ng to the requireme
nts of the shell of the plastic telepho
ne, the use of the plastic parts is u
nderstood, the tech
nological requireme
nts of the plastic parts, the dime
nal precisio
n a
nd so o
n are a
nalyzed, a
nd the size of the parts of the plastic parts is selected. This mold adopts the first mock exam two, side gate, i
n machi
ne adopts the Haitia
n 200XB model, set cooli
ng system, CAD a
nd UG drawi
ng two-dime
nal assembly a
nd parts drawi
ng, choose the reaso
nable processi
ng method of mould. The i
ns are attached, a
nd the simple text, simple schematic a
nd calculatio
n are used to a
nalyze the plastic parts so as to make a reaso
nable desig
n of the i
n mold. Accordi
ng to the defi
n of the
nal occupatio
n, the mold desig
n is to e
ngage i
n the digitalized desig
n of the die, i
ng the cavity mold a
nd the cold die, a
nd apply the digitalized desig
n tools to improve the quality of mold desig
n a
nd shorte
n the desig
n period o
n the basis of the traditio
nal mold desig
n. Mold is a ki
nd of i
ndustrial product that moulds materials i
n certai
nways i
n a specific structure form. It is also a productio
n tool that ca
n produce parts of i
ndustrial productswith certai
n shape a
nd size requireme
nts i
n batches. As large as aircraft, cars, small cups,
nails, almost all i
ndustrial products must be moulded. The high precisio
n, high co
ncy a
nd high productivity produced by the mold productio
n are i
ncomparable to a
ny other processi
ng methods. To a great exte
nt, the mould determi
nes the quality, be
nefit a
nd the developme
nt ability of the
new product. So the mold also has the ho
norary title of"the mother of i
ndustry". Trai
ng target of mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng specialty is to cultivate all-rou
nd developme
nt of morality, i
nce, body, beauty, good occupatio
n quality, ma
ng i
ndustry, adva
nced tech
nology a
nd specialized perso
nel e
ngaged i
n mold desig
n, process desig
n, mold stampi
ng a
nd plastic moldi
ng processi
ng, CNC machi
ne tool operatio
n a
nd productio
n ma
ntwork. To achieve the level of mould maki
ng i
n ma
ng, a
nd to achieve the level of assista
nt desig
ner i
n desig
n. Keywords: telepho
ne shell; the first mock exam two; side gate feedi
ng; i
n machi
ne, i
n mold cooli
ng system; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1塑料简介- 1- 1.2注塑成型及注塑模- 1- 第2章塑料材料分析- 3- 2.1材料性能- 3- 2.2成型特性和条件- 3- 第3章塑件的工艺分析- 4- 3.1塑件的结构设计- 5- 3.2塑件尺寸及精度- 6- 3.3塑件表面粗糙度- 6- 3.4塑件的体积和质量- 7- 第4章注射成型工艺方案及结构的分析和确定- 7- 4.1注射成型工艺过程分析[5]- 7- 4.2浇口种类的确定- 8- 4.3型腔数目的确定- 8- 4.4注射机的选择和校核- 8- 4.4.1注射量的校核- 9- 4.4.2塑件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力的校核- 10- 4.4.3模具与注射机安装模具部分相关尺寸校核- 10- 第5章注射模具结构设计- 11- 5.1分型面的设计- 11- 5.2型腔的布局- 12- 5.3浇注系统的设计- 14- 5.3.1浇注系统组成- 14- 5.3.2确定浇注系统的原则- 14- 5.3.3主流道的设计- 15- 5.3.4分流道的设计- 17- 5.3.5浇口的设计- 19- 5.3.6冷料穴的设计- 19- 5.4注射模成型零部件的设计[7]- 20- 5.4.1成型零部件结构设计- 20- 5.4.2成型零部件工作尺寸的计算- 22- 5.5排气结构设计- 22- 5.6脱模机构的设计- 22- 5.6.1脱模机构的选用原则- 22- 5.6.2脱模机构类型的选择- 23- 5.6.3推杆机构具体设计- 23- 5.7注射模温度调节系统- 24- 5.7.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响- 24- 5.7.2冷却系统之设计规则- 24- 5.8模架的选用- 25- 5.9斜顶机构的设计- 26- 第6章模具材料的选用- 28- 6.1成型零件材料选用- 28- 6.2注射模用钢种- 28- 总结- 29- 致谢- 31- 参考文献- 32-
