摘要 拖拉机倒挡拨叉叉口侧面精铣夹具设计。我主要需要完成的包括加工工艺的安排以及一种专用机床夹具设计。为了保证加工零件的精度同时节约成本和缩短加工周期以及提高加工效率,那么一个良好的工艺安排以及专用夹具的设计就是必不可少的了。在工艺的安排上不但要考虑合理的加工要求还要考虑到操作者以及加工机械的安全。同时夹具的设计上也要考虑到使用的安全性和经济性以及安装和拆卸上的方便性。设计一个良好的工艺工装安排路线那么必须要经过对加工件的详细分析以及周密的考虑后才能得出。所以分析问题是解决问题的关键,同时还要反复的调整,来寻求最好的一个路线。这样才能让工艺路线更加的完美,才能保证工件的加工精度和加工效率以及节约材料。 关键词:拖拉机倒挡拨叉类零件;工艺;夹具; ABSTRACT The topic of this graduatio
n desig
n is a tractor reverse shift fork crossi
ngs side milli
ng fixture desig
n. I mai
need to complete the processi
ng tech
nology a
nd a special machi
ne tool fixture desig
n. I
n order to e
nsure machi
ng precisio
n at the same time, save cost a
nd shorte
n the processi
ng cycle a
nd improve the processi
ng efficie
ncy, the
n a good process arra
nt a
nd special fixture desig
n is esse
ntial for the. I
n the process of the arra
not o
nly to co
nsider the reaso
nable processi
ng requireme
nts but also taki
ng i
nto accou
nt the safety of the operator a
nd processi
ng machi
nery. At the same time, the desig
n of the fixture should take i
nto accou
nt the use of safety a
nd eco
nomy as well as the ease of i
n a
nd disassembly. To desig
n a good process for the arra
nt of the route the
n must go through a detailed a
nalysis of the processi
ng parts a
nd careful co
n before the. So the problem is to solve the problem is the key to solve the problem, but also to repeatedly adjust, to seek the best route. I
n order to make the process more perfect, to guara
ntee the processi
ng accuracy a
nd efficie
ncy of the workpiece a
nd save materials. Key words: A
ngle gear seat parts; fixture; 目录 摘要II ABSTRACT III 第1章绪论1 1.1机械加工工艺概述1 1.2夹具概述1 第2章加工工艺规程设计3 2.1零件的分析3 2.1.1零件的作用3 2.2拖拉机倒挡拨叉加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施4 2.2.1孔和平面的加工顺序4 2.2.2孔系加工方案选择5 2.3拖拉机倒挡拨叉加工定位基准的选择5 2.3.1粗基准的选择5 2.3.2精基准的选择6 2.4拖拉机倒挡拨叉加工主要工序安排6 2.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定9 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间) 11 2.7时间定额计算及生产安排23 第3章叉口侧面精铣夹具28 3.1研究原始质料28 3.2定位基准的选择28 3.3切削力及夹紧分析计算28 3.4误差分析与计算29 3.5零、部件的设计与选用30 3.5.1定位销选用30 3.5.2定向键装置设计31 3.6夹具设计及操作的简要说明32 总结34 参考文献35 致谢36
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