At prese
nt, co
ncrete mixers at home a
nd abroad have a rapid developme
nt, i
nal competitive
ness is co
ntly improvi
ng. I
n order to meet the market dema
nd, improve the product li
ne, adapt to the
needs of small co
n a
nd laboratory work, desig
ned this co
ncrete mixer. This topic mai
nly studies the worki
ng pri
nciple of vertical-axis co
ncrete mixer a
nd the desig
n of the mixer mixi
ng system. Accordi
ng to the desig
n requireme
nts, the mixi
ng system of the co
ncrete mixer is i
nitially formed, a
nd the mai
n compo
nts of the mixi
ng system are desig
ned a
nd calculated. The structure of this ble
nder is mai
nly composed of frame, mixer a
nd drivesystem. The rack is the supporti
ng part of the e
ntire equipme
nt, welded from slotted steel a
nd steel. The mixi
ng device is mai
nly composed by the mixi
ng barrel, the mixi
ng shaft, the mixi
ng shovel, the mixi
ng shovel is fixed o
n the mixi
ng arm, a
nd is i
ntegrated with the mixi
ng shaft master, the mixi
ng shovel a
nd the bottom gap of the mixi
ng barrel ca
n be slightly adjusted. The tra
n system is composed of electric motor, gearbox, belt tra
n a
nd chai
n tra
n. The stirri
ng device is a blade mou
nted o
n the bushi
ng, the blade rotates with the rotatio
n of the shaft, the material i
n the barrel is stirred, the material is mixed eve
nly, the stirri
ng arm is exte
nded upward, ca
n play the role of stirri
ng the material above. The drivetrai
n is carried by V-belt a
nd chai
n drives. The output speed of the motor is passed to the gearbox through the V-belt tra
n, a
nd the gearbox passes the speed to the mai
n axis of the ble
nder through the chai
n drive, a
nd the spi
ndle drives the axial rotatio
n, so that the stirri
ng blades rotate to complete the stirri
ng work. Keywords: Co
ncrete mixer; Worki
ng pri
nciple; tra
n system; program desig
n 目录 第1章前言5 1.1项目研究的目的意义5 1.2国内外混凝土搅拌机的发展状况7 1.3设计内容8 第2章总体结构设计9 2.1设计的依据及要求9 2.2产品的用途及使用范围9 2.3主要组成9 2.4总体设计9 2.5工作原理10 第3章主要零部件设计13 3.1搅拌装置的设计13 3.2机架的设计13 3.3传动系统的设计14 结论24 参考文献25 致谢26 第1章前言 1.1项目研究的目的意义 近年来,随着我国科技的快速发展,基础设施建设规模不断扩大,建设投资不断增加。城市基础设施建设和房地产开发行业的快速发展促进了混凝土生产产量的快速增长,机械设备在建筑中的作用也日益突出。完善施工队伍设备,改善施工条件,提高施工速度,保证工程质量和经济效益[1]。 混凝土生产是改变传统现场分散、混合混凝土生产方式,实现建筑产业化的一项重要改革。混凝土商品化生产由于其高度专业化、集中化的生产特点,大大提高了混凝土工程的质量,节约了原材料,提高了劳动生产率,降低了劳动强度。节约建设用地,改善建设条件,减少环境污染,保护环境,造福社会。 混凝土施工机械的工作对象是砂石、水泥等多种材料,用量巨大并且工作环境恶劣。因此,现代混凝土工程机械正朝着高技术、高效率、多品种、自动化、智能化的方向发展,以改善工作条件,提高生产效率。 因为现在搅拌机输送机都是单一的运动方式,所以通常是混合材料搅拌不足,搅拌效果不理想;此外,工作噪音也大,不能满足工艺设计的要求,严重限制了它的新技术和新工艺的应用。因此,迫切需要一种结构新颖、效果明显的新型搅拌机来逐步取代旧的搅拌机,并可广泛应用于其他行业。 搅拌是非常重要的一个工序在混凝土的生产过程中,应尽可能使每个混合料成分混运动轨迹,在一个相对集中的区域一个封闭的空间内相互交叉,使材料尽可能多的参与搅拌和增加交叉频率,为混凝土搅拌创造最有利的宏观和微观均匀性条件,因此混凝土施工应朝着的机械化和自动化方向发展[2]。 本小型混
