n moldi
ng is a
n importa
nt moldi
ng plastics. Through the desig
n of the i
n mould for the charger shell, ca
n basically, a comprehe
nsive u
ng of the basic pri
nciples, methods of i
n mold desig
n. I
n the mold structural desig
n process, I attempt to put forward a variety of differe
nt formi
ng schemes, a
nd the schemes are compared with the teacher discussio
n. I
n the compariso
n process, fou
nd a lot of problems, but also u
nd the mold desig
n requireme
nts a
nd basic pri
nciples, fi
nally fi
nish without a data selectio
n i
n access to a large
number of books to help. I
n the a
nalysis of the desig
n process characteristics of commo
n commodity charger, a
nd i
ntroduces the tech
nology characteristics, formi
ng ABS material moldi
ng process, mold a
nd moldi
ng process. At the same time, a
nalyzed the mold structure a
nd calculatio
n, master the desig
n of a complete mold to produce structure. Through this desig
n, ca
n be more skilled use of Auto-CAD, Pro-E a
nd other software mold aided desig
n, improve the ability of computer drawi
ng their ow
n. This graduatio
n desig
n is fully e
ngaged i
n mold desig
n i
ndustry for the future lay a solid fou
n. The mai
n desig
n is the desig
n of i
n mold for the shell of charger, focuses o
n the a
nalysis of plastic moldi
ng pri
nciple, material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology. The teacher assig
ned task, I would first of task were a
nalyzed to u
nd, a
nd access to a large
number of books, ma
nuals a
nd docume
n, to mold a certai
n u
ng a
nd clear the task completed their. I
n the ABS charger u
ng, to meet the product mass productio
n, high precisio
n, complex shape a
nd other requireme
nts, I first time spe
nt i
n the moldi
ng, products after processi
ng, the selectio
n of parti
ng surface, cavity
number a
nd arra
nt, formi
ng part of the structure. Si
nce the actual productio
n, desig
ned to cover the mai
n system of i
n mold i
nclude i
n machi
ne, casti
ng system, exhaust system, cooli
ng system, ejector system, guidi
ng system. For mold to the actual productio
n, there are ma
ny we co
nsider somethi
ng, so I actively ask may meet the productio
n process a
nd my teacher about the real factory mold problems. Desig
n, try to use the side core pulli
ng mecha
nism, i
ncrease the mould complexity a
nd practicability. A refere
nce to the desig
n of the i
n mould desig
n experie
nce, combi
ned with the actual requireme
nts of products, through the simplificatio
n a
nd optimizatio
n of each system performa
nce, structure desig
n, to maximize the realizatio
n of beautiful appeara
nce, high practicality, lo
ng service life, short productio
n cycle a
nd good eco
nomic performa
nce. Key words:I
n mould for plastic;The charger shell;computer graphics 目录 引言1 1绪论2 1.1模具概述2 1.1.1模具种类2 1.1.2注射模具概述3 1.1.3模具设计中面临的难题和要求3 1.1.3国内研究现状4 1.1.4国外研究现状5 1.2课题的目的及意义5 1.3课题的主要内容和工作方法6 1.4解决的重点问题与创新8 2塑料制品分析9 2.1明确制品设计要求9 2.2明确制品批量9 2.3材料选择及性能9 2.3.1材料选择9 2.3.2材料品种10 2.4成型设备10 2.5拔模斜度10 2.6计算制品的体积和质量11 2.6.1表面质量的分析11 2.6.2塑件的体积重量11 3注射机及成型方案的确定11 3.1注射机的确定12 3.2成型方案的确定12 3.2.1成型设备的选择12 3.2.2成型的特点12 3.2.3成型的原理13 3.2.4成型过程13 4型腔数的确定及分型面的选择13 4.1型腔数的确定14 4.2分型面的选择14 4.2.1分型面的主要选择原则14 4.3确定型腔的排列方式15 4.4标准模架的选用16 5成型零部件的设计与计算17 5.1凸模设计17 5.2凹模的设计17 5.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算18 5.3.1模腔工作尺寸的计算18 6浇注系统的设计20 6.1浇注系统设计的原则20 6.2主流道设计20 6.3分主流道的设计20 6.4浇口的设计21 6.5平衡进料21 6.6冷料穴设计21 7排气与冷却系统的设计22 7.1冷却系统设计的原则22 7.2冷却水路的计算22 7.3排气系统的设计23 8顶出与抽芯机构的设计24 8.1推杆复位装置24 8.2抽芯机构的选择25 8.3抽芯距的计算25 8.4斜导柱抽芯的设计25 8.5滑块的设计26 9导向机构的设计26 9.1导向、定位机构的主要功能27 9.2导向机构的设计27 9.2.1导柱的设计27 9.2.2导套的设计27 10注射机与模具各参数的校核28 10.1工艺参数的校核29 10.2模具安装尺寸的校核29 10.2.1喷嘴的校核29 10.2.2定位圈尺寸的校核29 10.2.3模具外形尺寸的校核30 10.2.4模具厚度的校核30 10.2.5安装参数的校核30 10.3开模行程的校核30 11结论31 谢辞32 参考文献33 附录34
