机械小黄鸭的机械机构设计及运动仿真 Mecha
nical Structure Desig
n a
nd Motio
n Simulatio
n of Small Yellow Duck 摘要 随着机械化和自动化技术的发展和不断进步,对人类社会也是产生了许许多多的影响。拿玩具行业来说,国内的玩具行业虽然非常火热,但是这只是表面现象,其中的高端产品以及尖端技术都在国外,中国在这方面还是处于弱势。而随着机械化和自动化技术的进步,玩具行业也是蒸蒸日上,机械类玩具以广东、福建为领头羊而顺势发展起来了。通过将自动化技术运用到玩具的控制方面,实现玩具的自动化,大大的提高了我国玩具产业产品的实力。 本次设计在自动化和机械化方面研究机械小黄鸭的动作的完成。在传统机械玩具制作的基础上,将自动化技术引入玩具的的控制中,目的在于制造了一种具有自动化控制的机械玩具。同时深入研究了本次机械小黄鸭的任务要求,同时基于软件程序验证了机械小黄鸭动作完成的正确性和可行性。 关键词:机械化自动化控制玩具 Abstract With the developme
nt of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n tech
nology, there have bee
n ma
ny i
nces o
n huma
n society. It ca
n be said that all walks of life i
n huma
n society have cha
nged dramatically because of the progress of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n tech
nology. I
n the toy i
ndustry, the domestic toy i
ndustry, although very hot, but this is o
nly a surface phe
n, o
ne of the high-e
nd products a
nd adva
nced tech
nology i
n foreig
n cou
ntries, Chi
na still at a disadva
ntage i
n this respect. With the progress of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n tech
nology, the toy i
ndustry is also boomi
ng, a
nd mecha
nical toys have developed i
n the tre
nd of gua
ng a
nd fujia
n. By applyi
ng the automatio
n tech
nology to the co
ntrol of toys, the automatio
n of toys has greatly improved the stre
ngth of our toy i
ndustry products. This desig
n is i
n the automatio
n a
nd mecha
n aspect research machi
nery small yellow duck's actio
n complete. O
n the basis of the productio
n of traditio
nal mecha
nical toys, the automatio
n tech
nology is i
ntroduced i
nto the co
ntrol of toys. The purpose is to create a mecha
nical toy with automatic co
ntrol. At the same time, the task requireme
nt of this machi
ne is studied deeply, a
nd the correct
ness a
nd feasibility of the operatio
n of the mecha
nical yellow duck is verified based o
n the software program. KEY WORDS mecha
nize automatio
n co
ntrol toy 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 2机械小黄鸭简介2 2.1本次设计中的小黄鸭的具体要求2 2.2机械小黄鸭的优点和缺点2 2.3机械小黄鸭的结构组成2 3机械小黄鸭的机械机构原理和设计3 3.1头部机构设计3 3.1.1总体要求3 3.1.2原始数据3 3.1.3头部机构的运动简图3 3.1.4头部机构设计内容3 3.1.5四连杆机构的设计4 3.1.6电动机型号的选择4 3.1.7传动比的分配5 3.1.8计算各个传动装置的参数5 3.1.9蜗轮蜗杆传动的设计5 3.1.10齿轮传动的设计8 3.1.11齿轮轴的设计以及计算12 3.1.12设计小齿轮轴14 3.1.13轴的结构设计14 3.1.14高速轴上的功率、转速、转矩15 3.1.15蜗杆轴的设计17 3.1.16键连接18 3.1.17润滑油的选择19 3.1.18联轴器的选择19 3.2翅膀机构设计19 3.2.1翅膀机构的总体要求19 3.2.2驱动机构的选择19 3.2.3驱动方式的选择20 3.2.4机构参数的计算20 3.2.5翅膀机构参数的计算及电机的选择24 3.3腿部机构设计26 3.3.1选用凸轮机构26 3.3.2臀部凸轮机构设计26 3.3.3膝关节凸轮机构设计27 3.3.4腿部机构电机的选择28 结论30 参考文献31 致谢33
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