摘要 最近几年,工程机械的研发速度很快,而且持续很热。随着生产技术的不断提高,新材料在各个零件上的应用,路面起重机的研发速度也越来越快。本次对5吨路面起重机的伸缩臂和起重臂机构进行了计算和设计,起重机吊臂是采用伸缩式箱型吊臂,吊臂重量在整机中的设计中比重较大,自重会影响整机的倾覆稳定性,从而会影响整机的起重性能,所以在设计中要在安全的情况下尽量减小吊臂自重,增大吊臂刚度以改善起重性能。经过精心研究,我们已经确定了三节伸缩式吊臂的总体参数和工作状态,并根据设计手册,精确计算出每节伸缩吊臂的工作长度,确定了铰点位置,最终确定了液压缸的尺寸,以满足5吨的额定起重量要求。我们在液压缸设计中将液压缸分为缸体和活塞杆两部分,分别进行设计计算,此外我们还对其稳定性及强度展开计算,对钢丝绳索等其他零部件都进行了设计选择,最后用solidworks对路面起重机总体、各节伸缩吊臂、回转机构和抬升机构等其他零部件进行三维绘制。 关键词:路面起重机;伸缩臂;伸缩机构;液压缸; ABSTRACT I
n rece
nt years, the research a
nd developme
nt of co
n machi
nery has bee
n very rapid a
nd co
nues to be hot.Rapidly accelerati
ng the research a
nd developme
nt of road cra
nes, the adva
nt of productio
n tech
nology a
nd the utilizatio
n of
novel materials i
n various compo
nts have bee
n achieved. I
n this study, the telescopic arm a
nd lifti
ng arm mecha
nism of a 5-to
n road cra
ne were calculated a
nd desig
ned.The weight of the telescopic box type cra
ne arm, which accou
nts for a large portio
n of the desig
n of the e
ntire machi
ne, has a direct effect o
n the overtur
ng stability of the e
ntire machi
ne. Co
ntly, it is esse
ntial to reduce the self-weight of the lifti
ng arm a
nd i
ncrease its stiff
ness i
n order to e
nce the lifti
ng performa
nce i
n safe co
ns. The overall parameters a
nd worki
ng co
ns of the cra
ne were determi
ned, a
nd a three sectio
n telescopic boom with a rated lifti
ng capacity of 5 to
ns was desig
ned usi
ng the cra
ne's desig
n ma
nual. I
n additio
n, the worki
ng le
ngth of each sectio
n of the telescopic boom was calculated, a
nd the telescopic mecha
nism was desig
ned.We divided the hydraulic cyli
nder i
nto two parts, the cyli
nder body a
nd the pisto
n rod, a
nd the
n separately calculated the desig
n. Simulta
neously, the hi
nge poi
nts of each sectio
n of the telescopic boom were established a
nd the size of the hydraulic cyli
nder was chose
n a
nd desig
ned. I
n additio
n, we also calculated its stability a
nd stre
ngth, a
nd desig
ned a
nd selected other compo
nts such as steel wire ropes. Fi
nally, solidworks was used to 3D draw the overall structure of the road cra
ne, the telescopic boom of each sectio
n, the rotati
ng mecha
nism, a
nd the lifti
ng mecha
nism of other compo
nts. Key words:Automobile cra
ne; telescopic arm; telescopic mecha
nism; hydraulic cyli
nder; three-dime
nal drawi
ng; 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1前言1 1.1路面起重机的概述1 1.1.1路面起重机的概念1 1.1.2路面起重机的用途1 1.1.3路面起重机的分类1 1.2国内外路面起重机发展概况2 1.2.1国外路面起重机生产公司介绍2 1.2.2国内起重机生产公司介绍3 1.2.3国内外路面起重机的发展趋势3 2路面起重机的主要参数和工作级别5 2.1路面起重机主要技术参数5 2.2路面起重机的工作级别6 2.2.1起重机利用等级6 2.2.2起重机的载荷分布情况8 2.2.3起机工作级别确定8 3起重机各节伸缩吊臂的设计计算9 3.1伸缩臂端部铰点位置的确定9 3.2伸缩臂各节尺寸的计算9 3.3液压油缸铰点的确定11 3.4伸缩臂截面形状的设计与选择13 4吊臂伸缩机构的设计选择与应用15 4.1伸缩机构驱动形式的选择15 4.2液压油缸的设计计算及选用16 4.2.1液压缸缸体内径的计算16 4.2.2液压缸活塞杆设计计算17 4.2.3缸体壁厚及外径计算18 5其他零部件的计算和选择20 5.1钢丝绳的设计与选择20 5.2滑轮直径计算及滑轮组选用21 6 SolidWorks三维设计 结论23 参考文献24 致谢25
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