With mold ma
ng skills to the scie
ntific developme
nt of progressive, gradual developme
nt from the previous ma
nually usi
ng software a
nd other high-techways to assist the desig
n is complete. Die is o
ne of them. Graduatio
n is a practical teachi
ng after teachi
ng the theory of professio
nal mold. Is the k
nowledge of the lump-sum test, is a combat exercise towork before. Its purpose is the i
ntegrated use of theoretical a
nd practical k
nowledge of the course of study, a complete mold desig
n trai
ng, culture a
nd improve their ability towork. Co
n a
nd expa
n of mold professio
nal courseswhat they lear
n, master mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng methods, procedures a
nd releva
nt tech
nical specificatio
ns. Skilled access to releva
nt tech
nical i
n. Master mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng of basic skills, such as parts of the process a
nalysis, mold tech
nology demo
n program, process calculatio
n, the selected processi
ng equipme
nt, ma
ng processes, a
nd access to desig
n data collectio
n, preparatio
n of desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd tech
nical docume
nts. Stampi
ng process a
nd die desig
n should be combi
nedwith the actual situatio
n of the factory equipme
nt, perso
nel, etc., from the quality of parts, productivity, productio
n costs, labor i
nsity, e
ntal protectio
n a
nd security of all aspects of the productio
n accou
nt, choose the adva
nced tech
nology, eco
nomic ratio
nality, safe a
nd reliable use of the scheme a
nd the mold to make stampi
ng parts productio
n guara
ntee the achieveme
nt of the tech
nical requireme
nts of desig
n drawi
ngs o
n mi
ng process costs pu
nched a
nd e
nsure safety i
n productio
n. With the rapid developme
nt of the mold, i
n moder
n i
ndustrial productio
n, the mold has become the productio
n ofvarious i
ndustrial products i
nsable process equipme
nt. The graduatio
n project is based o
n the study completed all courses co
nducted o
n machi
nery, comprehe
nsive ability is my assessme
nt, is the i
ntegrated use of my k
nowledge, but also o
n the k
nowledge I review a
nd i
n. This desig
n is u
nder the guida
nce of teachers serious, patie
nt guida
nce of the lower mold eco
nomy, life of the mold, the productio
n cycle, a
nd the cost of productio
n a
nd other i
ndicators to co
nduct a comprehe
nsive, detailed a
nalysis carried out u
nder the desig
n. Here, I express my heartfelt tha
nks for their teachi
ngs. Keywords: Process a
nalysis, mold tech
nology demo
n program, process calculatio
n, the selected processi
ng equipme
nt, ma
ng processes, a
nd access to desig
n data collectio
n, preparatio
n of desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd tech
nical docume
nts. 目录 摘要5 第一章、引言8 1.1.模具行业的发展现状及市场前景8 1.2.课题来源和研究意义9 1.3.题目研究方法9 1.4.构成及研究内容10 第二章、冲裁件的工艺性分析11 2.1.冲裁件的结构工艺性11 2.1.1.冲裁件的形状11 2.1.2.冲裁件的尺寸精度12 第三章、制件冲压工艺方案的确定13 3.1.冲压工序的组合13 3.2.冲压顺序的安排13 第四章、制件排样图的设计及材料利用率的计算14 4.1.制件排样图的设计14 4.1.1.搭边与料宽14 4.2.材料利用率的计算16 第五章、确定总冲压力和选用压力机及计算压力中心17 5.1.冲压力17 5.1.1.冲裁力的计算17 5.1.2.卸料力、推件力及顶件力的计算17 5.2.压力中心的计算18 5.3.压力机的选用18 第六章、凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算19 6.1.凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算原则19 6.2.凸模、凹模刃口尺寸计算方法20 6.2.1.凸模和凹模分开加工20 第七章、模具整体结构形式设计22 第八章、模具零件的结构设计24 8.1.凸凹模的设计24 8.2.落料凹模的设计24 8.3.凸模固定板的设计25 8.4.选择标准模架27 8.5.卸料、压边弹性元件的确定27 第九章、模具总体结构设计28 9.1.模具类形的选择28 9.2.定位方式的选择28 9.3.卸料、出件方式的选择28 9.4.导柱、导套位置的确定28 结束语29 设计小结30 致谢31 参考文献32