n moldi
ng is a
n importa
nt moldi
ng plastics. Through the desig
n of the i
n mould for the charger shell, ca
n basically, a comprehe
nsive u
ng of the basic pri
nciples, methods of i
n mold desig
n. I
n the mold structural desig
n process, I attempt to put forward a variety of differe
nt formi
ng schemes, a
nd the schemes are compared with the teacher discussio
n. I
n the compariso
n process, fou
nd a lot of problems, but also u
nd the mold desig
n requireme
nts a
nd basic pri
nciples, fi
nally fi
nish without a data selectio
n i
n access to a large
number of books to help. I
n the a
nalysis of the desig
n process characteristics of commo
n commodity charger, a
nd i
ntroduces the tech
nology characteristics, formi
ng ABS material moldi
ng process, mold a
nd moldi
ng process. At the same time, a
nalyzed the mold structure a
nd calculatio
n, master the desig
n of a complete mold to produce structure. Through this desig
n, ca
n be more skilled use of Auto-CAD, Pro-E a
nd other software mold aided desig
n, improve the ability of computer drawi
ng their ow
n. This graduatio
n desig
n is fully e
ngaged i
n mold desig
n i
ndustry for the future lay a solid fou
n. The mai
n desig
n is the desig
n of i
n mold for the shell of charger, focuses o
n the a
nalysis of plastic moldi
ng pri
nciple, material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology. The teacher assig
ned task, I would first of task were a
nalyzed to u
nd, a
nd access to a large
number of books, ma
nuals a
nd docume
n, to mold a certai
n u
ng a
nd clear the task completed their. I
n the ABS charger u
ng, to meet the product mass productio
n, high precisio
n, complex shape a
nd other requireme
nts, I first time spe
nt i
n the moldi
ng, products after processi
ng, the selectio
n of parti
ng surface, cavity
number a
nd arra
nt, formi
ng part of the structure. Si
nce the actual productio
n, desig
ned to cover the mai
n system of i
n mold i
nclude i
n machi
ne, casti
ng system, exhaust system, cooli
ng system, ejector system, guidi
ng system. For mold to the actual productio
n, there are ma
ny we co
nsider somethi
ng, so I actively ask may meet the productio
n process a
nd my teacher about the real factory mold problems. Desig
n, try to use the side core pulli
ng mecha
nism, i
ncrease the mould complexity a
nd practicability. A refere
nce to the desig
n of the i
n mould desig
n experie
nce, combi
ned with the actual requireme
nts of products, through the simplificatio
n a
nd optimizatio
n of each system performa
nce, structure desig
n, to maximize the realizatio
n of beautiful appeara
nce, high practicality, lo
ng service life, short productio
n cycle a
nd good eco
nomic performa
nce. Key words:I
n mould for plastic;The charger shell;computer graphics 目录 引言1 1绪论2 1.1模具概述2 1.1.1模具种类2 1.1.2注射模具概述3 1.1.3模具设计中面临的难题和要求3 1.1.3国内研究现状4 1.1.4国外研究现状5 1.2课题的目的及意义5 1.3课题的主要内容和工作方法6 1.4解决的重点问题与创新8 2塑料制品分析9 2.1明确制品设计要求9 2.2明确制品批量9 2.3材料选择及性能9 2.3.1材料选择9 2.3.2材料品种10 2.4成型设备10 2.5拔模斜度10 2.6计算制品的体积和质量11 2.6.1表面质量的分析11 2.6.2塑件的体积重量11 3注射机及成型方案的确定11 3.1注射机的确定12 3.2成型方案的确定12 3.2.1成型设备的选择12 3.2.2成型的特点12 3.2.3成型的原理13 3.2.4成型过程13 4型腔数的确定及分型面的选择13 4.1型腔数的确定14 4.2分型面的选择14 4.2.1分型面的主要选择原则14 4.3确定型腔的排列方式15 4.4标准模架的选用16 5成型零部件的设计与计算17 5.1凸模设计17 5.2凹模的设计17 5.3成型零件工作尺寸的计算18 5.3.1模腔工作尺寸的计算18 6浇注系统的设计20 6.1浇注系统设计的原则20 6.2主流道设计20 6.3分主流道的设计20 6.4浇口的设计21 6.5平衡进料21 6.6冷料穴设计21 7排气与冷却系统的设计22 7.1冷却系统设计的原则22 7.2冷却水路的计算22 7.3排气系统的设计23 8顶出与抽芯机构的设计24 8.1推杆复位装置24 8.2抽芯机构的选择25 8.3抽芯距的计算25 8.4斜导柱抽芯的设计25 8.5滑块的设计26 9导向机构的设计26 9.1导向、定位机构的主要功能27 9.2导向机构的设计27 9.2.1导柱的设计27 9.2.2导套的设计27 10注射机与模具各参数的校核28 10.1工艺参数的校核29 10.2模具安装尺寸的校核29 10.2.1喷嘴的校核29 10.2.2定位圈尺寸的校核29 10.2.3模具外形尺寸的校核30 10.2.4模具厚度的校核30 10.2.5安装参数的校核30 10.3开模行程的校核30 11结论31 谢辞32 参考文献33 附录34