【ABSTRACT】With the agi
ng process, the most obvious is the co
nuous deterioratio
n of the limbs of the elderly, a
nd various diseases such as stroke seriously affect their quality of life. I
n order to help patie
nts with hemiplegia recover, traditio
nal ma
nual rehabilitatio
n trai
ng is still the mai
n method i
n Chi
na. However, this method is a o
ne model a
nd requires high professio
nal skills of the rehabilitatio
n practitio
ners, so that the
number of therapists is seriously i
nt. A
nd the rehabilitatio
n effect mostly depe
nds o
n the subjective judgme
nt of the rehabilitatio
n teacher. This lacks objective a
nd qua
ntitative judgme
nt a
nd regulatio
n, which affects the rehabilitatio
n effect. Therefore, it is urge
nt a
nd sig
nt to vigorously develop rehabilitatio
n robots for practical use. The desig
n of exoskeleto
n lower limb rehabilitatio
n robot (gravity weight reductio
n system) i
nvolves multiple aspects of the k
nowledge system. This paper mai
nly studies the mecha
nical structure of the gravity weight reductio
n system: fixed bracket, weight reductio
n mecha
nism (ball screw drive), DC servo motor, etc. Selectio
n calculatio
n. This desig
n requires the completio
n of the desig
n of the gravity weight reductio
n system. It is drive
n by electricity a
nd accordi
ng to the patie
nt's self-co
ntrol force. It ca
n be supported by the waist to reduce part of the weight. At the same time, a fixed bracket is provided to provide support a
nd stability. Desig
ned to help patie
nts complete rehabilitatio
n trai
ng a
nd realize walki
ng exercise through this horizo
ntal lower limb rehabilitatio
n robot. 【KEYWORDS】 gravity weight loss system; rehabilitatio
n trai
ng; ergo
nomics; mecha
nical structure desig
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景及意义1 1.2研究现状1 1.2.1国外研究现状1 1.2.2国内研究现状3 1.3本文主要研究内容5 1.4研究的方法与技术路线: 6 2外骨骼式下肢康复机器人参数设计7 2.1下肢康复机器人的尺寸参数7 2.1.1康复机器人大腿和小腿尺寸7 2.2.2康复机器人臀宽与踏板尺寸8 2.2.2康复机器人各关节转动参数8 2.3康复机器人性能参数11 3重力减重系统总体方案设计13 3.1康复机器人减重系统的参数及设计原则13 3.2康复机器人减重系统的设计内容13 3.3康复机器人减重系统的总体方案13 4滚珠丝杠副的选型与计算14 4.1滚珠丝杠的选型14 4.2滚珠丝杠副导程的确定18 4.3滚珠丝杠副的传动效率19 5直线滚动导轨的选型20 5.1定位精度高20 5.2降低机床造价并大幅度节约电力20 5.3可提高机床的运动速度20 5.4可长期维持机床的高精度20 5.5直线滚动导轨副的计算与选型21 5.5.1滑块承受工作载荷F的计算及导轨型号的选取21 5.5.2距离额定寿命L的计算21 6步进电机的参数与选型23 6.1步进电动机的特点23 6.2步进电动机的分类23 6.2.1反应式步进电动机23 6.2.2永磁式步进电动机23 6.2.3混合式步进电动机24 6.3步进电动机的参数及其选择24 6.4电动机的转速与功率25 6.5各参素的确定26 6.6初选步进电动机型号26 6.6.1脉冲当量的选择26 6.6.2等效负载转矩的计算27 6.6.3等效转动惯量计算27 6.6.4步进电动机型号选择的计算27 7轴、轴承及联轴器的选用33 7.1轴的材料33 7.1.1轴的分类33 7.1.2轴的材料及选择33 7.2轴的结构设计33 7.2.1轴头、轴颈和轴身33 7.2.2轴上零件的轴向固定和定位34 7.2.3轴的周向固定34 7.2.4减少应力集中的措施35 7.3轴承的选用35 7.4联轴器的选用36 结论38 参考文献39 致谢40 1绪论 1.1课题研究背景及意义 随着我国社会老龄化进程逐渐加快以及各种自然灾害和交通事故等因素,我国有很大一部分人群的生命是在残疾中度过的。伴随老龄化过程中最明显的就是老人四肢灵活性的不断退化,还有各类疾病如脑卒中严重影响他们的生活质量。 为了帮助偏瘫患者恢复功能,我国目前仍以传统人工康复训练为主。但这种方法由于是一对一的模式且对康复师专业技能要求较高使得治疗师数量严重不足。而且从康复效果大都依赖于康复师的主观判断,这就缺乏客观定量地判断和调控,影响康复效果。因此大力研发康复机器人并用于实际使用是一件紧迫且意义重大的事。 康复机器人的出现为治疗提供了新的方法。由于自身重复性高的特点,减轻了治疗师的工作强度。基于信息融合,虚拟现实等技术,可以很好地判断并且调控康复效果和康复疗程。为患者精准化治疗方案的制定提供量化依据。
