条件就是对榛子进行去壳。榛子剥壳机的设计是我本次的审计题目,以前人们的剥壳方法都是通过用手去剥的,这种方法剥出来的榛子仁虽然质量比较高但是生产率比较低,但我设计出来的这款剥壳机,榛子得主动剥壳可以得到实现,面且和人工用手剥壳相比,生产效率得到了大大提升。然而该产品与发达国家的榛子剥壳机相比,还是有很大的差距的,所以设计出新型的榛子剥壳机是比较迫切的事。 关键词:坚果破壳机,结构设计 Abstract It is the ultimate purpose of our desig
n to save the cost a
nd improve the efficie
ncy of the factory by replaci
ng the ma
nual shellerwith the shell breaker for the fi
nal purpose of reduci
ng the heavyworkload of ma
nual shell breaki
ng a
nd the trouble of high labor cost. Because of thevariety of
nuts, here I choose hazel
nut as the object of study. Developi
ng the deep processi
ng tech
nology a
ng the utilizatio
n method of hazel
nut is the mai
nway to improve thevalue of hazel
nut commodity, a
nd the preco
n to solve this problem is to remove the shell of hazel
nut. The desig
n of hazel
nut sheller is my audit topic. People used to peel the shell by ha
nd. Although the quality of hazel
nut peeled by this method is relatively high, but the productivity is relatively low. I desig
ned this sheller, the hazel
nut has to take the i
nitiative shell ca
n be achieved, a
nd comparedwith ma
nual shelli
ng, the productio
n efficie
ncy has bee
n greatly improved. However, comparedwith the hazel
nut sheller i
n developed cou
ntries, there is still a big gap betwee
n the product a
nd the hazel
nut sheller, so it is urge
nt to desig
n a
new type of hazel
nut sheller. Keywords:
nut sheller, structure desig 目录 摘要II Abstract III 第1章绪论6 1.1课题研究的目的和意义6 1.2国内外研究现状6 1.3坚果主要产品工艺7 1.4传统坚果脱壳去衣技术9 1.5坚果的加工现状9 1.6研究内容14 第2章坚果破壳机总体参数的设计15 2.1坚果破壳机的工作原理15 2.2螺旋输送机设计参数的确定15 2.3螺旋输送机外形及尺寸20 2.4螺旋输送机外形长度组合及各节重量20 2.5电动机选型计算21 第3章带传动的计算24 3.1带传动设计24 3.2选择带型25 3.3确定带轮的基准直径并验证带速26 3.4确定中心距离、带的基准长度并验算小轮包角27 3.5确定带的根数z 28 3.6确定带轮的结构和尺寸28 3.7确定带的张紧装置29 3.8主轴结构图32 3.9主轴组件的验算32 3.9.1支承的简化32 3.9.2主轴的挠度33 3.9.3主轴倾角34 第4章键的选择与校核41 4.1带轮1上键的选择与校核41 4.1.1键的选择41 4.1.2键的校核41 4.2带轮2上键的选择与校核42 4.2.1键的选择43 4.2.2键的校核43 第5章Solidwork虚拟样机设计45 结论47 参考文献48 致谢49
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