nt of Test Platform for New E
nergy Vehicle Electric Drive System Abstract The test platform mai
nly refers to the chassis dy
namometer. The pri
nciple ca
n be simply summarized as a drum test be
nch that simulates the road drivi
ng co
ns with the chassis dy
namometer a
nd tests the performa
nce of the vehicle's power, braki
ng performa
nce a
nd fuel eco
nomy. The test rig is ge
nerally i
nstalled u
nd. The test preparatio
n is completed by drivi
ng the vehicle o
nto the drum, a
nd the ce
ng is fixed. Compared with the
normal road dy
namic performa
nce test, the drum test rig has accuracy, speed a
nd reliability. Certai
n adva
ntages a
nd low cost. This paper is mai
nly for the detectio
n of
new e
nergy vehicles below 4 to
ns. The desig
n scheme is a 48-i
nch si
ngle drum motor ce
ntrally placed AC power chassis dy
namometer. This project i
ntroduces the worki
ng pri
nciple of the test be
nch, establishes a three-dime
nal model of the test platform, a
nd desig
ns the mai
n compo
nts such as the drum, the base a
nd the ce
ng mecha
nism. The selectio
n of electrical a
nd electro
nic equipme
nt such as AC motors a
nd i
nverters was carried out. Fi
nally, through the LabVIEW, the test be
nch software co
ntrol system was programmed to achieve the purpose of detecti
ng the power i
n the vehicle i
nterior. Key words: Dy
namometer; LabVIEW; Electric co
ntrol system; Dy
namic; Tracki
ng 目录 1绪论1 1.1底盘测功机开发背景及目的1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3设计开发方法2 1.3.1设备整体结构设计2 1.3.2电控设备选型2 1.3.3控制系统软件开发3 1.4技术路线及研究内容3 2底盘测功机试验台架运行原理5 2.1测功机工作原理分析5 2.2测功机力学分析5 2.3道路模拟行驶原理分析6 2.3.1汽车路面工况行驶阻力分析6 2.3.2汽车在转鼓试验台上的阻力分析7 2.3.3转鼓和路面阻力等效分析9 2.4本章小结9 3交流电力式底盘测功机机械装置设计选型10 3.1底盘测功机设计使用要求10 3.2底盘测功机结构类型选择10 3.3底盘测功机重要参数设计12 3.3.1转鼓最高速度12 3.3.2转鼓轴向尺寸和转鼓间距12 3.3.3底盘测功机轮廓尺寸13 3.4底盘测功机重要部件设计选型13 3.4.1转鼓部件13 3.4.2交流异步电机选型14 3.4.3对中部件设计16 3.4.4制动装置17 3.4.5换向机构18 3.5交流电力式底盘测功机具体结构19 3.5.1二维CAD图纸19 3.6本章小结21 4电控系统的选型及设计22 4.1电控系统介绍22 4.2电气电子设备22 4.3电控系统职能30 4.4本章小结30 5上位机控制系统软件设计31 5.1 LabVIEW软件介绍31 5.2软件控制系统工作原理31 5.3软件总体设计32 5.4数据采集部分设计35 5.4.1模拟量输入35 5.4.2速度传感器信号输入35 5.5数据处理部分设计36 5.6 PID控制部分设计37 5.7 PWM输出模块设计39 5.8本章小结39 6结论及体会41 6.1总结41 6.2展望41 参考文献43 致谢44 1绪论 1.1底盘测功机开发背景及目的 底盘测功机是用于进行室内台架试验检测汽车动力学性能的实验设备,其基本结构主要包括48或72英寸转鼓、交流异步电机、举升装置、制动装置、散热装置、基座、控制装置等。试验台架的滚筒用于模拟路面,同时通过变频器控制输出转矩来代替汽车路面运行工况中的各种阻力,实现整车室内动力学检测。
nt of Test Platform for New E
nergy Vehicle Electric Drive System Abstract The test platform mai
nly refers to the chassis dy
namometer. The pri
nciple ca
n be simply summarized as a drum test be
nch that simulates the road drivi
ng co
ns with the chassis dy
namometer a
nd tests the performa
nce of the vehicle's power, braki
ng performa
nce a
nd fuel eco
nomy. The test rig is ge
nerally i
nstalled u
nd. The test preparatio
n is completed by drivi
ng the vehicle o
nto the drum, a
nd the ce
ng is fixed. Compared with the
normal road dy
namic performa
nce test, the drum test rig has accuracy, speed a
nd reliability. Certai
n adva
ntages a
nd low cost. This paper is mai
nly for the detectio
n of
new e
nergy vehicles below 4 to
ns. The desig
n scheme is a 48-i
nch si
ngle drum motor ce
ntrally placed AC power chassis dy
namometer. This project i
ntroduces the worki
ng pri
nciple of the test be
nch, establishes a three-dime
nal model of the test platform, a
nd desig
ns the mai
n compo
nts such as the drum, the base a
nd the ce
ng mecha
nism. The selectio
n of electrical a
nd electro
nic equipme
nt such as AC motors a
nd i
nverters was carried out. Fi
nally, through the LabVIEW, the test be
nch software co
ntrol system was programmed to achieve the purpose of detecti
ng the power i
n the vehicle i
nterior. Key words: Dy
namometer; LabVIEW; Electric co
ntrol system; Dy
namic; Tracki
ng 目录 1绪论1 1.1底盘测功机开发背景及目的1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3设计开发方法2 1.3.1设备整体结构设计2 1.3.2电控设备选型2 1.3.3控制系统软件开发3 1.4技术路线及研究内容3 2底盘测功机试验台架运行原理5 2.1测功机工作原理分析5 2.2测功机力学分析5 2.3道路模拟行驶原理分析6 2.3.1汽车路面工况行驶阻力分析6 2.3.2汽车在转鼓试验台上的阻力分析7 2.3.3转鼓和路面阻力等效分析9 2.4本章小结9 3交流电力式底盘测功机机械装置设计选型10 3.1底盘测功机设计使用要求10 3.2底盘测功机结构类型选择10 3.3底盘测功机重要参数设计12 3.3.1转鼓最高速度12 3.3.2转鼓轴向尺寸和转鼓间距12 3.3.3底盘测功机轮廓尺寸13 3.4底盘测功机重要部件设计选型13 3.4.1转鼓部件13 3.4.2交流异步电机选型14 3.4.3对中部件设计16 3.4.4制动装置17 3.4.5换向机构18 3.5交流电力式底盘测功机具体结构19 3.5.1二维CAD图纸19 3.6本章小结21 4电控系统的选型及设计22 4.1电控系统介绍22 4.2电气电子设备22 4.3电控系统职能30 4.4本章小结30 5上位机控制系统软件设计31 5.1 LabVIEW软件介绍31 5.2软件控制系统工作原理31 5.3软件总体设计32 5.4数据采集部分设计35 5.4.1模拟量输入35 5.4.2速度传感器信号输入35 5.5数据处理部分设计36 5.6 PID控制部分设计37 5.7 PWM输出模块设计39 5.8本章小结39 6结论及体会41 6.1总结41 6.2展望41 参考文献43 致谢44 1绪论 1.1底盘测功机开发背景及目的 底盘测功机是用于进行室内台架试验检测汽车动力学性能的实验设备,其基本结构主要包括48或72英寸转鼓、交流异步电机、举升装置、制动装置、散热装置、基座、控制装置等。试验台架的滚筒用于模拟路面,同时通过变频器控制输出转矩来代替汽车路面运行工况中的各种阻力,实现整车室内动力学检测。