呈交的设计《年产1000吨菠萝皮汁车间设计》是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,设计使用的数据真实可靠。 年产1000吨菠萝皮汁车间设计 摘要 本设计为年产量1000吨的菠萝皮汁车间设计。对设计的方案进行分析,确定了其可行性以及产址。首先根据菠萝收获的季节,规划了产品的生产方案;再根据生产方案与年产量计算得到班产量;然后根据设计任务书要求的工艺流程,依据原料特性及加工工序进行物料计算;在工艺流程和物料计算结果的基础上进行了设备选型与计算,得出设备的主要参数,其主要原则是满足工艺要求,保证产品质量和产量,符合食品卫生要求,兼顾技术的先进性和经济的合理性。再根据工艺的走向及生产设备进行了车间平面的布置,其主要原则是满足生产要求,便于生产的进行;设备安装按照工艺流水线安排,按相同类型进行适当集中,做到生产过程占地最少、生产周期最短、操作最方便;保证各物料运输通畅,避免重复往返;人员进出和物料进出分开;注意车间采光、通风、降温等。此外,对劳动力组织进行了计算,对水、汽、电消耗量进行了估算,对经济效益进行了简要分析,对污水处理提出了治理方案。 关键词:菠萝皮汁;车间;设计; A pla
nt desig
n with a
n a
nual output of 1000 to
ns of pi
neapple peel juice Abstract The i
n is about the desig
n of a workshop with the a
nual output of 1000 to
ns of pi
neapple peel juice. It a
nalyzes the desig
n proposal a
nd the feasibility as well as the productio
n site. Firstly, accordi
ng to the gather seaso
n of pi
neapple , the desig
n makes a pla
n of productio
n program, a
nd based o
n the program a
nd the a
nual output it calculates the shift productio
n. Seco
ndly, accordi
ng to the crafts procedure i
n the task paper a
nd the material properties as well as the processi
ng procedure, it makes a calculatio
n o
n materials, a
nd based o
n the results it gets to the equipme
nt selectio
n a
nd calculatio
n to fi
nd out the mai
n parameter. The mai
n pri
nciple is to meet with the crafts requireme
nt a
nd make sure the qua
ntity a
nd quality of the product which co
nforms to the food safety requireme
nt, a
nd it also takes the adva
nced tech
nology a
nd eco
nomy co
ncy i
nto co
n. Thirdly, based o
n the tre
nd of the crafts procedure a
nd the produci
ng equipme
nt, the desig
n makes a
n arra
nt of the workshop flat, whose mai
n pri
nciple is to meet with the produci
ng requireme
nts a
nd co
nce. The equipme
nt i
n is based o
n the arra
nt of assembly li
nes of crafts a
nd to make a
n appropriate co
n of the same style, which ca
n make sure that the productio
n use lest space a
nd go through the shortest productio
n cycle with the most co
nt operati
ng crafts. The desig
not o
nly ca
n e
nsure the smooth tra
n of all the materials to avoid repeat goi
ng back a
nd forth but also ca
n separate the staff a
nd the materials whe
n passi
ng i
n a
nd out as well as payi
ng atte
n to lighti
ng, ve
n a
nd cooli
ng. Besides, the desig
n calculates the labor orga
n a
nd estimate the co
n of water, gas a
nd electricity a
nd it also makes a brief a
nalysis of the eco
nomy profits a
nd puts forward a treati
ng proposal of polluted water. Keywords: pi
neapple peel juice;workshop;desig
n 目录 目录 1前言1 2可行性研究2 2.1项目研究总论2 2.1.1项目研究工作概况2 2.1.2原料分析2 2.1.3产品分析5 2.1.4市场前景与需求分析5 2.2厂址选择7 2.2.1厂址选择的原则7 2.2.2厂址位置7 2.2.3气候条件8 2.2.4资源条件8 2.3车间平面设计8 3工艺设计9 3.1产品方案9 3.1.1生产班次的确定9 3.1.2班产量的确定9 3.1.3产品方案的制定10 3.2工艺流程及操作要点10 3.2.1工艺流程图10 3.2.2工艺操作要点11 3.2.3成品规格与标准12 3.3物料衡算12 3.4设备选型14 3.5劳动定员24 3.6生产车间工艺布置25 3.6.1车间布置设计的依据25 3.6.2生产车间工艺布置的原则26 3.6.3车间布置说明26 3.6.4车间的尺寸设计28 3.6.5生产车间平面布置图(见附录) 29 3.7生产车间水、汽、电用量估算29 3.7.1车间用水估算29 3.7.2车间用汽量估算29 3.7.3车间用电量估算30 4废水处理30 5设计概算和技术经济分析31 5.1设计概算32 5.1.1建筑工程费用(K1) 32 5.1.2设备和工具的购置费用(K2) 32 5.1.3安装工程费用(K3) 32 5.1.4其他费用(K4) 32 5.1.5基本预备费(K5) 32 5.2技术经济分析33 5.2.1投资指标33 5.2.2利润、利润率计算34 5.2.3经营安全率分析35 6综合评价35 参考文献 [1]董定超、李玉萍、梁伟红等.中国菠萝产业发展现状[J].中国热带农业科学科技信息研究所,2009.8. [2]尚文华.我国菠萝产业发展现状与对策探讨[J].中国热带农业,2006(1):9-11. [3]李俶、王芳、李积华等.菠萝皮渣营养成分及矿物质元素检测分析[J].食品科技,2011:4-36. [4] Ke
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