With the developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustry of Chi
na has bee
n tech
nological progress a
nd social developme
nt of pillar i
ndustries. Whether i
n traditio
nal i
ndustries or
new i
ndustries, it is i
nseparable from a wide ra
nge of machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt. This graduatio
n of co
nt which is the study about the protocol developme
nt process a
nd the fixture desig
n of the hole a
nd some pla
ne processi
ng procedure. I
n terms of process rules, primarily through a careful a
nalysis of the product parts a
nd related tech
nical requireme
nts, check the parts releva
nt i
n co
nsidered part of the process of structural requireme
nts, batch, a
nd eco
nomics, feasibility, a
nd more factors. The fi
nal arra
nts for the operatio
ns to fi
nish processi
ng, i
ng the operatio
ns of processi
ng method, machi
ne tools, tooli
ng, fixtures, assistive devices, measureme
nt apparatus selectio
n, select datum, positio
ng a
nd clamp authori
ng, a
nd process card, clarity of expressio
n out the whole processi
ng procedure. I
n additio
n, i
n fixture desig
n, the mai
n desig
n about a hole, a flat a
nd a groove machi
ng process has bee
n a
nalysised, computatio
n a
nd fi
nally to complete the desig
n task. Key words: Plectrum; process route; positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng; dedicated fixture desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1夹具设计的意义1 1.2夹具设计研究概述2 1.2.1夹具的定义2 1.2.2夹具发展概况2 1.2.3夹具设计要解决的主要问题4 1.3夹具的功能4 1.4夹具组成5 1.4.1夹具的基本组成部分5 1.4.2夹具的其他组成部分5 1.5夹具的分类6 1.5.1按夹具的通用特性分类6 1.5.2按夹具使用的机床分类6 1.6夹具使用优点8 1.7夹具设计要求9 1.7.1夹具设计基本要求9 1.7.2生产对其提出的新要求9 1.8夹具设计特点9 1.9现代夹具的发展发向10 第2章工艺规程的编制11 2.1零件的分析11 2.1.1零件的作用11 2.1.2零件的工艺分析12 2.2确定毛坯的制造形式13 2.3基面的选择14 2.4制定工艺路线15 2.5选择加工设备及刀具、夹具、量具16 2.6机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定17 2.7确立切削用量及基本工时20 第4章机床夹具优化设计及经济效益39 4.1优化设计分析39 4.1.1成组夹具成本39 4.1.2优化设计的现实意义40 4.2机床夹具柔性化40 4.3机床夹具经济效益分析41 第5章车Ф55孔圆弧夹具设计43 5.1定位基准的选择43 5.2切削力及夹紧力的计算43 5.3定位误差分析44 5.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明44 结论46 致谢47 参考文献48
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustry of Chi
na has bee
n tech
nological progress a
nd social developme
nt of pillar i
ndustries. Whether i
n traditio
nal i
ndustries or
new i
ndustries, it is i
nseparable from a wide ra
nge of machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt. This graduatio
n of co
nt which is the study about the protocol developme
nt process a
nd the fixture desig
n of the hole a
nd some pla
ne processi
ng procedure. I
n terms of process rules, primarily through a careful a
nalysis of the product parts a
nd related tech
nical requireme
nts, check the parts releva
nt i
n co
nsidered part of the process of structural requireme
nts, batch, a
nd eco
nomics, feasibility, a
nd more factors. The fi
nal arra
nts for the operatio
ns to fi
nish processi
ng, i
ng the operatio
ns of processi
ng method, machi
ne tools, tooli
ng, fixtures, assistive devices, measureme
nt apparatus selectio
n, select datum, positio
ng a
nd clamp authori
ng, a
nd process card, clarity of expressio
n out the whole processi
ng procedure. I
n additio
n, i
n fixture desig
n, the mai
n desig
n about a hole, a flat a
nd a groove machi
ng process has bee
n a
nalysised, computatio
n a
nd fi
nally to complete the desig
n task. Key words: Plectrum; process route; positio
ng a
nd clampi
ng; dedicated fixture desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1夹具设计的意义1 1.2夹具设计研究概述2 1.2.1夹具的定义2 1.2.2夹具发展概况2 1.2.3夹具设计要解决的主要问题4 1.3夹具的功能4 1.4夹具组成5 1.4.1夹具的基本组成部分5 1.4.2夹具的其他组成部分5 1.5夹具的分类6 1.5.1按夹具的通用特性分类6 1.5.2按夹具使用的机床分类6 1.6夹具使用优点8 1.7夹具设计要求9 1.7.1夹具设计基本要求9 1.7.2生产对其提出的新要求9 1.8夹具设计特点9 1.9现代夹具的发展发向10 第2章工艺规程的编制11 2.1零件的分析11 2.1.1零件的作用11 2.1.2零件的工艺分析12 2.2确定毛坯的制造形式13 2.3基面的选择14 2.4制定工艺路线15 2.5选择加工设备及刀具、夹具、量具16 2.6机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定17 2.7确立切削用量及基本工时20 第4章机床夹具优化设计及经济效益39 4.1优化设计分析39 4.1.1成组夹具成本39 4.1.2优化设计的现实意义40 4.2机床夹具柔性化40 4.3机床夹具经济效益分析41 第5章车Ф55孔圆弧夹具设计43 5.1定位基准的选择43 5.2切削力及夹紧力的计算43 5.3定位误差分析44 5.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明44 结论46 致谢47 参考文献48