目录 摘要1 Abstract 1 第一章冲压工艺设计2 1.1冲压件简介2 1.2冲压的工艺性分析2 1.2.1圆筒冲压工艺性分析2 1.2.2圆筒工艺分析3 1.3冲压工序3 1.4冲压工艺方案的确定3 第二章圆筒工艺分析4 2.1毛坯计算4 2.2排样和利用率4 第三章计算冲压力6 3.1冲压力的计算6 3.2计算总压力6 第四章落料拉深冲孔模8 4.1凸模、凹模尺寸计算8 4.2模具结构设计9 4.2.1凹模外形的确定9 4.2.2模具的凹模周界尺寸10 4.2.3确定凸模尺寸10 4.2.4导向零件(模架组合) 13 4.2.5模柄14 第五章结论与展望16 5.1结论16 5.2不足之处及未来展望16 致谢18 参考文献19 摘要 圆筒冲压工艺,首先根据圆筒零件,选择合理的毛坯计算方式,计算出毛坯。分析具体方案,圆筒共有以下几个工序:落料、拉深、冲孔,本套设计为冲孔模。 圆筒材料08钢,未注尺寸公差IT14,要求不高,料厚为2mm,圆筒外形尺寸Ф79mm,高度32mm,模具采用后侧导柱模架,缷料采用刚性结构。在冲压设计中,材料费用占60%以上,故材料利用率越高,圆筒的成本越低。 关键词:圆筒;毛坯;冲孔模 Abstract I
n the process of cyli
nder stampi
ng, firstly, accordi
ng to the cyli
nder parts, a reaso
nable bla
nk calculatio
n method is selected to calculate the bla
nk. A
nalysis of the specific program, the cyli
nder has the followi
ng processes: bla
ng, drawi
ng, pu
ng, this set desig
n for pu
ng die. Cyli
nder material 08 steel,
no i
n size tolera
nce IT14, requireme
nts are
not high, material thick
ness of 2mm, cyli
nder shape size 79mm, height 32mm, after strippi
ng strippi
ng mold, material usi
ng rigid structure. I
n stampi
ng desig
n, material costs accou
nt for more tha
n 60% , so the higher the material utilizatio
n, the lower the cost of the cyli
nder. Key words:Cyli
nder; Bla
nk; Pierci
ng Die
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