This desig
n topic is the U type tube mecha
nical desig
n of crude oil heater, the subject of temperature a
nd pressure i
n the set, the desig
n to be based o
n the parameters set i
n accorda
ncewith, a
nd the
n refer to the releva
nt papers a
nd docume
nts, a U-shaped tube oil preheater structure desig
n a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts o
n computatio
n a
nd state sta
ndard desig
n. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nt of U type tubular crude oil preheater, the steps are set up.. The co
nts of the desig
n i
nclude the choice of heat excha
nge pipe, baffle plate, tie rod, tube box a
nd so o
n. Structure desig
n of tube, tube plate, fla
nge a
nd tie rod etc.. Calculate thewall thick
ness a
nd material stre
ngth test, etc.. I
n the structural desig
n, there are ma
ny factors to co
nsider, such as the
nature of the material, temperature a
nd pressure required by the scope of the
nature of the medium, mai
nce difficulty a
nd clea
ng requireme
nts, etc.. Fi
nally, accordi
ng to the
nal sta
ndard, choose the reaso
nable structure form. At the same time accordi
ng to the desig
n structure of the CAD software to draw the required U type of crude oil preheater drawi
ngs. Tech
nical requireme
nts for drawi
ngs. I
n the U type tube type crude oil heater desig
n process, the desig
n should be i
n accorda
ncewith the releva
nt provisio
ns of the state, such as pressure co
ner tube shell type heat excha
nger, etc., i
n the fi
nal desig
n e
nd to meet the provisio
ns of the
need. At the same time to co
nsider the structure of the desig
n to meet the requireme
nts of productio
n. Keywords heat excha
nger; U type pipe type; structure characteristic;stre
ngth calculatio
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1本设计的选题的目的和意义1 1.2换热器的主要类别1 1.3 U型管式换热器简介1 1.3.1 U型管式换热器的概述2 1.3.2 U型管式换热器的特点2 1.4课题设计的想法和主要说明2 1.4.1设计想法2 1.5.2设计说明2 2 U型管式换热器的主要设计4 2.1制造设备的工艺要求4 2.2计算设备的尺寸大小4 2.2.1结构初选计算4 2.2.2管子数目的计算4 2.2.3壳程直径的计算方法5 2.2.4计算U型管尺寸的大小5 2.3管板和换热管之间的连接方式6 2.3.1强度胀接6 2.3.2强度焊6 2.3.3胀焊并用6 2.4管板与壳体的连接方式6 2.5管板与管箱的连接方式7 2.6双壳程形式结构8 3设备材料选择要求和部分零部件的结构设计9 3.1换热管9 3.1.1换热管的尺寸大小和形式结构9 3.1.2换热管的材料选择9 3.1.3换热管排列及管心距9 3.2折流板结构形式10 3.2.1折流板计算的几何参数10 3.2.2折流板与壳体间隙计算大小10 3.2.3折流板厚度大小10 3.2.4折流板的管孔计算10 3.2.5材料的选取要求10 3.3拉杆与定距管计算11 3.3.1拉杆的连接类型11 3.3.2拉杆直径、数量和尺寸12 3.4防冲板的要求12 3.5进出口的设计要求12 3.5.1接管外伸长度计算12 3.5.2壳程接管位置最小尺寸的计算12 3.5.3管箱接管位置最小尺寸计算13 3.5.4接管在筒体和管箱壳体之间的连接14 3.6管箱的计算14 3.6.2管箱材料所需要的要求15 3.7管板15 3.7.1管板形式15 3.7.2管板厚度和尺寸的最小选择15 3.7.3管板孔的公差和直径公差16 3.7.4管板材料选择16 3.8封头、法兰与垫片的选择16 3.8.1封头16 3.8.2烟道气进、出口处的封头16 4设备强度和检验的设计17 4.1壳体、管箱的壁厚计算17 4.1.1壳体计算17 4.1.2管箱计算18 4.2法兰强度的检验18 4.2.1垫片检验18 4.2.2螺栓检验19 4.2.3法兰检验20 4.2.4法兰设计力矩21 4.3管板厚度的大小21 4.3.1管板计算21 4.3.2尺寸的大小21 4.3.3管板应力计算22 4.3.4操作力力矩的计算23 4.3.5法兰预紧力的计算23 4.3.6径行外力的计算24 4.3.7力矩M和延长部分在管板延长地应力的计算24 4.3.8校核计算25 4.4管子与管板连接拉脱力的校核26 4.4.1换热管轴向应力26 4.4.2管板和换热管之间连接的脱力计算26 4.5开孔增加压强的计算27 4.5.1概述27 4.5.2壳体开孔补强要求27 4.6鞍座设计检验28 4.6.1计算鞍座的支撑反力28 4.6.2筒体的轴向弯矩计算29 4.6.3圆筒向应力的计算29 4.6.4圆筒的切向剪应力的计算31 4.6.5圆筒周向应力的计算31 4.6.6鞍座的应力检验32 4.6.7鞍座的平均应力检验32 4.7压力试验32 4.7.1管程圆筒的计算32 4.7.2壳程圆筒计算33 5设计完成后的后续要求34 5.1简介34 5.2材料验收34 5.3制造管壳式原油预热器34 5.3.1壳体圆筒的制造34 5.3.2管箱制造34 5.3.3管板制造35 5.3.4管孔加工35 5.3.5管束制造与组装35 5.4检验35 5.5安装35 5.6清洗35 5.7检修36 5.8容器的铭牌要求36 结论38 参考文献39 致谢40
