摘要 本文是对万向节滑动叉零件加工应用及加工的工艺性分析,主要包括对零件图的分析、毛坯的选择、零件的装夹、工艺路线的制订、刀具的选择、切削用量的确定、加工工艺文件的填写。选择正确的加工方法,设计合理的加工工艺过程。此外还对支架零件的两道工序的加工设计了专用夹具. 机床夹具的种类很多,其中,使用范围最广的通用夹具,规格尺寸多已标准化,并且有专业的工厂进行生产。而广泛用于批量生产,专为万向节滑动叉工件加工工序服务的专用夹具,则需要各制造厂根据工件加工工艺自行设计制造。本夹具设计的主要内容是设计。 关键词万向节滑动叉,加工工艺,专用夹具,设计 Title: Desig
n Festival slidi
ng fork parts process a
nd fixture u
niversal Abstract: This paper is a
n a
nalysis of the applicatio
n a
nd processi
ng tech
nology of the u
niversal joi
nt slidi
ng fork parts, i
ng the a
nalysis of the part drawi
ng, the selectio
n of the bla
nk, the clampi
ng of the parts, the formulatio
n of the process route, the selectio
n of the cutti
ng tool, the determi
n of the cutti
ng parameters, a
nd the filli
ng of the processi
ng tech
nology docume
nts. Choose the right processi
ng method a
nd desig
n the reaso
nable processi
ng process. I
n additio
n, a special fixture is desig
ned for the two processes of bracket parts There are ma
ny ki
nds of jigs a
nd fixtures. Amo
ng them, the mostwidely used u
niversal fixture has sta
ndardized specificatio
ns a
nd sizes, a
nd there are professio
nal factories for productio
n. The special fixture,which iswidely used i
n mass productio
n a
nd serves theworki
ng procedure of u
niversal joi
nt slidi
ng fork,
needs to be desig
ned a
nd ma
nufactured by each ma
nufacturer accordi
ng to theworkpiece processi
ng tech
nology. The mai
n co
nt of fixture desig
n i
n this paper is desig
n. Keywords: u
niversal joi
nt slidi
ng fork, processi
ng tech
nology, special fixture, desig
n 目录 前言1 1零件的分析2 1.1零件的作用2 1.2零件的工艺分折2 2工艺规程设计3 2.1确定毛坯的制造形式3 2.2基面的选择3 2.3制订工艺路线3 2.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定4 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时8 3铣Φ39mm孔的两个端面23 3.1研究原始质料23 3.2定位、夹紧方案的选择23 3.3切削力及夹紧力的计算23 3.4误差分析与计算25 3.5夹具设计及操作的简要说明26 结论27 参考文献28 致谢30
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