目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论1 1.1课题研究的目的和意义1 1.2自动铣床的发展及现状1 1.3铣床的选型及其适用范围2 1.4 X62W万能铣床的特点2 1.5本课题研究的主要内容3 第二章传统X62W万能铣床控制系统的工作原理4 2.1 X62W万能铣床控制系统的机械结构和基本控制要求4 2.1.1 X62W万能铣床基本概况4 2.1.2 X62W万能铣床的运动形式5 2.1.3 X62W万能铣床电力拖动的控制要求5 2.2 X62W万能铣床电器元件设备及参数5 2.3 X62W万能铣床电气控制线路分析6 2.3.1电气原理图6 2.3.2主电路分析8 2.3.3控制电路分析8 第三章基于PLC控制的X62W万能铣床电路改造16 3.1改造设计中PLC的选型16 3.1.1输入输出(I/O)点数的估算16 3.1.2存储器容量的估算16 3.1.3 PLC型号的确定16 3.1.4安装与布线17 3.2基于PLC控制的X62W万能铣床主电路改造17 3.3 X62W万能铣床控制系统的PLC输入输出回路设计18 3.4现场信号与PLC软继电器对照表20 3.5整个PLC控制系统的抗干扰设计21 3.5.1安装场所的选择21 3.5.2电源干扰的抑制21 3.5.3完善接地系统22 第四章基于PLC的X62W万能铣床控制系统软件设计23 4.1主轴电动机的启动23 4.2主轴电动机电磁制动23 4.3工作台的快速移动24 4.4主轴启动信号记录24 4.5工作台六个方向的进给、进给冲动及圆工作台的工作逻辑25 4.6 PLC指令表26 结束语27 参考文献28 附件一控制系统梯形图29 附件二X62W万能铣床PLC主线路设计31 附件三X62W万能铣床PLC控制I/O图31 摘要 控制PLC是以计算机技术为技术核心的通用自动控制装置,在各行各业中得到了广泛的应用。铣床是以各类电动机为动力的传动装置与系统的对象以实现生产过程自动化的技术装置。铣床可以用来加工平面、斜面、沟槽,装上分度头可以铣齿轮和螺旋面,装上圆工作台还可以铣切凸轮和弧形槽。所以铣床在金属切削机床中占有很大的比重,使用数量仅次于车床。铣床的迅速发展是由于它的积极作用正日益为人们所认识,其一,它能部分的代替人工操作,它能大大的改善工人的劳动条件,显着提高的提高生产劳动效率,加快实现工业的机械化和自动化的步伐。因而,受到各工业国家的重视,并投入大量的人力、物力加以研究和应用。在我国,近几年来也有较快的发展,并取得一定的成果,受到各工业部门的重视。 通过此设计,可以使大家了解到X62W万能铣床的电气控制系统的结构和PLC控制的原理,简单工作原理。于能力有限,设计中不当之处,敬请指导老师批评指正。 关键词:X62W万能铣床;电气控制系统;PLC ABSTRACT PLC co
ntrol tech
nology based o
n computer tech
nology for the automatic co
ntrol device commo
n core, i
n all walks of life have bee
n widely used. Various types of milli
ng machi
ne is a motor-drive
n gear i
n order to achieve the objects a
nd systems of productio
n process automatio
n tech
nical devices. Milli
ng machi
ne ca
n be used to process flat, slope, tre
nch, fitted with dividi
ng head ca
n be milli
ng a
nd helical gear face, fitted with a rou
nd table ca
n also be milli
ng a
nd arc-shaped cam slot. Therefore, metal-cutti
ng machi
ne tools milli
ng machi
ne i
n a large proportio
n of the
number seco
nd o
nly to the use of lathes. The rapid developme
nt of milli
ng is due to the positive role it is i
ngly recog
nized as the first, it ca
n replace part of the ma
nual, it ca
n greatly improve the worki
ng co
ns of workers, a sig
nt i
ncrease i
n productio
n a
nd labor to improve efficie
ncy a
nd accelerate the achieveme
nt of i
ndustry the pace of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n. Thus, by the importa
nce of the i
ndustrial cou
ntries, a
nd i
nvested a large amou
nt of ma
npower a
nd material resources to the research a
nd applicatio
n. I
n Chi
na, there are relatively rapid i
n rece
nt years, a
nd achieved certai
n results, be of great importa
nce to the i
ndustrial sector. With this desig
n, ca
n make you u
nd that u
niversal milli
ng X62W electrical co
ntrol system PLC co
ntrol of the structure a
nd the pri
nciple of a simple worki
ng pri
nciple. O
n capacity-limited, the desig
n i
nappropriate, please teacher criticism. Keywords: X62W u
niversal milli
ng; Electrical co
ntrol system; PLC
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