Fixture is the clampi
ng device for machi
ng parts, a
nd it is a
n i
nsable device for machi
ng parts. The fixture has the adva
ntages of high utilizatio
n rate, good eco
nomy a
nd less use a
nd qua
ntity of fu
nal compo
nts. With the cha
nge of the size of parts, more a
nd more fixtures are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixture. I
n the desig
n of special fixture,we should co
nsider the positio
ng scheme ofworkpiece, the clampi
ng scheme ofworkpiece a
nd the desig
n of clampi
ng mecha
nism, the other parts of the fixture, the structure of the fixture, etc.. This desig
n topic is the process of the hydraulicvalve cyli
nder part drawi
ng a
nd drilli
ng a
nd tappi
ng fixture 6-M8 thread desig
n, accordi
ng to teacher's drawi
ngs for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, based o
n masteri
ng the role of parts, the parts of the process a
nalysis. For the give
n desig
n topics, the desig
n of the mai
n machi
ne tool fixture desig
n. This clip is desig
ned to e
nsure the machi
ng accuracy, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd easy operatio
n for the purpose of theworkers. At the begi
ng of desig
n I refer to the releva
nt data a
nd literature at home a
nd abroad o
n the fixture, structure a
nd process of parts i
n the read parts map at the same time a
nalysis, clear coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base selectio
n, determi
ne the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd the size of the bla
nk, so as to determi
ne the parts processi
ng process, calculatio
n of the process of cutti
ng dosage a
nd time. Fi
nally, the fixture
needed for the desig
n is completed. Keywords: hydraulicvalve cyli
nder; process specificatio
n; fixture desig
n 目录 前言1 第一章工艺规程制定2 1.1机械加工工艺规程制订2 1.2机械加工工艺规程的组成2 1.3制订机械加工工艺规程的原始资料2 第二章液压阀缸体的分析3 2.1液压阀缸体的作用3 2.2液压阀缸体的工艺分析3 第三章工艺规程设计5 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式5 3.2基准面的选择5 3.2.1粗基准的选择原则5 3.2.2精基准选择5 3.3制定工艺路线6 第四章选择加工设备、刀具、量具7 4.1选择加工设备与工艺设备7 4.2确定工序尺寸7 第五章确定切削用量9 第六章夹具设计19 6.1问题的提出19 6.2定位基准的选择19 6.3切削力及夹紧力计算19 6.4定位误差分析20 6.5钻套的设计20 6.6夹具设计及操作简要说明22 结论23 致谢24 参考文献25
ng device for machi
ng parts, a
nd it is a
n i
nsable device for machi
ng parts. The fixture has the adva
ntages of high utilizatio
n rate, good eco
nomy a
nd less use a
nd qua
ntity of fu
nal compo
nts. With the cha
nge of the size of parts, more a
nd more fixtures are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixture. I
n the desig
n of special fixture,we should co
nsider the positio
ng scheme ofworkpiece, the clampi
ng scheme ofworkpiece a
nd the desig
n of clampi
ng mecha
nism, the other parts of the fixture, the structure of the fixture, etc.. This desig
n topic is the process of the hydraulicvalve cyli
nder part drawi
ng a
nd drilli
ng a
nd tappi
ng fixture 6-M8 thread desig
n, accordi
ng to teacher's drawi
ngs for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, based o
n masteri
ng the role of parts, the parts of the process a
nalysis. For the give
n desig
n topics, the desig
n of the mai
n machi
ne tool fixture desig
n. This clip is desig
ned to e
nsure the machi
ng accuracy, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd easy operatio
n for the purpose of theworkers. At the begi
ng of desig
n I refer to the releva
nt data a
nd literature at home a
nd abroad o
n the fixture, structure a
nd process of parts i
n the read parts map at the same time a
nalysis, clear coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base selectio
n, determi
ne the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd the size of the bla
nk, so as to determi
ne the parts processi
ng process, calculatio
n of the process of cutti
ng dosage a
nd time. Fi
nally, the fixture
needed for the desig
n is completed. Keywords: hydraulicvalve cyli
nder; process specificatio
n; fixture desig
n 目录 前言1 第一章工艺规程制定2 1.1机械加工工艺规程制订2 1.2机械加工工艺规程的组成2 1.3制订机械加工工艺规程的原始资料2 第二章液压阀缸体的分析3 2.1液压阀缸体的作用3 2.2液压阀缸体的工艺分析3 第三章工艺规程设计5 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式5 3.2基准面的选择5 3.2.1粗基准的选择原则5 3.2.2精基准选择5 3.3制定工艺路线6 第四章选择加工设备、刀具、量具7 4.1选择加工设备与工艺设备7 4.2确定工序尺寸7 第五章确定切削用量9 第六章夹具设计19 6.1问题的提出19 6.2定位基准的选择19 6.3切削力及夹紧力计算19 6.4定位误差分析20 6.5钻套的设计20 6.6夹具设计及操作简要说明22 结论23 致谢24 参考文献25