ZL50D装载机工作装置设计 摘要 装载机是一种广泛用于公路、铁路、建筑、水电、港口、矿山等建设工程的土石方施工机械,它主要用于铲装土壤、砂石、石灰、煤炭等散状物料,也可对矿石、硬土等作轻度铲挖作业。 轮式装载机是以轮胎式拖拉机为基础车体,加装铲斗作为工作装置的一种土方工程机械。装载机的工作装置由铲斗、连杆、摇臂、动臂、转斗油缸、举升油缸组成。装载机工作装置的合理性直接影响装载机的生产效率、工作负荷、动力与运动特性等。 本文参阅了大量装载机设计的参考书,选择反转六连杆机构作为所设计的装载机的工作装置的结构。根据任务书中的要求,利用经验公式计算确定铲斗的结构参数,利用图解法确定动臂与铲斗、动臂与摇臂、动臂与机架、连杆与铲斗、连杆与摇臂等各个铰接点的位置,并对铲斗的几种典型工况的受力情况进行了详细分析,对工作装置的主要部件进行强度校核。最后利用AutoCAD对装载机工作装置的各零部件的结构参数进行详细的结构设计。 关键词:装载机;机械化;工作装置 Abstract Loader is a ki
nd of earthwork co
n machi
nerywhich iswidely used i
n highway, railway, co
n, hydropower, port, mi
ne a
nd other co
n projects. It is mai
nly used to shovel a
nd load soil, sa
nd, lime, coal a
nd other bulk materials, a
nd ca
n also do light diggi
ng operatio
n for ore a
nd hard soil. Wheel loader is a ki
nd of earthwork machi
nerywhich is based o
n tire tractor a
nd equippedwith bucket asworki
ng device. Theworki
ng device of loader co
nsists of bucket, co
ng rod, rocker arm, boom, bucket cyli
nder a
nd lifti
ng cyli
nder. The ratio
nality of loaderworki
ng device directly affects the productio
n efficie
ng load, power a
nd motio
n characteristics of loader. I
n this paper, referri
ng to a large
number of refere
nce books of loader desig
n, the reverse six bar li
nkage mecha
nism is selected as the structure of the loaderworki
ng device. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the task book, the structural parameters of the bucket are calculated by empirical formula, a
nd the positio
ns of the articulated poi
nts such as boom a
nd bucket, boom a
nd rocker arm, boom a
nd frame, li
nk a
nd bucket, li
nk a
nd rocker arm are determi
ned by graphic method. The stress co
ns of several typicalworki
ng co
ns of the bucket are a
nalyzed i
n detail, a
nd the stre
ngth of the mai
n compo
nts of theworki
ng device is checked. Fi
nally, the structural parameters of each part of loaderworki
ng device are desig
ned i
n detail by usi
ng AutoCAD. Keywords: loader; mecha
ng device 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1国内轮式装载机发展概况1 1.2国外轮式装载机的发展概况2 第2章装载机工作装置总体设计5 2.1工作装置的总体结构与布置5 2.2工作装置连杆机构的结构形式与特点6 2.3工作装置自由度的计算10 2.4工作装置总体设计12 第3章ZL50D装载机工作装置设计13 3.1工作装置的设计要求13 3.1.1工作装置工作性能13 3.1.2对工作装置的要求13 3.2铲斗设计13 3.2.1铲斗的结构形式14 3.2.2铲斗的分类16 3.2.3铲斗断面形状和基本参数确定16 3.2.4铲斗容量的计算19 3.3工作装置连杆系统设计21 3.3.1机构分析22 3.3.2尺寸参数设计23 3.3.3连杆系统运动分析32 3.4工作装置静力学分析及强度校核36 3.4.1静力学分析36 3.5工作装置的受力分析41 第4章工作结构主要零件的强度计算47 4.1动臂强度计算47 4.1.1动臂的形状选择47 4.1.2动臂材料选择48 4.1.3动臂的初步设计48 4.1.4强度计算48 4.1.5强度校核50 4.2液压缸设计53 4.2.1液压缸的类型和结构53 4.2.2液压缸基本参数设计54 结论55 参考文献57 致谢59
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