Plastic i
n moulds are a
n importa
nt process equipme
nt for plastic mouldi
ng. With the developme
nt of moder
n i
ndustry, the applicatio
n of plastic products i
nvarious fields such as i
ndustry, agriculture, daily life a
nd military is becomi
ngwider a
ndwider, a
nd the quality requireme
nts are becomi
ng higher a
nd higher. Chi
na has become o
ne of the largest plastic markets i
n theworld, a
nd the output of plastic products is the seco
nd largest i
n theworld. The mai
n desig
n of this project is the i
n mould desig
n for the base cover of soap box,which ca
n fully u
nd the basic pri
nciples a
nd methods of plastic mould desig
n, a
nd more skilled i
n usi
ng UG a
nd AUTOCAD software to desig
n plastic mould, so as to improve their drawi
ng ability. It lays a solid fou
n for future desig
nwork. The formi
ng pri
nciple, raw material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology of plastic parts are a
nalyzed emphatically. Accordi
ng to the a
nalysis results of the shape, size, accuracy a
nd surface quality requireme
nts, the required moldi
ng pla
n is determi
ned. The mold structure is selected by o
ne mold two cavity, two plate die, side gate, a
nd ejector pi
n ejectio
n. HT80W1*B is selected for i
n machi
ne. The desig
n i
ncludes the selectio
n of parti
ng surface, the
number a
nd arra
nt of cavity, the structure of formi
ng parts a
nd the gati
ng system. Keywords: soap box base cover; i
n mold; o
ne mold two cavity; side gate; i
n machi
ne. 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论- 1- 1.1模具在加工工业中的便利性- 1- 1.2塑料模具的发展趋势- 2- 1.3本设计的目的和要求- 3- 2塑件的工艺分析及材料分析- 4- 2.1塑件的工艺分析- 4- 2.1.1塑件的位置公差- 4- 2.1.2塑件表面质量要求及分析- 5- 2.1.3脱模斜度分析- 5- 2.1.4壁厚的分析- 6- 2.1.5圆角的分析- 6- 2.1.6孔的分析- 6- 2.1.7塑件的体积和质量- 7- 2.1.8塑件成型方法与分析- 7- 2.2材料分析- 9- 2.2.1材料的分析与选择- 9- 2.2.2分析制件材料使用性能- 10- 2.3塑件材料主要用途- 10- 3成型注塑机选用- 11- 3.1注射机的概述- 11- 3.2注射机基本参数- 13- 3.3注塑机选择- 15- 4模具结构设计- 16- 4.1确定模具的基本类型- 16- 4.2型腔数目的确定及型腔的排列- 16- 4.3模架选用- 17- 5成型零部件结构设计- 19- 5.1分型面的选择- 19- 5.2型芯型腔结构的确定- 20- 5.3型芯型腔的尺寸要素- 20- 5.4型芯型腔的尺寸计算- 21- 5.4.1型腔设计- 22- 5.4.2型芯设计- 24- 5.5成形零部件刚度和强度校核- 25- 5.5.1刚度和强度校核要素- 25- 5.5.2型腔侧壁和底板厚度的计算- 26- 6浇注系统设计- 27- 6.1浇口的设计- 27- 6.1.1浇口的形状、位置的确定- 27- 6.1.2浇口位置的选择原则- 27- 6.1.3浇口的尺寸确定- 28- 6.2流道的设计- 28- 6.2.1主流道相关- 29- 6.2.2分流道的设计- 30- 6.2.3分流道的形状与尺寸- 31- 6.2.4分流道的表面粗糙度- 32- 6.3冷料井的设计- 32- 7模具其它结构设计- 34- 7.1脱模装置设计- 34- 7.1.1推出力的计算- 34- 7.1.2推出机构设计- 35- 7.2导向与定位机构设计- 37- 7.3排气及引气系统的设计- 38- 7.4模温调节系统的设计- 38- 8注塑机相关参数的校核- 41- 8.1模具闭合高度的校核- 41- 8.2开模行程的校核- 41- 8.3最大注塑量校核- 42- 8.4锁模力的校核- 42- 8.5顶出装置的校核- 43- 9注塑模具工作原理- 43- 结论- 45- 参考文献- 46- 致谢- 47-
