摘要 在机械制造各行业的工艺过程中广泛应用着各种不同的,用以固定加工对象,使之占有正确位置,以便接受施工的一种工艺装备,统称为夹具。因此,无论是在机械加工,装配,检验,还是在焊接,热处理等冷,热工艺中,以及运输工作中都大量采用夹具。但在机械加工中应用最为广泛的是金属切削机床上使用的夹具,我们称其为机床夹具。它在保证产品优质,高产,低成本,充分发挥现有设备的潜力,以便工人掌握复杂或精密零件加工技术,以减轻繁重的体力劳动等诸方面起着巨大的作用。因此,机床夹具的设计和使用是促进生产迅速发展的重要工艺措施之一。为此,在本次设计时,选择了机床夹具设计。 本文主要围绕机床钻孔夹具设计为中心。用以钻发动机连杆零件,首先通过参观实习让我们对夹具设计有了初步的了解,特别是对盖板式钻模夹具设计的了解更为深刻。然后,在导师的指导下,对夹具设计方案进行分析和选择。选定方案后,。通过查阅相关夹具设计书籍和相关图例在钻孔夹具设计过程中,。在查阅了相关文献后完成外文翻译。参考相关资料完成夹具的总体设计。 关键词:机械;夹具;钻模;加工 Abstract Machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustries i
n the process of awidevariety of applicatio
ns for processi
ng a fixed object, so that it occupies the correct positio
n i
n order to receive a co
n tech
nology a
nd equipme
nt, collectively referred to as the fixture. Therefore,whether i
n the machi
nery processi
ng, assembly, testi
ng, or i
ng, heat treatme
nt, such as cold, heat process, a
nd tra
nsport are a lot ofwork i
n a fixture. But i
n machi
ng is the mostwidely used metal-cutti
ng machi
ne tools for use o
n the fixture,we called for the machi
ne tool fixture. It guara
ntees high-quality products, high-yield, low-cost, bri
ng i
nto full play the pote
ntial of existi
ng equipme
nt, so thatworkers have complicated or sophisticated parts processi
ng tech
nologies, to reduce the heavy physical labors, a
nd other aspects play a huge role. Therefore, the fixture of the machi
ne is desig
ned to promote the productio
n a
nd use of the rapid developme
nt of o
ne of the importa
nt process. This article mai
nly revolves the e
ne bed drill hole jig desig
n is a ce
nter. With drills the azimuth trai
ng gear shell, first let us through thevisit practice have the prelimi
nary u
ng to the jig desig
n,was specially more profou
nd to the lap type jig jig desig
n's u
ng. The
n, u
nder teacher's i
n, carries o
n the a
nalysis a
nd the choice to the jig desig
n proposal. After desig
ng the pla
n. Through co
nsult related jig desig
n books a
nd related chart of symbols i
n drill hole jig desig
n process. After havi
ng co
nsulted the related literature completes the foreig
n la
nguage tra
n. Refers to the correlatio
n data to complete jig's system desig
n. Key-words:machi
ng 目录 摘要II Abstract II 前言1 第1章钻孔夹具设计的要求2 1.1钻孔夹具方案设计2 1.2了解夹具总体设计的要求3 第2章钻床夹具设计特点4 2.1确定夹具的类型4 2.2钻模的主要类型4 2.3明确设计任务,了解零件加工工艺过程5 2.3.1熟悉工件零件图、本工序加工要求5 2.3.2熟悉零件加工工艺过程5 2.4确定定位方案6 第3章工件的夹紧计算及其选择7 3.1工件的夹紧7 3.1.1夹紧基本原理理论7 3.1.2夹紧座8 3.1.3夹紧压板8 3.1.4夹紧螺钉9 3.2夹具受力分析9 3.2.1夹具受力方向9 3.2.2夹具受力的作用点9 3.2.3夹具受力的计算10 3.2.4夹具精度计算与分析11 第4章夹具结构分析与设计12 4.1夹具的夹紧装置和定位装置12 4.2夹具的导向13 4.3钻孔与工件之间的切屑间隙[1] [2] 14 4.4钻模板15 4.5定位误差的分析15 4.6钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用15 4.7确定夹具体结构和总体结构16 4.8三维装配图PROE建模18 4.8三维PROE各个夹具零件建模19 4.9夹具设计及操作的简要说明23 结论24 致谢26 参考文献27
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