n topic is the U type tube mecha
nical desig
n of crude oil heater, the subject of temperature a
nd pressure i
n the set, the desig
n to be based o
n the parameters set i
n accorda
ncewith, a
nd the
n refer to the releva
nt papers a
nd docume
nts, a U-shaped tube oil preheater structure desig
n a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts o
n computatio
n a
nd state sta
ndard desig
n. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nt of U type tubular crude oil preheater, the steps are set up.. The co
nts of the desig
n i
nclude the choice of heat excha
nge pipe, baffle plate, tie rod, tube box a
nd so o
n. Structure desig
n of tube, tube plate, fla
nge a
nd tie rod etc.. Calculate thewall thick
ness a
nd material stre
ngth test, etc.. I
n the structural desig
n, there are ma
ny factors to co
nsider, such as the
nature of the material, temperature a
nd pressure required by the scope of the
nature of the medium, mai
nce difficulty a
nd clea
ng requireme
nts, etc.. Fi
nally, accordi
ng to the
nal sta
ndard, choose the reaso
nable structure form. At the same time accordi
ng to the desig
n structure of the CAD software to draw the required U type of crude oil preheater drawi
ngs. Tech
nical requireme
nts for drawi
ngs. I
n the U type tube type crude oil heater desig
n process, the desig
n should be i
n accorda
ncewith the releva
nt provisio
ns of the state, such as pressure co
ner tube shell type heat excha
nger, etc., i
n the fi
nal desig
n e
nd to meet the provisio
ns of the
need. At the same time to co
nsider the structure of the desig
n to meet the requireme
nts of productio
n. Keywords heat excha
nger; U type pipe type; structure characteristic;stre
ngth calculatio
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1本设计的选题的目的和意义1 1.2换热器的主要类别1 1.3 U型管式换热器简介1 1.3.1 U型管式换热器的概述2 1.3.2 U型管式换热器的特点2 1.4课题设计的想法和主要说明2 1.4.1设计想法2 1.5.2设计说明2 2 U型管式换热器的主要设计4 2.1制造设备的工艺要求4 2.2计算设备的尺寸大小4 2.2.1结构初选计算4 2.2.2管子数目的计算4 2.2.3壳程直径的计算方法5 2.2.4计算U型管尺寸的大小5 2.3管板和换热管之间的连接方式6 2.3.1强度胀接6 2.3.2强度焊6 2.3.3胀焊并用6 2.4管板与壳体的连接方式6 2.5管板与管箱的连接方式7 2.6双壳程形式结构8 3设备材料选择要求和部分零部件的结构设计9 3.1换热管9 3.1.1换热管的尺寸大小和形式结构9 3.1.2换热管的材料选择9 3.1.3换热管排列及管心距9 3.2折流板结构形式10 3.2.1折流板计算的几何参数10 3.2.2折流板与壳体间隙计算大小10 3.2.3折流板厚度大小10 3.2.4折流板的管孔计算10 3.2.5材料的选取要求10 3.3拉杆与定距管计算11 3.3.1拉杆的连接类型11 3.3.2拉杆直径、数量和尺寸12 3.4防冲板的要求12 3.5进出口的设计要求12 3.5.1接管外伸长度计算12 3.5.2壳程接管位置最小尺寸的计算12 3.5.3管箱接管位置最小尺寸计算13 3.5.4接管在筒体和管箱壳体之间的连接14 3.6管箱的计算14 3.6.2管箱材料所需要的要求15 3.7管板15 3.7.1管板形式15 3.7.2管板厚度和尺寸的最小选择15 3.7.3管板孔的公差和直径公差16 3.7.4管板材料选择16 3.8封头、法兰与垫片的选择16 3.8.1封头16 3.8.2烟道气进、出口处的封头16 4设备强度和检验的设计17 4.1壳体、管箱的壁厚计算17 4.1.1壳体计算17 4.1.2管箱计算18 4.2法兰强度的检验18 4.2.1垫片检验18 4.2.2螺栓检验19 4.2.3法兰检验20 4.2.4法兰设计力矩21 4.3管板厚度的大小21 4.3.1管板计算21 4.3.2尺寸的大小21 4.3.3管板应力计算22 4.3.4操作力力矩的计算23 4.3.5法兰预紧力的计算23 4.3.6径行外力的计算24 4.3.7力矩M和延长部分在管板延长地应力的计算24 4.3.8校核计算25 4.4管子与管板连接拉脱力的校核26 4.4.1换热管轴向应力26 4.4.2管板和换热管之间连接的脱力计算26 4.5开孔增加压强的计算27 4.5.1概述27 4.5.2壳体开孔补强要求27 4.6鞍座设计检验28 4.6.1计算鞍座的支撑反力28 4.6.2筒体的轴向弯矩计算29 4.6.3圆筒向应力的计算29 4.6.4圆筒的切向剪应力的计算31 4.6.5圆筒周向应力的计算31 4.6.6鞍座的应力检验32 4.6.7鞍座的平均应力检验32 4.7压力试验32 4.7.1管程圆筒的计算32 4.7.2壳程圆筒计算33 5设计完成后的后续要求34 5.1简介34 5.2材料验收34 5.3制造管壳式原油预热器34 5.3.1壳体圆筒的制造34 5.3.2管箱制造34 5.3.3管板制造35 5.3.4管孔加工35 5.3.5管束制造与组装35 5.4检验35 5.5安装35 5.6清洗35 5.7检修36 5.8容器的铭牌要求36 结论38 参考文献39 致谢40