摘要 根据老年人用随身听播放机后盖制品的要求,了解塑件的用途,分析塑件的工艺性、尺寸精度等技术要求,考量塑件制件尺寸。本模具采用一模二腔,侧浇口进料,注射机采用海天HTF160XB型号,设置冷却系统,CAD和UG绘制二维总装图和零件图,选择模具合理的加工方法。附上说明书,系统地运用简要的文字,简明的示意图和和计算等分析塑件,从而作出合理的注塑模具设计。 关键字:老年人用随身听播放机后盖;一模二腔;侧浇口;注射机;注塑模具 Abstract Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the rear cover products of the Walkma
n player for the elderly, u
nd the use of the plastic parts, a
nalyze the tech
nical requireme
nts of the plastic parts, such as the processability a
nd size accuracy, a
nd co
nsider the size of the plastic parts. The mold adopts the first mock exam two cavity, the side gate feed, the i
n machi
ne adopts Haitia
n HTF160XB model, the cooli
ng system is set up, the CAD a
nd UG draw 2D assembly drawi
ngs a
nd parts drawi
ng, a
nd the reaso
nable processi
ng method of the die is selected. Attach the i
ns, systematically use the simple words, simple schematic diagram a
nd calculatio
n to a
nalyze the plastic parts, so as to make a reaso
nable i
n mold desig
n. Key words: the first mock exam is used for the elderly, the rear cover of the Walkma
n player; o
ne mold two cavity; side gate; i
n machi
ne; i
n mold. 目录 摘要及关键词3 Abstract 4 1.绪论5 1.1前言5 2注塑工艺分析及成型方法简介7 2.1塑件(老年人用随身听播放机后盖)分析7 2.1.1塑件7 2.1.2塑料名称7 2.1.3生产纲领7 2.2塑件的结构及成型工艺分析8 2.3材料ABS的注射成型过程及工艺参数8 2.3.1注射成型过程8 2.3.2材料ABS的注塑成型参数8 2.3.3材料ABS性能9 3模具设计11 3.1拟定模具结构设计11 3.1.1分型面位置的确定11 3.2确定型腔数量及排列方式12 3.3模具结构形式的确定12 3.4注射机型号的确定13 3.5浇注系统、关键零部件设计17 3.5.1浇注系统形式和浇口的设计17 3.5.2分型面设计22 3.5.3成型零件设计22 3.5.4排气系统的设计24 3.5.5温度调节系统设计24 3.5.6脱模机构的设计28 3.6侧向抽芯机构类型选择30 3.7模架的确定35 4总结37 4.1模具设计过程体会37 4.2设计存在问题及解决设想37
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