KCSJ-02套筒座的钻顶面2×M6螺纹孔专用夹具设计及机械加工工艺规程装备 摘要 本次设计内容涉及了机械制造工艺及机床夹具设计、金属切削机床、公差配合与测量等多方面的知识。 套筒座零件的工艺设计、工序设计以及钻顶面2×M6螺纹孔专用夹具的设计三部分。在工艺设计中要首先对零件进行分析,了解零件的工艺再设计出毛坯的结构,并选择好零件的加工基准,设计出零件的工艺路线;接着对零件各个工步的工序进行尺寸计算,关键是决定出各个工序的工艺装备及切削用量;然后进行专用夹具的设计,选择设计出夹具的各个组成部件,如定位元件、夹紧元件、引导元件、夹具体与机床的连接部件以及其它部件;计算出夹具定位时产生的定位误差,分析夹具结构的合理性与不足之处,并在以后设计中注意改进。 关键词:套筒座;工艺;工序;专用夹具;工艺路线 Abstract This desig
n i
nvolves mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tools, tolera
nce fit a
nd measureme
nt a
nd other aspects of k
nowledge. The process desig
n a
nd process desig
n of sleeve parts, aswell as the three parts of the desig
n of the special drill jig for drilli
ng 2 M6 holes o
n the top surface. I
n the process desig
n, the parts are a
nalyzed first, the process of the parts is redesig
ned a
nd the structure of the bla
nk is redesig
ned. The process datum of the parts is selected a
nd the process route of the part is desig
ned. The
n the size calculatio
n of theworki
ng procedure of the parts is calculated, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt of thevariousworki
ng order; the
n, the key is to determi
ne the amou
nt of the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt. The desig
n of the special fixture is carried out, a
nd the compo
nts of the fixture are desig
ned, such as the positio
ng eleme
nt, the clampi
ng eleme
nt, the guidi
ng eleme
nt, the co
ng partswith the machi
ne tool a
nd the other parts. The positio
ng error is calculatedwhe
n the fixture is positio
ned, a
nd the ratio
nality a
nd i
nadequacies of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the desig
n is i
njected i
n the future. It is i
nded to be improved. Keywords: sleeve seat; tech
nology; process; special fixture; process route 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 一零件的分析4 1.1分析零件的作用及技术要求4 1.2零件的工艺分析4 分析零件的材质、热处理及机械加工工艺性4 2选择毛坯的制造方式、初步确定毛坯形状6 3机械加工工艺规程设计7 3.1选择定位基准7 3.2工件表面加工方法的选择8 3.3制定加工工艺路线8 3.4.1支承孔的工序尺寸及公差计算9 3.4.2底面A的工序尺寸及公差计算10 3.4.3一对工艺孔的工序尺寸及公差计算12 3.4.4其他加工面的加工余量的确定13 3.5确定切削用量、时间定额13 确定切削用量、时间定额15 4.专用夹具设计28 4.1.确定设计方案28 4.2.选择定位方式及元件28 4.3.对刀导向元件的确定28 4.4.夹紧机构的确定29 4.5.切削力的计算与夹紧力的分析29 4.6.定位误差分析29 4.7.夹具设计及操作的简述30 5.小结30 6.总结31 7.参考文献31 8.致谢32
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