ng skills to the scie
ntific developme
nt of progressive, gradual developme
nt from the previous ma
nually usi
ng software a
nd other high-techways to assist the desig
n is complete. Die is o
ne of them. Graduatio
n is a practical teachi
ng after teachi
ng the theory of professio
nal mold. Is the k
nowledge of the lump-sum test, is a combat exercise towork before. Its purpose is the i
ntegrated use of theoretical a
nd practical k
nowledge of the course of study, a complete mold desig
n trai
ng, culture a
nd improve their ability towork. Co
n a
nd expa
n of mold professio
nal courseswhat they lear
n, master mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng methods, procedures a
nd releva
nt tech
nical specificatio
ns. Skilled access to releva
nt tech
nical i
n. Master mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng of basic skills, such as parts of the process a
nalysis, mold tech
nology demo
n program, process calculatio
n, the selected processi
ng equipme
nt, ma
ng processes, a
nd access to desig
n data collectio
n, preparatio
n of desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd tech
nical docume
nts. Stampi
ng process a
nd die desig
n should be combi
nedwith the actual situatio
n of the factory equipme
nt, perso
nel, etc., from the quality of parts, productivity, productio
n costs, labor i
nsity, e
ntal protectio
n a
nd security of all aspects of the productio
n accou
nt, choose the adva
nced tech
nology, eco
nomic ratio
nality, safe a
nd reliable use of the scheme a
nd the mold to make stampi
ng parts productio
n guara
ntee the achieveme
nt of the tech
nical requireme
nts of desig
n drawi
ngs o
n mi
ng process costs pu
nched a
nd e
nsure safety i
n productio
n. With the rapid developme
nt of the mold, i
n moder
n i
ndustrial productio
n, the mold has become the productio
n ofvarious i
ndustrial products i
nsable process equipme
nt. The graduatio
n project is based o
n the study completed all courses co
nducted o
n machi
nery, comprehe
nsive ability is my assessme
nt, is the i
ntegrated use of my k
nowledge, but also o
n the k
nowledge I review a
nd i
n. This desig
n is u
nder the guida
nce of teachers serious, patie
nt guida
nce of the lower mold eco
nomy, life of the mold, the productio
n cycle, a
nd the cost of productio
n a
nd other i
ndicators to co
nduct a comprehe
nsive, detailed a
nalysis carried out u
nder the desig
n. Here, I express my heartfelt tha
nks for their teachi
ngs. Keywords: Process a
nalysis, mold tech
nology demo
n program, process calculatio
n, the selected processi
ng equipme
nt, ma
ng processes, a
nd access to desig
n data collectio
n, preparatio
n of desig
n drawi
ngs a
nd tech
nical docume
nts. 目录 摘要5 第一章、引言8 1.1.模具行业的发展现状及市场前景8 1.2.课题来源和研究意义9 1.3.题目研究方法9 1.4.构成及研究内容10 第二章、冲裁件的工艺性分析11 2.1.冲裁件的结构工艺性11 2.1.1.冲裁件的形状11 2.1.2.冲裁件的尺寸精度12 第三章、制件冲压工艺方案的确定13 3.1.冲压工序的组合13 3.2.冲压顺序的安排13 第四章、制件排样图的设计及材料利用率的计算14 4.1.制件排样图的设计14 4.1.1.搭边与料宽14 4.2.材料利用率的计算16 第五章、确定总冲压力和选用压力机及计算压力中心17 5.1.冲压力17 5.1.1.冲裁力的计算17 5.1.2.卸料力、推件力及顶件力的计算17 5.2.压力中心的计算18 5.3.压力机的选用18 第六章、凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算19 6.1.凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算原则19 6.2.凸模、凹模刃口尺寸计算方法20 6.2.1.凸模和凹模分开加工20 第七章、模具整体结构形式设计22 第八章、模具零件的结构设计24 8.1.凸凹模的设计24 8.2.落料凹模的设计24 8.3.凸模固定板的设计25 8.4.选择标准模架27 8.5.卸料、压边弹性元件的确定27 第九章、模具总体结构设计28 9.1.模具类形的选择28 9.2.定位方式的选择28 9.3.卸料、出件方式的选择28 9.4.导柱、导套位置的确定28 结束语29 设计小结30 致谢31 参考文献32