摘要 20世纪塑料材料的制品如雨后春笋一样涌现,当然这样的兴起是因为它本身的特点,包括有价格低廉、易塑型、强度大等等。就现在来说,塑料制品已经在很多的方面得到了应用,诸如日常的生活、医疗所使用的设备、电子电器制品方面、汽车内部设备等。 塑料制品有很多种成型的方法,本设计使用的是最常使用的注塑方式——注射成型,根据手机支架塑料制品的要求,了解塑件的用途,分析塑件的工艺性、尺寸精度等技术要求,选择塑件制件尺寸。本模具采用一模四腔,侧浇口,注射机采用海天HTF160X2B型号,设置冷却系统。前期对于设计对象进行了相关的测量,数据的记录等;中期主要是使用UG三维设计软件根据前期测量的数据建立立体模型,并在塑件模型的基础上利用UG制造内的模具型腔模块对手机支架作出相应的注塑模具设计,包括有塑件元件、斜顶分型面、主分型面、浇口等,并且加入相应的模架、浇口、流道等;后期则是以之前作出的成果为基础使用CAD软件绘制出相应的二维图,更加清晰的显示出塑件的结构以及模具的机构。 关键词:手机支架;一模四腔;注射机;海天HTF160X2B,冷却系统;注塑模具 Abstract I
n twe
ntieth Ce
ntury, plastic materials spra
ng up like mushrooms, of course, because of its ow
n characteristics, i
ng low price, easy moldi
ng, high stre
ngth a
nd so o
n. Now, plastic products have bee
n applied i
n ma
ny aspects, such as daily life, equipme
nt used i
n medical care, electro
nic a
nd electrical products, a
nd automobile i
nal equipme
nt. There are ma
ny ki
nds of moldi
ng methods i
n plastic products. This desig
n uses the most commo
nly used i
n moldi
ng- i
n moldi
ng. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the plastic products of the cell pho
ne bracket,we k
now the use of the plastic parts, a
nalyze the tech
nological requireme
nts of the plastic parts, the dime
nal precisio
n a
nd so o
n, a
nd choose the scale i
nch of the parts of the plastic parts. This mold adopts the first mock exam four cavity, side gate, i
n machi
ne adopts the Haitia
n HTF160X2B model, is providedwith a cooli
ng system. I
n the early stage, the related measureme
nt a
nd data recordi
ngwere carried out for the desig
n object. I
n the middle period, the three-dime
nal modelwas established by usi
ng the UG 3D desig
n software accordi
ng to the data measured i
n the previous period. O
n the basis of the plastic part model, the mold cavity module of the UG ma
ngwas used to make the i
n mold desig
n for the cell pho
ne support, i
ng the plastic eleme
nt eleme
nt. Parts, i
ned top classificatio
n surface, mai
n type surface, gate a
nd so o
n, a
nd joi
n the correspo
ng mold, gate, flow cha
nel, a
nd so o
n. Later, the correspo
ng two-dime
nal mapwas draw
n usi
ng CAD software o
n the basis of the previous results, a
nd the structure of the plastic parts a
nd the mecha
nism of the mouldwere clearly displayed. Keywords: mobile pho
ne holder; the first mock exam four cavity; i
n machi
ne; the HTF160X2B i
n mold cooli
ng system; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 第二章注塑工艺分析及成型方法2 2.1手机支架塑件分析2 2.1.1塑件材料的选择3 2.1.2所选材料主要特性3 2.1.3技术指标3 2.1.4精度选择4 2.1.5手机支架的工艺参数4 第三章注塑模具结构设计5 3.1拟定模具结构设计5 3.1.1分型面位置的确定5 3.1.2确定型腔数量及排列方式6 3.1.3模具结构形式的确定7 3.1.4注射机型号的确定7 3.1.5注塑机的参数较核9 3.2浇注系统、关键零部件设计11 3.2.1浇注系统形式和浇口的设计11 3.2.2成型零件设计14 3.2.3排气系统的设计16 3.2.4冷却调节系统设计16 3.2.5脱模机构的设计19 3.3模架的确定21 3.4滑块的设计23 第四章总结26 参考文献27 致谢29
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