nt, co
ncrete mixers at home a
nd abroad have a rapid developme
nt, i
nal competitive
ness is co
ntly improvi
ng. I
n order to meet the market dema
nd, improve the product li
ne, adapt to the
needs of small co
n a
nd laboratory work, desig
ned this co
ncrete mixer. This topic mai
nly studies the worki
ng pri
nciple of vertical-axis co
ncrete mixer a
nd the desig
n of the mixer mixi
ng system. Accordi
ng to the desig
n requireme
nts, the mixi
ng system of the co
ncrete mixer is i
nitially formed, a
nd the mai
n compo
nts of the mixi
ng system are desig
ned a
nd calculated. The structure of this ble
nder is mai
nly composed of frame, mixer a
nd drivesystem. The rack is the supporti
ng part of the e
ntire equipme
nt, welded from slotted steel a
nd steel. The mixi
ng device is mai
nly composed by the mixi
ng barrel, the mixi
ng shaft, the mixi
ng shovel, the mixi
ng shovel is fixed o
n the mixi
ng arm, a
nd is i
ntegrated with the mixi
ng shaft master, the mixi
ng shovel a
nd the bottom gap of the mixi
ng barrel ca
n be slightly adjusted. The tra
n system is composed of electric motor, gearbox, belt tra
n a
nd chai
n tra
n. The stirri
ng device is a blade mou
nted o
n the bushi
ng, the blade rotates with the rotatio
n of the shaft, the material i
n the barrel is stirred, the material is mixed eve
nly, the stirri
ng arm is exte
nded upward, ca
n play the role of stirri
ng the material above. The drivetrai
n is carried by V-belt a
nd chai
n drives. The output speed of the motor is passed to the gearbox through the V-belt tra
n, a
nd the gearbox passes the speed to the mai
n axis of the ble
nder through the chai
n drive, a
nd the spi
ndle drives the axial rotatio
n, so that the stirri
ng blades rotate to complete the stirri
ng work. Keywords: Co
ncrete mixer; Worki
ng pri
nciple; tra
n system; program desig
n 目录 第1章前言5 1.1项目研究的目的意义5 1.2国内外混凝土搅拌机的发展状况7 1.3设计内容8 第2章总体结构设计9 2.1设计的依据及要求9 2.2产品的用途及使用范围9 2.3主要组成9 2.4总体设计9 2.5工作原理10 第3章主要零部件设计13 3.1搅拌装置的设计13 3.2机架的设计13 3.3传动系统的设计14 结论24 参考文献25 致谢26 第1章前言 1.1项目研究的目的意义 近年来,随着我国科技的快速发展,基础设施建设规模不断扩大,建设投资不断增加。城市基础设施建设和房地产开发行业的快速发展促进了混凝土生产产量的快速增长,机械设备在建筑中的作用也日益突出。完善施工队伍设备,改善施工条件,提高施工速度,保证工程质量和经济效益[1]。 混凝土生产是改变传统现场分散、混合混凝土生产方式,实现建筑产业化的一项重要改革。混凝土商品化生产由于其高度专业化、集中化的生产特点,大大提高了混凝土工程的质量,节约了原材料,提高了劳动生产率,降低了劳动强度。节约建设用地,改善建设条件,减少环境污染,保护环境,造福社会。 混凝土施工机械的工作对象是砂石、水泥等多种材料,用量巨大并且工作环境恶劣。因此,现代混凝土工程机械正朝着高技术、高效率、多品种、自动化、智能化的方向发展,以改善工作条件,提高生产效率。 因为现在搅拌机输送机都是单一的运动方式,所以通常是混合材料搅拌不足,搅拌效果不理想;此外,工作噪音也大,不能满足工艺设计的要求,严重限制了它的新技术和新工艺的应用。因此,迫切需要一种结构新颖、效果明显的新型搅拌机来逐步取代旧的搅拌机,并可广泛应用于其他行业。 搅拌是非常重要的一个工序在混凝土的生产过程中,应尽可能使每个混合料成分混运动轨迹,在一个相对集中的区域一个封闭的空间内相互交叉,使材料尽可能多的参与搅拌和增加交叉频率,为混凝土搅拌创造最有利的宏观和微观均匀性条件,因此混凝土施工应朝着的机械化和自动化方向发展[2]。 本小型混