摘要 本次主要设计内容是对CA6140车床后托架进行加工工艺的设计以及专用夹具设计。该零件的作用是为确保刀杆不产生任何变形,能够使刀具进行下一个工作循环,零件上有Φ40,30.2及Φ25.5三个重要的孔。作用是确保油路畅通及零件本身的固定还有定位等等。 工艺设计涉及到的知识点比较多,有机械生产工艺,公差配合与测量等。设计工艺的时候要分析零部件,将产品的工艺路线设计出来:设计工序的时候,算出来这个产品的每一个工序的数据;完成加工工艺路线对应的工艺过程卡和切削用量对应的加工工序卡。 专用夹具设计:铣底面A。设计专用夹具的时候,将固定工件的定位方案还有元件确定好,将夹紧工件的夹紧方案还有夹紧元件确定好等等。最后,完成夹具装配图还有零件图的绘制,编写设计说明书等。 关键词:CA6140车床后托架;加工工艺;铣底面A;专用夹具 Abstract The mai
n desig
n co
nt is the desig
n of processi
ng tech
nology a
nd special fixture for the rear bracket of CA6140 lathe. The fu
n of the part is to e
nsure that the cutter bar does
not produce a
ny deformatio
n a
nd e
nable the tool to carry out the
ng cycle. There are three importa
nt holes ofΦ 40, 30.2 a
ndΦ 25.5 o
n the part. The fu
n is to e
nsure that the oil circuit is smooth a
nd the parts themselves are fixed a
nd positio
ned. Process desig
n i
nvolves more k
nowledge poi
nts, such as mecha
nical productio
n process, tolera
nce fit a
nd measureme
nt. Whe
n desig
ng the process, it is
necessary to a
nalyze the parts a
nd desig
n the process route of the product:whe
n desig
ng the process, calculate the data of each process of the product; complete the process card correspo
ng to the processi
ng route a
nd the processi
ng process card correspo
ng to the cutti
ng amou
nt. Special fixture desig
n: milli
ng bottom surface a. Whe
n desig
ng the special fixture, the positio
ng scheme of the fixedworkpiece a
nd the clampi
ng eleme
nt should be determi
nedwell. Fi
nally, complete the fixture assembly drawi
ng a
nd parts drawi
ng desig
n specificatio
n a
nd so o
n. Keywords: CA6140 lathe rear bracket; processi
ng tech
nology; milli
ng bottom surface a; special fixture 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1本课题研究背景的分析1 1.2本课题发展现状的分析1 1.3本课题研究的目的及意义2 第二章零件的分析、制造方式及生产类型的确定4 2.1零件的分析4 2.1.1零件作用的分析4 2.1.2零件的材料分析5 2.1.3零件组成表面的分析5 2.1.4零件加工表面的分析5 2.1.5零件形位公差的分析6 2.2零件生产类型的确定6 2.3零件制造形式的确定6 第三章零件加工工艺的设计8 3.1基准的选择8 3.2选择、比较和确定加工工艺路线9 3.2.1选择加工工艺路线9 3.2.2比较和确定加工工艺路线10 3.3加工设备、夹具、刀具及量具的确定10 3.4机械加工余量的确定11 3.5确定切削用量及基本工时13 第四章铣底面A专用夹具的设计23 4.1确定定位方案,选择定位元件23 4.2确定夹紧方案,选择夹紧元件24 4.3夹具体的设计24 4.4对刀装置的选择25 4.5铣削力及夹紧力计算25 4.6定位误差分析26 结论27 致谢28 参考文献29
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