电梯平衡补偿链盘绕机器人-端部机械手及导链环设计 摘要:电梯平衡补偿链盘绕机器人的设计主要为了达到补偿链生产过程中盘绕工作的全自动化以及高精度,而且必须要在预订的轨迹之下,实现有序堆放。本文主要针对电梯平衡补偿链的端部机械手以及导链环进行研究,以保证机器人盘绕工作的精确性,连续性与稳定性。主要内容如下: (1)通过运动学计算和运动仿真实验,根据每层的堆放轨迹及热平衡链自身力造成的自然跑偏规律,确定了机械指系统的结构及尺寸,用于整理上一层由于自身扭力导致偏离了正常轨道的补偿链,使之回到其理论盘绕轨迹上,以保证当前层补偿链的正确轨迹,实现精准堆放;以此代替人工矫正,实现了本机器人高智能化的目标。 (2)通过研究热挤出时补偿链的特性及规格的多样性,研制为补偿链导向、便于快速装卸的导链环;解决补偿链拖拽、改向过程中表面易刮擦的关键问题。 (3)利用ug软件进行机构各个零件的实体建模及装配 关键词:电梯;补偿链;盘绕机器人;机械手;导链环; Abstract: The desig
n of the elevator bala
nce compe
n chai
n coiled robot is mai
nly to achieve the full automatio
n a
nd high precisio
n of the coili
ngwork i
n the compe
n chai
n productio
n process, a
nd must be stacked i
n order u
nder the reserved track. This paper mai
nly studies the e
nd ma
nipulator a
nd the guide li
nk of the elevator bala
nce compe
n chai
n to e
nsure the accuracy, co
nuity a
nd stability of the robot coili
ngwork. The mai
n co
nts are as follows: (1) Through ki
nematics calculatio
n a
nd motio
n simulatio
n experime
nts, accordi
ng to the stacki
ng trajectory of each layer a
nd the
natural deviatio
n law caused by the heat bala
nce chai
n's ow
n force, the structure a
nd dime
ns of the mecha
nical fi
nger system are determi
ned, a
nd used to sort out the upper layer a
nd deviate from
normal due to its ow
n torsio
n. The compe
n chai
n of the track is retur
ned to its theoretical coili
ng trajectory so as to e
nsure the correct trajectory of the compe
n chai
n at the curre
nt level a
nd achieve accurate stacki
ng; i
nstead of ma
nual correctio
n, the robot is highly i
ntized.. (2) Through ki
nematics calculatio
n a
nd motio
n simulatio
n experime
nts, accordi
ng to the stacki
ng trajectory of each layer a
nd the
natural deviatio
n law caused by the heat bala
nce chai
n's ow
n force, the structure a
nd dime
ns of the mecha
nical fi
nger system are determi
ned, a
nd used to sort out the upper layer a
nd deviate from
normal due to its ow
n torsio
n. The compe
n chai
n of the track is retur
ned to its theoretical coili
ng trajectory so as to e
nsure the correct trajectory of the compe
n chai
n at the curre
nt level a
nd achieve accurate stacki
ng; i
nstead of ma
nual correctio
n, the robot is highly i
ntized. (3) Usi
ng ug software for e
ntity modeli
ng a
nd assembly ofvarious parts of the orga
n Keywords: Elevators; Compe
n chai
n; Coiled robots; Ma
nipulators 目录 1.绪论···································································1 1.1课题研究的背景和意义············································1 1.2国内外研究现状······················································3 1.3课题的研究目标、内容和拟解决的关键问题·······························5 2.本设计的方案与原理介绍···································5 2.1本设计的整体方案··········································5 2.2本装置的工作原理说明··································5 3.机械手系统的零件设计介绍································7 3.1齿轮传动系统设计··············································7 3.1.1齿轮的设计················································8 3.1.2内套的设计···············································13 3.1.3轴承的选择···············································14 3.2支架设计························································14 3.3连接装置设计······················································15 3.4机械指系统设计···················································16 3.5其他板型材料零件设计···············································18 3.5.1 C形板的设计·················································18 3.5.2轴承盖板的设计···········································19 3.5.3轴端盖板的设计···········································20 4.导链环装置的零件设计介绍···············································21 4.1导链环的设计·····················································22 4.2支撑板的设计·················································23 4.3导链环压板的设计·················································24 5.电动机减速机的选用··················································25 5.1电动机的选用···················································25 5.2减速机的选用······················································27 5.3电动机与减速机之间的连接···········································28 6.本设计小结·······················································28 7.设计心得体会······················································29 参考文献·······························································30
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