With the developme
nt of i
ndustrial automatio
n, ma
nipulator is more a
nd morewidely used i
n i
ndustry. This desig
n takes the 2-DOF bala
nce arm ma
nipulator as the research object,which ca
n realize the automatic graspi
ng of the object. Accordi
ng to the purpose, the paper a
nalyzes the actio
n cycle a
ng pri
nciple of the ma
nipulator, desig
ns the hydraulic system a
nd mecha
nism of the ma
nipulator, mai
nly focuses o
n the desig
n of the structural details, carries out the overall scheme desig
n of the ma
nipulator, determi
nes the claw type ha
nd structure of the ma
nipulator, desig
ns the arm structure of the ma
nipulator, a
nd calculates the compo
nt size of the arm. The size a
nd stre
ngth of the spi
ndle are checked. The hydraulic system of ma
nipulator is determi
ned a
nd PLC co
ntrol system is adopted. Theworki
ng pri
nciple diagram of ma
nipulator hydraulic system is draw
n, a
nd the assembly drawi
ng a
nd parts drawi
ng are draw
n. The hydraulic ma
nipulator mai
nly takes the liquid as the medium, a
nd uses the pressure of the liquid to drive the moveme
nt of the actuator. Its mai
n features are: first, it ca
n realize the automatio
n of cyclework a
nd automatic overload protectio
n; seco
ndly, it is easy to co
ntrol a
nd adjust,which is co
nt a
nd labor-savi
ng; fi
nally, it ca
n better realize the seamless tra
n a
nd make the operatio
n more stable. Ma
nipulator is a
new type of device developed gradually i
n mecha
nical automatio
n productio
n. I
n moder
n productio
n process, ma
nipulator iswidely used i
n automatic productio
n li
ne. At prese
nt, although the ma
nipulator is
not as flexible as the huma
n ha
nd, it has repeatability,
no fatigue,
no fear of da
nger, a
nd has a large grasp power, so it is more a
nd morewidely used. Ma
nipulator tech
nology i
nvolves mecha
nics, mecha
nics, automatic co
ntrol tech
nology, se
ng tech
nology, electrical a
nd hydraulic tech
nology, computer programmi
ng tech
nology, etc. Keywords: bala
nce arm; i
ndustrial ma
nipulator; hydraulic tra
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1国内外背景- 1- 1.1.1国外现状- 1- 1.1.2国内现状- 2- 1.2机械手的组成和分类- 3- 1.2.1机械手的组成- 3- 1.2.2机械手的分类- 4- 1.3本课题研究的主要内容及意义- 5- 1.3.1总体设计及基础的内容及基本要求- 5- 1.3.2重点研究的问题- 5- 1.3.3主要技术指标- 5- 1.3.4本次设计的意义- 5- 第2章平衡臂机械手机械结构的设计计算- 8- 2.1机械手机构的分析与设计- 8- 2.1.1机械手的自由度- 8- 2.1.2坐标形式- 10- 2.1.3机械手的机构简图以及部件尺寸- 10- 第3章平衡臂机械手总体设计方案- 14- 3.1机械手总体系统的设计- 14- 3.2液压机械手液压系统的工作原理- 14- 3.3液压系统的组成原理- 15- 3.4液压传动机械手的优缺点- 15- 3.5机械手的动作顺序- 16- 3.6液压系统工作原理图- 16- 3.7控制方式选择- 16- 3.8总体布局方案的确定- 17- 第4章平衡臂机械手总体设计及计算- 19- 4.1地基基础的设计计算- 19- 4.2大臂的驱动力矩的计算- 20- 4.3回转缸的驱动力矩计算- 22- 4.4缸盖的强度计算- 22- 4.5大手臂做升降运动时所需的驱动力- 24- 4.6驱动油缸的计算- 25- 第5章主轴的设计及强度校核- 26- 5.1主轴部件的基本要求- 26- 5.1.1轴的设计计算- 27- 5.1.2轴的校核- 29- 5.1.3轴上花键的校核- 30- 5.2轴承的校核- 30- 5.2.1第一对轴承- 30- 5.2.2第二对轴承- 31- 5.2.3第三对轴承- 31- 第6章箱体的设计计算- 32- 6.1箱体支架的结构形式和材料- 32- 6.2铸铁箱体主要结构尺寸和关系- 33- 第7章电机的选择与安装- 35- 7.1选择驱动电机- 35- 7.2电机与泵组的安装方式- 35- 结论- 36- 参考文献- 37- 致谢- 38-
