摘要 近年来海内外提升设备的发展异常迅猛,目的是让设备更加智能化和更具安全性。对目前的提升设备坚持实行技术创新和改进,把陈旧的单一锁链式改进为多根锁链式,提升效率明显增强,单次重量也逐渐增加。为了节省大量电能,减轻运行资本负担和减去厂房面积,多根锁链式在某些层面上改善了单一锁链式在井深较深情况下所发现的缺陷,选用尾部锁链均衡,其两头的张力差得到了有效削减,运转也更加可靠稳固。因此我选择了多绳摩擦式提升机。机械产业的日益更新,都选择了最先进的技术、最超前的工艺、最适合的材料,能使提升设备向安全稳固、运转良好和高效自动化方向发展。 本次选型设计主要针对天轮、电动机矿井提升机、钢丝绳、提升容器等开始了选型和计算,并且针对提升运动学和动力学开始了全方位的运算。 关键词:提升机;安全;可靠;选型 ABSTRACT With the developme
nt at home a
nd abroad, i
n order to improve the ability, the degree of automatio
n a
nd safety a
nd reliability of the equipme
nt. The existi
ng lifti
ng equipme
nt co
nued to carry out tech
nological tra
n,which co
nsists of a si
ngle ropewi
ng type elevator to the developme
nt of multi-rope frictio
n hoist, lifti
ng speed, the first upgrade are i
ng rapidly. I
n order to save e
nergy, reduce operati
ng costs a
nd reduce co
n pla
nt area, multi rope frictio
n hoist i
n a certai
n exte
nt solvedwhich appears i
n the deepwell co
n machi
ne problem lifti
ng the si
ngle ropewi
ng hoist, the tail rope bala
ng, i
n order to reduce the two e
nds of thevessel Zha
ng Licha, improve operatio
nal reliability. A
nd the cyli
nder rear disc brake, the i
ntegrated sig
nal a
nd digital depth i
ndicator to better improve the safety performa
nce. So I chose the multi-rope frictio
n hoist. The developme
nt of mi
ne hoist, are usi
ng the latest tech
nology, process, up-to-date materials, lifti
ng equipme
nt to large-scale, high efficie
ncy, safe a
nd reliable operatio
n, accurate a
nd highly ce
ntralized, automated directio
n. This desig
n mai
nly for the selectio
n a
nd calculatio
n of the lifti
ng co
ner, steelwire rope, mi
ne hoist, motor, pulley, a
nd to e
nce the ki
nematics a
nd dy
namics of asce
nwere i
ntroduced. Keywords: A
n ;reliable ;hoist ;selectio
n 1绪论1 1.1矿井提升的地位与作用1 1.2矿井提升的任务2 1.3矿井提升的特点2 1.4矿井提升设备与提升系统2 2主井提升设备选型3 2.1提升容器选择(一期) 3 2.2钢丝绳选择4 2.2.1钢丝绳最大静载荷5 2.2.2首绳单位长度重量计算5 2.2.3尾绳单位长度重量计算6 2.2.4钢丝绳的使用与保护6 2.3提升容器的选择(二期) 7 2.4提升机的选择7 2.4.1多绳摩擦提升机的结构特点8 2.4.2提升机滚筒直径的确定10 2.4.3最大静张力和最大静张力差10 2.5矿井提升机与井筒相对位置的计算11 2.5.1井架高度12 2.5.2钢丝绳弦长13 2.5.3钢丝绳的出绳角13 2.5.4提升容器的最小自重14 2.5.5钢丝绳和提升机的校验14 2.6提升电动机的初选计算14 2.7提升设备的运动学计算16 2.7.1提升加速度的确定17 2.7.2主加速度a1的确定18 2.7.3提升减速度的确定18 2.7.4提升速度图参数设计18 2.8提升设备动力学计算20 2.9提升电动机容量的计算21 2.10电动机容量的验算22 2.11提升设备的电耗及效率计算23 3副井提升设备选型设计24 3.1提升容器选择24 3.2钢丝绳及提升机选择24 3.2.1绳端载荷计算24 3.2.2首绳单位长度重量24 3.2.3尾绳单位长度质量25 3.3提升机选择25 3.3.1摩擦轮直径25 3.4提升系统的确定25 3.4.1井架高度25 3.4.2主导轮和导向轮水平中心距离26 3.4.3围抱的确定26 3.5提升容器最小自重校核26 3.6钢丝绳和提升机校验26 3.7提升电动机的初选计算27 3.8提升速度图参数设计27 3.9提升设备的动力学计算29 小结32 参考文献33 致谢34
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