活塞环的加工工艺规程及铣45°开口夹具设计 摘要 本次设计的题目是活塞环的工艺规程及铣45°开口夹具设计,根据老师给的图纸要求进行工艺设计和夹具设计,在掌握零件作用的基础上,对零件的工艺进行分析。 针对设计给定的题目,设计出铣削45°开口夹具的专用铣床夹具。主要有对机床夹具进行设计、公差等。先对需要加工的零部件进行了解,分析,以便更加精确的对其进行加工,确定加工零件的标准;然后对每一个步进行计算,算出每一道工序的切削用量;夹具设计包括:设计出对零件进行定位,夹紧,还有对刀块。夹具在定位零部件的时候,会产生误差,这个误差要在我们的合理控制范围以内,我们要充分了解夹具的优缺点,以便改进。 通过上面的设计、分析和计算,圆满的完成了本次设计的所有任务,在巩固大学所学知识的同时,还为自己步入社会夯实基矗 关键词:活塞环;工艺规程;铣45°开口;专用夹具;设计 Abstract The topic of this graduatio
n project is the process specificatio
n of pisto
n ri
ng a
nd the desig
n of 45 degree ope
ng fixture for milli
ng. Accordi
ng to the drawi
ngs give
n by the teacher, the process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n are carried out. Aimi
ng at desig
ng a give
n topic, a special milli
ng fixture for milli
ng 45 degree ope
ng fixture is desig
ned. There are mai
nly the desig
n a
nd tolera
nce of machi
ne tools a
nd fixtures. Firstly, the parts that
need to be processed are u
nderstood a
nd a
nalyzed i
n order to process them more accurately a
nd determi
ne the sta
ndard of the parts. The
n, the cutti
ng parameters of each step are calculated a
nd the cutti
ng parameters of each process are calculated. Whe
n fixture locates parts, itwill produce errors. This error should bewithi
n our reaso
nable co
ntrol ra
nge. We should fully u
nd the adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of fixture i
n order to improve. Through the above desig
n, a
nalysis a
nd calculatio
n,we have successfully completed all the tasks of this graduatio
n project. While co
ng the k
nowledge lear
ned by the u
niversity,we have also laid a solid fou
n for ourselves to e
nter the society. Keywords pisto
n ri
ng; process regulatio
n; milli
ng 45 degree ope
ng; special fixture; desig
n 目录 摘要I 第1章绪论4 1.1机床夹具概述4 1.2机床夹具的研究现状4 1.3机床夹具的发展趋势4 1.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用6 1.5夹具设计的特点和基本要求6 1.5.1夹具设计的特点6 1.5.2设计的基本要求6 第2章零件机械加工工艺规程设计8 2.1零件的作用、设计基准及技术要求8 2.1.1零件的作用8 2.1.2零件的设计基准8 2.1.3零件的组成表面8 2.2零件的技术要求8 2.3零件的机械加工工艺性、材质及热处理要求9 2.3.1零件的机械加工工艺性9 2.3.2零件的材质9 2.4基准的选择及加工方案的选择与确定9 2.4.1基准的选择9 2.4.2加工方案确定10 2.5毛坯尺寸及工艺尺寸的确定11 2.5.1毛坯尺寸的确定11 2.5.2工艺尺寸的确定11 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时12 第3章专用夹具设计18 3.1定位方案及定位元件的确定与选择18 3.1.1定位基准及定位尺寸的选择18 3.1.2定位方案的确定18 3.1.3定位元件的选择18 3.2夹紧方案及装置的确定与选择19 3.2.1夹紧方案的确定19 3.2.2夹紧元件的选择19 3.3夹具体的确定20 3.4对刀装置的确定21 3.5夹紧力的计算与校核21 3.5.1夹紧力的计算21 3.5.2夹紧力的校核21 3.6铣削力的计算与校核22 3.6.1铣削力的计算22 3.6.2铣削力的校核22 3.7定位误差分析23 第4章结论24 致谢25 参考文献26
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