ng to the requireme
nts of the shell of the plastic telepho
ne, the use of the plastic parts is u
nderstood, the tech
nological requireme
nts of the plastic parts, the dime
nal precisio
n a
nd so o
n are a
nalyzed, a
nd the size of the parts of the plastic parts is selected. This mold adopts the first mock exam two, side gate, i
n machi
ne adopts the Haitia
n 200XB model, set cooli
ng system, CAD a
nd UG drawi
ng two-dime
nal assembly a
nd parts drawi
ng, choose the reaso
nable processi
ng method of mould. The i
ns are attached, a
nd the simple text, simple schematic a
nd calculatio
n are used to a
nalyze the plastic parts so as to make a reaso
nable desig
n of the i
n mold. Accordi
ng to the defi
n of the
nal occupatio
n, the mold desig
n is to e
ngage i
n the digitalized desig
n of the die, i
ng the cavity mold a
nd the cold die, a
nd apply the digitalized desig
n tools to improve the quality of mold desig
n a
nd shorte
n the desig
n period o
n the basis of the traditio
nal mold desig
n. Mold is a ki
nd of i
ndustrial product that moulds materials i
n certai
nways i
n a specific structure form. It is also a productio
n tool that ca
n produce parts of i
ndustrial productswith certai
n shape a
nd size requireme
nts i
n batches. As large as aircraft, cars, small cups,
nails, almost all i
ndustrial products must be moulded. The high precisio
n, high co
ncy a
nd high productivity produced by the mold productio
n are i
ncomparable to a
ny other processi
ng methods. To a great exte
nt, the mould determi
nes the quality, be
nefit a
nd the developme
nt ability of the
new product. So the mold also has the ho
norary title of"the mother of i
ndustry". Trai
ng target of mold desig
n a
nd ma
ng specialty is to cultivate all-rou
nd developme
nt of morality, i
nce, body, beauty, good occupatio
n quality, ma
ng i
ndustry, adva
nced tech
nology a
nd specialized perso
nel e
ngaged i
n mold desig
n, process desig
n, mold stampi
ng a
nd plastic moldi
ng processi
ng, CNC machi
ne tool operatio
n a
nd productio
n ma
ntwork. To achieve the level of mould maki
ng i
n ma
ng, a
nd to achieve the level of assista
nt desig
ner i
n desig
n. Keywords: telepho
ne shell; the first mock exam two; side gate feedi
ng; i
n machi
ne, i
n mold cooli
ng system; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1塑料简介- 1- 1.2注塑成型及注塑模- 1- 第2章塑料材料分析- 3- 2.1材料性能- 3- 2.2成型特性和条件- 3- 第3章塑件的工艺分析- 4- 3.1塑件的结构设计- 5- 3.2塑件尺寸及精度- 6- 3.3塑件表面粗糙度- 6- 3.4塑件的体积和质量- 7- 第4章注射成型工艺方案及结构的分析和确定- 7- 4.1注射成型工艺过程分析[5]- 7- 4.2浇口种类的确定- 8- 4.3型腔数目的确定- 8- 4.4注射机的选择和校核- 8- 4.4.1注射量的校核- 9- 4.4.2塑件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力的校核- 10- 4.4.3模具与注射机安装模具部分相关尺寸校核- 10- 第5章注射模具结构设计- 11- 5.1分型面的设计- 11- 5.2型腔的布局- 12- 5.3浇注系统的设计- 14- 5.3.1浇注系统组成- 14- 5.3.2确定浇注系统的原则- 14- 5.3.3主流道的设计- 15- 5.3.4分流道的设计- 17- 5.3.5浇口的设计- 19- 5.3.6冷料穴的设计- 19- 5.4注射模成型零部件的设计[7]- 20- 5.4.1成型零部件结构设计- 20- 5.4.2成型零部件工作尺寸的计算- 22- 5.5排气结构设计- 22- 5.6脱模机构的设计- 22- 5.6.1脱模机构的选用原则- 22- 5.6.2脱模机构类型的选择- 23- 5.6.3推杆机构具体设计- 23- 5.7注射模温度调节系统- 24- 5.7.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响- 24- 5.7.2冷却系统之设计规则- 24- 5.8模架的选用- 25- 5.9斜顶机构的设计- 26- 第6章模具材料的选用- 28- 6.1成型零件材料选用- 28- 6.2注射模用钢种- 28- 总结- 29- 致谢- 31- 参考文献- 32-