The desig
n is based o
n the body parts of the processi
ng order of the processes a
nd some special fixture desig
n. Body parts of the mai
n pla
ne of the surface a
nd pore system. I
n ge
neral, the pla
ne guara
ntee processi
ng precisio
n tha
n that of holes machi
ng precisio
n easy. Therefore, this desig
n follows the surface after the first hole pri
nciple. Pla
newith holes a
nd the processi
ng clearly divided i
nto roughi
ng a
nd fi
ng stages of holes to e
nsure machi
ng accuracy. Datum selectio
n box i
nput shaft a
nd the output shaft of the supporti
ng hole as a rough be
nchmark,with topwith two holes as a precisio
n tech
nology refere
nce. Mai
n processes arra
nts to support holes for positio
ng a
nd processi
ng the top pla
ne, a
nd the
n the top pla
ne a
nd the supporti
ng hole locatio
n hole processi
ng tech
nology. I
n additio
n to the follow-up processes i
ndividual processes are made of the top pla
ne a
nd tech
nological hole locatio
n hole a
nd pla
ne processi
ng. Supported hole processi
ng usi
ng the method of coordi
nate bori
ng. Thewhole process of processi
ng machi
ne combi
nswere selected. Selectio
n of special fixture fixture, clampi
ng mea
ns more choice of p
neumatic clampi
ng, clampi
ng reliable, i
ns ca
not be locked, so the productio
n efficie
ncy is high, suitable for large batch, li
ne processi
ng, ca
n meet the desig
n requireme
nts.S Keywords: A
ngle gear seat parts; fixture; 目录 摘要II ABSTRACT III 第1章加工工艺规程设计1 1.1零件的分析1 1.1.1零件的作用1 1.1.2零件的工艺分析1 1.2偏心轴加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施2 1.2.1孔和平面的加工顺序2 1.2.2加工方案选择2 1.3偏心轴加工定位基准的选择2 1.3.1粗基准的选择2 1.3.2精基准的选择3 1.4偏心轴加工主要工序安排3 1.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定5 1.6选择加工设备及刀、量具5 1.7确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间) 6 第2章偏心轴钻孔夹具设计17 2.1设计要求17 2.2夹具设计17 2.2.1定位基准的选择17 2.2.2切削力及夹紧力的计算17 2.3定位误差的分析20 2.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明21 结论23 参考文献24 致谢26
n is based o
n the body parts of the processi
ng order of the processes a
nd some special fixture desig
n. Body parts of the mai
n pla
ne of the surface a
nd pore system. I
n ge
neral, the pla
ne guara
ntee processi
ng precisio
n tha
n that of holes machi
ng precisio
n easy. Therefore, this desig
n follows the surface after the first hole pri
nciple. Pla
newith holes a
nd the processi
ng clearly divided i
nto roughi
ng a
nd fi
ng stages of holes to e
nsure machi
ng accuracy. Datum selectio
n box i
nput shaft a
nd the output shaft of the supporti
ng hole as a rough be
nchmark,with topwith two holes as a precisio
n tech
nology refere
nce. Mai
n processes arra
nts to support holes for positio
ng a
nd processi
ng the top pla
ne, a
nd the
n the top pla
ne a
nd the supporti
ng hole locatio
n hole processi
ng tech
nology. I
n additio
n to the follow-up processes i
ndividual processes are made of the top pla
ne a
nd tech
nological hole locatio
n hole a
nd pla
ne processi
ng. Supported hole processi
ng usi
ng the method of coordi
nate bori
ng. Thewhole process of processi
ng machi
ne combi
nswere selected. Selectio
n of special fixture fixture, clampi
ng mea
ns more choice of p
neumatic clampi
ng, clampi
ng reliable, i
ns ca
not be locked, so the productio
n efficie
ncy is high, suitable for large batch, li
ne processi
ng, ca
n meet the desig
n requireme
nts.S Keywords: A
ngle gear seat parts; fixture; 目录 摘要II ABSTRACT III 第1章加工工艺规程设计1 1.1零件的分析1 1.1.1零件的作用1 1.1.2零件的工艺分析1 1.2偏心轴加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施2 1.2.1孔和平面的加工顺序2 1.2.2加工方案选择2 1.3偏心轴加工定位基准的选择2 1.3.1粗基准的选择2 1.3.2精基准的选择3 1.4偏心轴加工主要工序安排3 1.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定5 1.6选择加工设备及刀、量具5 1.7确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间) 6 第2章偏心轴钻孔夹具设计17 2.1设计要求17 2.2夹具设计17 2.2.1定位基准的选择17 2.2.2切削力及夹紧力的计算17 2.3定位误差的分析20 2.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明21 结论23 参考文献24 致谢26