n moulds are a
n importa
nt process equipme
nt for plastic mouldi
ng. With the developme
nt of moder
n i
ndustry, the applicatio
n of plastic products i
nvarious fields such as i
ndustry, agriculture, daily life a
nd military is becomi
ngwider a
ndwider, a
nd the quality requireme
nts are becomi
ng higher a
nd higher. Chi
na has become o
ne of the largest plastic markets i
n theworld, a
nd the output of plastic products is the seco
nd largest i
n theworld. The mai
n desig
n of this project is the i
n mould desig
n for the base cover of soap box,which ca
n fully u
nd the basic pri
nciples a
nd methods of plastic mould desig
n, a
nd more skilled i
n usi
ng UG a
nd AUTOCAD software to desig
n plastic mould, so as to improve their drawi
ng ability. It lays a solid fou
n for future desig
nwork. The formi
ng pri
nciple, raw material selectio
n a
nd i
n tech
nology of plastic parts are a
nalyzed emphatically. Accordi
ng to the a
nalysis results of the shape, size, accuracy a
nd surface quality requireme
nts, the required moldi
ng pla
n is determi
ned. The mold structure is selected by o
ne mold two cavity, two plate die, side gate, a
nd ejector pi
n ejectio
n. HT80W1*B is selected for i
n machi
ne. The desig
n i
ncludes the selectio
n of parti
ng surface, the
number a
nd arra
nt of cavity, the structure of formi
ng parts a
nd the gati
ng system. Keywords: soap box base cover; i
n mold; o
ne mold two cavity; side gate; i
n machi
ne. 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论- 1- 1.1模具在加工工业中的便利性- 1- 1.2塑料模具的发展趋势- 2- 1.3本设计的目的和要求- 3- 2塑件的工艺分析及材料分析- 4- 2.1塑件的工艺分析- 4- 2.1.1塑件的位置公差- 4- 2.1.2塑件表面质量要求及分析- 5- 2.1.3脱模斜度分析- 5- 2.1.4壁厚的分析- 6- 2.1.5圆角的分析- 6- 2.1.6孔的分析- 6- 2.1.7塑件的体积和质量- 7- 2.1.8塑件成型方法与分析- 7- 2.2材料分析- 9- 2.2.1材料的分析与选择- 9- 2.2.2分析制件材料使用性能- 10- 2.3塑件材料主要用途- 10- 3成型注塑机选用- 11- 3.1注射机的概述- 11- 3.2注射机基本参数- 13- 3.3注塑机选择- 15- 4模具结构设计- 16- 4.1确定模具的基本类型- 16- 4.2型腔数目的确定及型腔的排列- 16- 4.3模架选用- 17- 5成型零部件结构设计- 19- 5.1分型面的选择- 19- 5.2型芯型腔结构的确定- 20- 5.3型芯型腔的尺寸要素- 20- 5.4型芯型腔的尺寸计算- 21- 5.4.1型腔设计- 22- 5.4.2型芯设计- 24- 5.5成形零部件刚度和强度校核- 25- 5.5.1刚度和强度校核要素- 25- 5.5.2型腔侧壁和底板厚度的计算- 26- 6浇注系统设计- 27- 6.1浇口的设计- 27- 6.1.1浇口的形状、位置的确定- 27- 6.1.2浇口位置的选择原则- 27- 6.1.3浇口的尺寸确定- 28- 6.2流道的设计- 28- 6.2.1主流道相关- 29- 6.2.2分流道的设计- 30- 6.2.3分流道的形状与尺寸- 31- 6.2.4分流道的表面粗糙度- 32- 6.3冷料井的设计- 32- 7模具其它结构设计- 34- 7.1脱模装置设计- 34- 7.1.1推出力的计算- 34- 7.1.2推出机构设计- 35- 7.2导向与定位机构设计- 37- 7.3排气及引气系统的设计- 38- 7.4模温调节系统的设计- 38- 8注塑机相关参数的校核- 41- 8.1模具闭合高度的校核- 41- 8.2开模行程的校核- 41- 8.3最大注塑量校核- 42- 8.4锁模力的校核- 42- 8.5顶出装置的校核- 43- 9注塑模具工作原理- 43- 结论- 45- 参考文献- 46- 致谢- 47-