近年来,机械工业的全国复兴,众多制造业职业者都越来越关注机械CAD / CAM技术,不仅因为CAD / CAM技术发展成一种相对成熟的技术,也因为塑料制品和模具3 d的设计和注塑工艺分析发展更成熟了,塑料模具工业的作用也越来越重要。
nigraphics(ug)设计了塑料壳注塑模具的3d模型,根据模具设计的尺寸,选择并安装相应的模架。 关键词:壳体;注塑模;实体造型;模具;AutoCAD;U
nigraphics(ug) Abstract I
n rece
nt years, the machi
nery i
ndustry of the
nal revival, ma
ny ma
ng professio
nals are i
ngly focused o
n mecha
nical CAD/CAM tech
not o
nly because of CAD/CAM tech
nology to develop i
nto a relatively mature tech
nology, but also because of plastic products a
nd mould desig
n a
nd i
n moldi
ng process a
nalysis developme
nt of 3 d is more mature, the effect of plastic mold i
ndustry is becomi
ng more a
nd more importa
nt. The desig
n process of the mould shows the desig
n process of the mould, a
nalyzes the tech
nological characteristics of the mould, a
nd i
ntroduces the formi
ng process characteristics of ABS material. I
n the process of die structure desig
n, differe
nt formi
ng schemes are proposed a
nd compared. At the same time, the die structure a
nd calculatio
n are a
nalyzed i
n detail. Fi
nally, the formi
ng part of the mould was a
nalyzed a
nd the equipme
nt was checked. The worki
ng pri
nciple of mould is i
ntroduced, a
nd the assembly of mould is i
ntroduced briefly. I
n this graduatio
n project, the 3d model of the plastic shell i
n mold was desig
ned usi
ng the high-e
nd software U
nigraphics(ug) of 3d stereo modeli
ng. Accordi
ng to the size of the mold desig
n, the correspo
ng mold frame was selected a
nd i
nstalled. Keywords: shell; I
n mold; Solid modeli
ng; The mold; AutoCAD; U
nigraphics (ug) 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1研究背景与意义1 1.2工业生产模具技术现状1 1.3塑料模具的分类3 1.4研究内容与方法3 第二章鼠标上盖设计及成型工艺的分析5 2.1塑件分析5 2.2塑料的选材及性能分析7 2.3 ABS塑料的注射过程及工艺8 2.4残余应力引起的龟裂8 第三章鼠标上盖模具设计方案10 3.1分型面方案的优化确定10 3.2型腔数量以及排列方式确定11 第四章模具设计与对比创新12 4.1注塑机选型12 4.2模具浇注系统设计和浇口的设计14 4.3注塑件工作尺寸的设计与计算16 4.4模架的确定和标准件的选用18 4.5合模导向机构和定位机构20 4.6排气系统设计22 4.7冷却系统的优化设计23 4.8模具材料例表24 4.9冷却系统的优化设计24 4.10模具材料例表27 第五章模具装配28 5.1塑料模具装配的技术要求28 5.2塑料模具装配过程29 设计总结30 参考文献31 致谢32
nigraphics(ug)设计了塑料壳注塑模具的3d模型,根据模具设计的尺寸,选择并安装相应的模架。 关键词:壳体;注塑模;实体造型;模具;AutoCAD;U
nigraphics(ug) Abstract I
n rece
nt years, the machi
nery i
ndustry of the
nal revival, ma
ny ma
ng professio
nals are i
ngly focused o
n mecha
nical CAD/CAM tech
not o
nly because of CAD/CAM tech
nology to develop i
nto a relatively mature tech
nology, but also because of plastic products a
nd mould desig
n a
nd i
n moldi
ng process a
nalysis developme
nt of 3 d is more mature, the effect of plastic mold i
ndustry is becomi
ng more a
nd more importa
nt. The desig
n process of the mould shows the desig
n process of the mould, a
nalyzes the tech
nological characteristics of the mould, a
nd i
ntroduces the formi
ng process characteristics of ABS material. I
n the process of die structure desig
n, differe
nt formi
ng schemes are proposed a
nd compared. At the same time, the die structure a
nd calculatio
n are a
nalyzed i
n detail. Fi
nally, the formi
ng part of the mould was a
nalyzed a
nd the equipme
nt was checked. The worki
ng pri
nciple of mould is i
ntroduced, a
nd the assembly of mould is i
ntroduced briefly. I
n this graduatio
n project, the 3d model of the plastic shell i
n mold was desig
ned usi
ng the high-e
nd software U
nigraphics(ug) of 3d stereo modeli
ng. Accordi
ng to the size of the mold desig
n, the correspo
ng mold frame was selected a
nd i
nstalled. Keywords: shell; I
n mold; Solid modeli
ng; The mold; AutoCAD; U
nigraphics (ug) 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1研究背景与意义1 1.2工业生产模具技术现状1 1.3塑料模具的分类3 1.4研究内容与方法3 第二章鼠标上盖设计及成型工艺的分析5 2.1塑件分析5 2.2塑料的选材及性能分析7 2.3 ABS塑料的注射过程及工艺8 2.4残余应力引起的龟裂8 第三章鼠标上盖模具设计方案10 3.1分型面方案的优化确定10 3.2型腔数量以及排列方式确定11 第四章模具设计与对比创新12 4.1注塑机选型12 4.2模具浇注系统设计和浇口的设计14 4.3注塑件工作尺寸的设计与计算16 4.4模架的确定和标准件的选用18 4.5合模导向机构和定位机构20 4.6排气系统设计22 4.7冷却系统的优化设计23 4.8模具材料例表24 4.9冷却系统的优化设计24 4.10模具材料例表27 第五章模具装配28 5.1塑料模具装配的技术要求28 5.2塑料模具装配过程29 设计总结30 参考文献31 致谢32