苹果装箱机械手设计 中文摘要 本课题最终目的在于研制一套自动装箱机械手用于苹果自动生产线取代人工装箱工作,以实现成型工序参数的稳定性。设计了一种苹果自动装箱机械手,利用步进电动机带动手臂进行上下移动和水平垂直旋转,通过气压驱动机械手抓取和松放,能够实现全自动装箱放各种型式和材料的苹果。本次设计的苹果自动装箱机械手由底座、传送机构、臂部升降机构、臂部摆动机构、吸盘等构成。 本次设计首先,通过对苹果自动装箱机械手结构及原理进行分析,在此分析基础上提出了总体结构方案;接着,对主要技术参数进行了计算选择;然后,对各主要零部件进行了设计与校核;最后,通过AutoCAD制图软件绘制了苹果自动装箱机械手装配图及主要零部件图。 通过本次设计,巩固了大学所学专业知识,如:机械原理、机械设计、材料力学、公差与互换性理论、机械制图等;掌握了普通机械产品的设计方法并能够熟练使用AutoCAD制图软件,对今后的工作于生活具有极大意义。 关键词:苹果,装箱机械手,滚珠丝杠,齿轮,轴 Title Apple packi
ng ma
nipulator desig
n Abstract The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a set of automatic packi
ng machi
ne for automatic productio
n li
ne of apple to replace the ma
nual packi
ng, i
n order to achieve the stability of the formi
ng process parameters. A
n apple automatic packi
ng ma
nipulator is desig
ned, usi
ng step motor drive the arm of u
nder moveme
nt a
ndvertical rotatio
n, through the air pressure drive ma
nipulator a
nd release, ca
n realize the automatic packi
ng forvarious types a
nd materials of apple. The desig
n of Apple's automatic packi
ng machi
ne ha
nd by the base, the tra
n mecha
nism, the arm of the lifti
ng mecha
nism, the arm swi
ng mecha
nism, sucker, etc.. This desig
n first, through apple automatic packi
ng machi
ne for the structure pri
nciple a
nd a
nalysis, this a
nalysis is proposed based o
n the overall structure of the program; the
n, the mai
n tech
nical parameterswere calculated to select; the
n, of the mai
n partswere desig
ned a
nd checked. Fi
nally, through the AutoCAD drawi
ng software draw
n apple automatic packi
ng machi
ne for assembly a
nd major parts of the map. Through the desig
n, the co
n of the U
niversity of the professio
nal k
nowledge, such as: mecha
nical pri
nciples, mecha
nical desig
n, mecha
nics of materials, tolera
nce a
nd i
ngeability theories, mecha
nical drawi
ng; master the desig
n method of ge
neral machi
nery products a
nd be able to skillfully use AutoCAD drawi
ng software, for the futurework i
n life is of great sig
nce. Keywords: apple, packi
ng machi
ne, ball screw, gear, shaft 目录 1绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2机械手简介1 1.3机械手国内外研究现状2 1.4机械手发展趋势3 2方案设计4 2.1设计要求4 2.1.1功能要求4 2.1.2参数要求4 2.2机械手的构成4 2.2.1执行机构4 2.2.2驱动机构5 2.2.3控制系统5 2.3总体方案设计5 2.3.1总体方案拟定5 2.3.2升降机构方案6 2.3.3摆动机构方案7 3升降机构的设计8 3.1电动机的选择8 3.1.1根据脉冲当量和最大静转矩初选电机型号8 3.1.2启动矩频特性校核9 3.2滚珠丝杆副的选型与校核9 3.2.1型号选择10 3.2.2校核计算11 3.3导轨的选型与校核11 3.3.1导轨的选型11 3.3.2滑动导轨副的计算、选择12 3.4轴承及键的校核与寿命计算14 4摆动机构的设计16 4.1电动机的选择16 4.1.1电机轴的转动惯量16 4.1.2电机扭矩计算17 4.2齿轮传动的设计18 4.2.1选精度等级、材料和齿数18 4.2.2按齿面接触疲劳强度设计18 4.2.3按齿根弯曲强度设计20 4.2.4几何尺寸计算21 4.3旋转轴及轴上零件的设计与校核22 4.3.1尺寸与结构设计计算22 4.3.2强度校核计算23 4.3.3键的校核与寿命计算25 4.4摆臂设计25 4.5吸盘的选择25 5控制系统设计27 5.1 CPU与存储器28 5.2中断处理电路33 5.3 8279键盘、显示37 总结44 参考文献45 致谢46 附录47 附录1 47 附录2 56
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