The purpose of this desig
n is to desig
n a ki
nd of auxiliary mecha
nism that ca
n climb stairs i
n commo
n areas, so as to ultimately desig
n a ki
nd of climbi
ngwheelchair robotwith reaso
nable prices, adva
nced performa
nce, a
nd eco
nomy. We first made a brief summary i
n of the domestic a
nd foreig
nwheelchairs for the disabled. The fi
nal result shows that most of the disabledwheelchairs available i
n the market today are expe
nsive a
nd ca
not be afforded by the average co
nsumer. The
n compare domestic a
nd foreig
nwheelchairs for climbi
ng stairs, take adva
ntage of them, a
nd co
nsider comprehe
nsively to establish desig
n ideas. This desig
n is based o
n the structure of the traditio
nal electricwheelchair, two motors are used to drive the flatwalki
ng mecha
nism a
nd the tur
ngwheel trai
n; the pair of motors drives the pla
netwheels to tur
n a
nd keeps the twowheels of the rearwheel hub motor locked. As a result, the rotatio
n of the pla
net carrier drives thewheels to alter
nately climb stairs. The posture adjustme
nt device is used to automatically adjust the co
ntrol ce
nter of gravitywhe
n thewheelchair goes up a
nd dow
n the stairs. The realizatio
n of the desig
n fu
n is mai
nly composed of several parts such as flatwalki
ng, tur
ngwheel trai
n tra
n structure, posture adjustme
nt a
nd drivi
ng system. The overall shape of thewheelchair is similar to that of a ge
neral electricwheelchair o
n the market. The bala
nce system ca
n use a gyroscope duri
ng electrical co
ntrol. Keywords:Wheelchair, co
ntrol system, two-wheeled type, mecha
nical structure 目录 引言2 第一章绪论3 1.1研究背景3 1.2国内外研究现状4 1.2.1履带式爬楼轮椅4 1.2.2步进支撑式爬楼轮椅5 1.2.3行星轮式爬楼轮椅6 1.3国内研究现状7 1.4设计意义7 1.5设计内容8 第二章总体方案8 2.1设计要求8 2.2总体布局9 2.3本章小结9 第三章结构设计10 3.1轮椅总体尺寸10 3.2椅背、椅身设计11 3.2.1尺寸设计11 3.3位姿调整机构12 3.4车轮结构13 3.4.1车轮尺寸13 3.5翻转爬楼机构13 3.5.1爬楼机构组成13 3.5.2翻转电机的选取14 3.5.3减速器选型15 3.5.4翻转机构机构的轴设计15 3.5.5翻转齿轮的设计17 3.5.6齿轮材料的选取17 3.6平地行走机构18 3.6.1总体设计18 3.6.2功率计算18 3.6.3电动机的选取20 3.6.4减速器选型21 3.6.5平地行走机构的轴设计21 3.6.6定轴轮系齿轮设计22 3.6.7末端齿轮设计23 3.7控制手柄23 3.7.1功能介绍23 3.7.2基本原理24 3.8本章小结24 第四章控制系统25 4.1硬件选用25 4.1.1单片机25 4.2控制系统设计27 4.2.1概述27 4.2.2流程图设计28 4.3本章小结28 第五章总结27 参考文献28 致谢29
n is to desig
n a ki
nd of auxiliary mecha
nism that ca
n climb stairs i
n commo
n areas, so as to ultimately desig
n a ki
nd of climbi
ngwheelchair robotwith reaso
nable prices, adva
nced performa
nce, a
nd eco
nomy. We first made a brief summary i
n of the domestic a
nd foreig
nwheelchairs for the disabled. The fi
nal result shows that most of the disabledwheelchairs available i
n the market today are expe
nsive a
nd ca
not be afforded by the average co
nsumer. The
n compare domestic a
nd foreig
nwheelchairs for climbi
ng stairs, take adva
ntage of them, a
nd co
nsider comprehe
nsively to establish desig
n ideas. This desig
n is based o
n the structure of the traditio
nal electricwheelchair, two motors are used to drive the flatwalki
ng mecha
nism a
nd the tur
ngwheel trai
n; the pair of motors drives the pla
netwheels to tur
n a
nd keeps the twowheels of the rearwheel hub motor locked. As a result, the rotatio
n of the pla
net carrier drives thewheels to alter
nately climb stairs. The posture adjustme
nt device is used to automatically adjust the co
ntrol ce
nter of gravitywhe
n thewheelchair goes up a
nd dow
n the stairs. The realizatio
n of the desig
n fu
n is mai
nly composed of several parts such as flatwalki
ng, tur
ngwheel trai
n tra
n structure, posture adjustme
nt a
nd drivi
ng system. The overall shape of thewheelchair is similar to that of a ge
neral electricwheelchair o
n the market. The bala
nce system ca
n use a gyroscope duri
ng electrical co
ntrol. Keywords:Wheelchair, co
ntrol system, two-wheeled type, mecha
nical structure 目录 引言2 第一章绪论3 1.1研究背景3 1.2国内外研究现状4 1.2.1履带式爬楼轮椅4 1.2.2步进支撑式爬楼轮椅5 1.2.3行星轮式爬楼轮椅6 1.3国内研究现状7 1.4设计意义7 1.5设计内容8 第二章总体方案8 2.1设计要求8 2.2总体布局9 2.3本章小结9 第三章结构设计10 3.1轮椅总体尺寸10 3.2椅背、椅身设计11 3.2.1尺寸设计11 3.3位姿调整机构12 3.4车轮结构13 3.4.1车轮尺寸13 3.5翻转爬楼机构13 3.5.1爬楼机构组成13 3.5.2翻转电机的选取14 3.5.3减速器选型15 3.5.4翻转机构机构的轴设计15 3.5.5翻转齿轮的设计17 3.5.6齿轮材料的选取17 3.6平地行走机构18 3.6.1总体设计18 3.6.2功率计算18 3.6.3电动机的选取20 3.6.4减速器选型21 3.6.5平地行走机构的轴设计21 3.6.6定轴轮系齿轮设计22 3.6.7末端齿轮设计23 3.7控制手柄23 3.7.1功能介绍23 3.7.2基本原理24 3.8本章小结24 第四章控制系统25 4.1硬件选用25 4.1.1单片机25 4.2控制系统设计27 4.2.1概述27 4.2.2流程图设计28 4.3本章小结28 第五章总结27 参考文献28 致谢29