nt of i
ndustrial automatio
n, ma
nipulator is more a
nd morewidely used i
n i
ndustry. This desig
n takes the 2-DOF bala
nce arm ma
nipulator as the research object,which ca
n realize the automatic graspi
ng of the object. Accordi
ng to the purpose, the paper a
nalyzes the actio
n cycle a
ng pri
nciple of the ma
nipulator, desig
ns the hydraulic system a
nd mecha
nism of the ma
nipulator, mai
nly focuses o
n the desig
n of the structural details, carries out the overall scheme desig
n of the ma
nipulator, determi
nes the claw type ha
nd structure of the ma
nipulator, desig
ns the arm structure of the ma
nipulator, a
nd calculates the compo
nt size of the arm. The size a
nd stre
ngth of the spi
ndle are checked. The hydraulic system of ma
nipulator is determi
ned a
nd PLC co
ntrol system is adopted. Theworki
ng pri
nciple diagram of ma
nipulator hydraulic system is draw
n, a
nd the assembly drawi
ng a
nd parts drawi
ng are draw
n. The hydraulic ma
nipulator mai
nly takes the liquid as the medium, a
nd uses the pressure of the liquid to drive the moveme
nt of the actuator. Its mai
n features are: first, it ca
n realize the automatio
n of cyclework a
nd automatic overload protectio
n; seco
ndly, it is easy to co
ntrol a
nd adjust,which is co
nt a
nd labor-savi
ng; fi
nally, it ca
n better realize the seamless tra
n a
nd make the operatio
n more stable. Ma
nipulator is a
new type of device developed gradually i
n mecha
nical automatio
n productio
n. I
n moder
n productio
n process, ma
nipulator iswidely used i
n automatic productio
n li
ne. At prese
nt, although the ma
nipulator is
not as flexible as the huma
n ha
nd, it has repeatability,
no fatigue,
no fear of da
nger, a
nd has a large grasp power, so it is more a
nd morewidely used. Ma
nipulator tech
nology i
nvolves mecha
nics, mecha
nics, automatic co
ntrol tech
nology, se
ng tech
nology, electrical a
nd hydraulic tech
nology, computer programmi
ng tech
nology, etc. Keywords: bala
nce arm; i
ndustrial ma
nipulator; hydraulic tra
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论- 1- 1.1国内外背景- 1- 1.1.1国外现状- 1- 1.1.2国内现状- 2- 1.2机械手的组成和分类- 3- 1.2.1机械手的组成- 3- 1.2.2机械手的分类- 4- 1.3本课题研究的主要内容及意义- 5- 1.3.1总体设计及基础的内容及基本要求- 5- 1.3.2重点研究的问题- 5- 1.3.3主要技术指标- 5- 1.3.4本次设计的意义- 5- 第2章平衡臂机械手机械结构的设计计算- 8- 2.1机械手机构的分析与设计- 8- 2.1.1机械手的自由度- 8- 2.1.2坐标形式- 10- 2.1.3机械手的机构简图以及部件尺寸- 10- 第3章平衡臂机械手总体设计方案- 14- 3.1机械手总体系统的设计- 14- 3.2液压机械手液压系统的工作原理- 14- 3.3液压系统的组成原理- 15- 3.4液压传动机械手的优缺点- 15- 3.5机械手的动作顺序- 16- 3.6液压系统工作原理图- 16- 3.7控制方式选择- 16- 3.8总体布局方案的确定- 17- 第4章平衡臂机械手总体设计及计算- 19- 4.1地基基础的设计计算- 19- 4.2大臂的驱动力矩的计算- 20- 4.3回转缸的驱动力矩计算- 22- 4.4缸盖的强度计算- 22- 4.5大手臂做升降运动时所需的驱动力- 24- 4.6驱动油缸的计算- 25- 第5章主轴的设计及强度校核- 26- 5.1主轴部件的基本要求- 26- 5.1.1轴的设计计算- 27- 5.1.2轴的校核- 29- 5.1.3轴上花键的校核- 30- 5.2轴承的校核- 30- 5.2.1第一对轴承- 30- 5.2.2第二对轴承- 31- 5.2.3第三对轴承- 31- 第6章箱体的设计计算- 32- 6.1箱体支架的结构形式和材料- 32- 6.2铸铁箱体主要结构尺寸和关系- 33- 第7章电机的选择与安装- 35- 7.1选择驱动电机- 35- 7.2电机与泵组的安装方式- 35- 结论- 36- 参考文献- 37- 致谢- 38-