火车车轴尺寸检测系统机构设计 摘要 在铁路高速、重载的发展形势下,即提高铁路的运输能力,实现铁路运输的现代化,又保证铁路的运输生产安全,显得尤为重要,如果没有性能良好的车轴作为保证,要提高车辆的运行速度和运行安全是不可能的。车轴尺寸检测对检修车轴中处于关键地位,是保证车轴质量的重要手段,传统的检测方法是以人工操作为主,数据的判断读取存在较大的人为误差,所以影响了检测结果的准确性、真实性,也直接影响了车辆的行车安全。所以急需对现有的检测方式进行微机化、自动化改造,以消除测试过程中人为因素对测量结果的影响,用先进的设备保证车辆的行车安全,所以本设计研制一种火车车轴尺寸检测系统机构测量机来解决这个问题。 本设计研究的车轴尺寸检测机构是一套现代化的智能检测系统,能满足火车车轴各个尺寸的检测,火车车轴尺寸测量机构主要是由侧翻机构、夹紧机构、旋转驱动、测量机构等组成,火车轴尺寸测量机改变传统人工测量的方式,实现车轴尺寸检测,避免人为测量中的误判及波动,以及误检、错检等弊端。 关键词:旋转机构;侧翻机构;顶尖 Abstract: U
nder the situatio
n of the developme
nt of the railway high speed, heavy load,
namely to improve railway tra
nsport capacity, realize the moder
n of railway tra
n, a
nd e
nsure the productio
n safety of railway tra
n is particularly importa
nt, if
not the good performa
nce of the axle as a guara
ntee, to improve vehicle ru
ng speed a
nd tra
nsport security is
not possible. Detectio
n of axle size of mai
nce axle i
n the key positio
n, is a
n importa
nt mea
ns to e
nsure the quality of the axle, the traditio
nal detectio
n method is mai
nly by ma
nual operatio
n, data of the judge a
nd read there is a large ma
n-made error, so the effect of the accuracy a
nd reliability of the test results, has a direct impact o
n the safety of vehicles. So there is a
n urge
need to o
n the existi
ng detectio
n methods of computer a
nd automatio
n tra
n, i
n order to elimi
nate the test i
n the process of huma
n factors o
n the measureme
nt results a
nd adva
nced equipme
nt to e
nsure the safety of vehicles, so i
n this paper, the developme
nt a trai
n axle size detectio
n system measuri
ng machi
ne to solve this problem. The axle dime
n detectio
n mecha
nism is a set of moder
n i
nt detectio
n system, ca
n meet the detectio
n of trai
n axles of each size, trai
n axle dime
n measuri
ng mecha
nism is mai
nly by the rollover mecha
nism, a clampi
ng mecha
nism, a rotati
ng drivi
ng, measureme
nt mecha
nism, shaft trai
n size measuri
ng machi
ne cha
nges the way of traditio
nal ma
nual measureme
nt, size detectio
n of axles a
nd avoid artificial measureme
nt error a
nd fluctuatio
n, a
nd false detectio
n, false detectio
n of drawbacks. Key words: Rotati
ng mecha
nism;rollover mecha
nism;core clamper 目录 1绪论1 1.1问题的提出1 1.2课题研究的目的与意义2 1.3国内外现状分析3 1.3.1国内现状分析3 1.3.2国外现状分析3 1.4发展趋势4 2火车车轴尺寸检测机构系统的方案设计4 2.1概述4 2.2主体设计5 2.3火车车轴尺寸检测系统的设计方案5 3火车车轴尺寸检测机构液动系统设计7 3.1液压部分设计与计算7 3.1.1液压缸的设计计算与选取8 3.1.2液压缸的缸筒的设计与计算8 3.1.3活塞杆的设计与计算9 3.1.4最小导向长度H的确定11 4火车车轴尺寸检测机构机械系统设计13 4.1电机的选型设计13 4.2顶尖心轴的设计21 4.2.1顶尖的计算21 4.2.2轴承的寿命计算21 4.2.3轴承的静强度计算23 4.2.4顶尖心轴的设计与计算24 4.3翻转机构的设计与强度校核25 4.4滚珠丝杠及电机选型计算27 4.4.1确定滚珠丝杠副的导程27 4.4.2滚珠丝杠副的载荷及转速计算28 4.4.3滚珠丝杠副预期额定动载荷28 4.4.4导程精度的选择29 4.4.5丝杠电机的选择29 5检测部分31 5.1激光位移传感器的简介31 5.2激光位移传感器的工作原理32 5.3上下滑架的设计33 设计总结35 参考文献36 谢辞37 1绪论 1.1问题的提出 中华人民共和国铁路主要技术政策指出: 铁路是国家重要的基础设施,国民经济的大动脉,交通运输体系的骨干。为贯彻国家可持续发展战略,适应和促进国民经济发展和社会进步,应充分发挥铁路技术经济优势,积极发展铁路,满足运输市场需求。
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