汽车发动机翻转台架设计 摘要 汽车发动机翻转架是一种汽车修理和保养单位常用的设备,广泛应用于轿车等小型车的维修和保养。目前,全国生产翻转架的厂家较多,生产的翻转架的形式也比较繁多,本文介绍了发动机翻转架国内外现状以及发展趋势,在确定了所要设计的翻转架方案之后,即针对翻转架的结构及其特点要求进行了设计与说明,同时对翻转架设计过程中所涉及到的工艺性问题进行补充说明。然后对立柱的强刚度和托臂的强度进行了校核验算。 本课题所设计的是蜗杆传动360°任意角翻转锁止的发动机翻转架。它的特点是:1、性能可靠,操作方便;2、结构简单;3、拖脚的最低位置低,使得车辆的底盘可以比较低,对各种车辆的适应性扩大了;4、利用蜗杆传动可360°任意角度翻转锁止;5、价格低廉,拥有的市场份额较大。 关键词:普通式;结构特点;机械结构设计;蜗杆传动 Abstract The car e
ne flip frame is a
n automobile repair a
nd mai
nce u
nits commo
nly used equipme
nt,widely used i
n the repair a
nd mai
nce of cars a
nd other small cars. Curre
ntly,more ma
nufacturers of productio
n flip, flip frame i
n the form of productio
n is also more diverse, this paper i
ntroduces the domestic a
nd i
nal status a
nd developme
nt tre
nd of e
ne flip,flip scheme requireme
nts for the desig
n a
nd descriptio
n, flip the frame structure a
nd characteristics of suppleme
nt flip the aircraft desig
n process i
nvolved i
n the process. Checki
ng checki
ng a
nd the
n o
n a colum
n of stro
ng stiff
ness a
nd the stre
ngth of the corbel. This topic is aworm drive 360° flip lock the e
ne at a
ny a
ngle flip racks. It is characterized by: 1.reliable, easy to operate; 2.the structure is simple; 3.the draggi
ng feet of the lowest low, maki
ng thevehicle chassis ca
n be relatively low, a
nd adaptability to avariety ofvehicles to expa
nd; 4. theworm drive ca
n be 360° at a
ny a
ngle flip lock; 5.low prices have a larger market share. Keywords: Commo
n type;Structural characteristics;Mecha
nical a
nd structural desig
n;Worm drive 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1.绪论1 1.1此课题的研究目的及意义1 1.2发动机翻转台架的发展概况1 1.2.1发动机翻转架的历史背景1 1.2.2发动机翻转架的国内外现状2 1.2.3发动机翻转架的发展趋势2 1.3研究内容3 2.设计的方案与论证4 2.1主要工作思路4 2.2常见传动方式的分析与比较4 2.2.1齿轮传动4 2.2.2蜗杆传动5 2.2.3带传动6 2.2.4链传动7 2.3蜗杆传动的选择与工作原理7 3.台架的总体设计计算9 3.1翻转架的设计9 3.2台架的设计9 3.2.1台架底座的尺寸确定及材料选择9 3.2.2台架立柱的尺寸确定及材料选择10 3.3翻转托盘的设计11 3.4箱体的设计13 3.5蜗轮蜗杆的选择13 3.6总体装配结构设计13 4.翻转台架的强度校核15 4.1第三强度理论15 4.2转动轴强度校核15 4.3立柱的受力分析17 结论18 致谢19 参考文献20
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