ng process, the most obvious is the co
nuous deterioratio
n of the limbs of the elderly, a
nd various diseases such as stroke seriously affect their quality of life. I
n order to help patie
nts with hemiplegia recover, traditio
nal ma
nual rehabilitatio
n trai
ng is still the mai
n method i
n Chi
na. However, this method is a o
ne model a
nd requires high professio
nal skills of the rehabilitatio
n practitio
ners, so that the
number of therapists is seriously i
nt. A
nd the rehabilitatio
n effect mostly depe
nds o
n the subjective judgme
nt of the rehabilitatio
n teacher. This lacks objective a
nd qua
ntitative judgme
nt a
nd regulatio
n, which affects the rehabilitatio
n effect. Therefore, it is urge
nt a
nd sig
nt to vigorously develop rehabilitatio
n robots for practical use. The desig
n of exoskeleto
n lower limb rehabilitatio
n robot (gravity weight reductio
n system) i
nvolves multiple aspects of the k
nowledge system. This paper mai
nly studies the mecha
nical structure of the gravity weight reductio
n system: fixed bracket, weight reductio
n mecha
nism (ball screw drive), DC servo motor, etc. Selectio
n calculatio
n. This desig
n requires the completio
n of the desig
n of the gravity weight reductio
n system. It is drive
n by electricity a
nd accordi
ng to the patie
nt's self-co
ntrol force. It ca
n be supported by the waist to reduce part of the weight. At the same time, a fixed bracket is provided to provide support a
nd stability. Desig
ned to help patie
nts complete rehabilitatio
n trai
ng a
nd realize walki
ng exercise through this horizo
ntal lower limb rehabilitatio
n robot. 【KEYWORDS】 gravity weight loss system; rehabilitatio
n trai
ng; ergo
nomics; mecha
nical structure desig
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题研究背景及意义1 1.2研究现状1 1.2.1国外研究现状1 1.2.2国内研究现状3 1.3本文主要研究内容5 1.4研究的方法与技术路线: 6 2外骨骼式下肢康复机器人参数设计7 2.1下肢康复机器人的尺寸参数7 2.1.1康复机器人大腿和小腿尺寸7 2.2.2康复机器人臀宽与踏板尺寸8 2.2.2康复机器人各关节转动参数8 2.3康复机器人性能参数11 3重力减重系统总体方案设计13 3.1康复机器人减重系统的参数及设计原则13 3.2康复机器人减重系统的设计内容13 3.3康复机器人减重系统的总体方案13 4滚珠丝杠副的选型与计算14 4.1滚珠丝杠的选型14 4.2滚珠丝杠副导程的确定18 4.3滚珠丝杠副的传动效率19 5直线滚动导轨的选型20 5.1定位精度高20 5.2降低机床造价并大幅度节约电力20 5.3可提高机床的运动速度20 5.4可长期维持机床的高精度20 5.5直线滚动导轨副的计算与选型21 5.5.1滑块承受工作载荷F的计算及导轨型号的选取21 5.5.2距离额定寿命L的计算21 6步进电机的参数与选型23 6.1步进电动机的特点23 6.2步进电动机的分类23 6.2.1反应式步进电动机23 6.2.2永磁式步进电动机23 6.2.3混合式步进电动机24 6.3步进电动机的参数及其选择24 6.4电动机的转速与功率25 6.5各参素的确定26 6.6初选步进电动机型号26 6.6.1脉冲当量的选择26 6.6.2等效负载转矩的计算27 6.6.3等效转动惯量计算27 6.6.4步进电动机型号选择的计算27 7轴、轴承及联轴器的选用33 7.1轴的材料33 7.1.1轴的分类33 7.1.2轴的材料及选择33 7.2轴的结构设计33 7.2.1轴头、轴颈和轴身33 7.2.2轴上零件的轴向固定和定位34 7.2.3轴的周向固定34 7.2.4减少应力集中的措施35 7.3轴承的选用35 7.4联轴器的选用36 结论38 参考文献39 致谢40 1绪论 1.1课题研究背景及意义 随着我国社会老龄化进程逐渐加快以及各种自然灾害和交通事故等因素,我国有很大一部分人群的生命是在残疾中度过的。伴随老龄化过程中最明显的就是老人四肢灵活性的不断退化,还有各类疾病如脑卒中严重影响他们的生活质量。 为了帮助偏瘫患者恢复功能,我国目前仍以传统人工康复训练为主。但这种方法由于是一对一的模式且对康复师专业技能要求较高使得治疗师数量严重不足。而且从康复效果大都依赖于康复师的主观判断,这就缺乏客观定量地判断和调控,影响康复效果。因此大力研发康复机器人并用于实际使用是一件紧迫且意义重大的事。 康复机器人的出现为治疗提供了新的方法。由于自身重复性高的特点,减轻了治疗师的工作强度。基于信息融合,虚拟现实等技术,可以很好地判断并且调控康复效果和康复疗程。为患者精准化治疗方案的制定提供量化依据。