轮式电动扶正器的设计 摘要 随着我国经济的发展,海上石油工业得到了迅猛的发展,海上石油设施的使用也越来越多。在石油设施的使用中需要利用扶正器来保证这些设施在套管中的居中度,而目前各油田所使用的扶正器都存在一定的不足。本文主要根据扶正器利用的特点,对目前市场上扶正器进行分析,提出五种不同的设计方案,并通过对比分析提出利用电机驱动的轮式电动扶正器的最终方案,以此来改善现有扶正器所存在的不足,提高设备的利用率及其有效性。首先,对所选方案进行了详细结构设计并分析了其工作原理,编写了其关键零件的加工工艺;其次,利用UG建立了扶正器三维模型,并对所建立的模型进行了运动仿真,进一步优化其结构。最后,利用MATLAB软件优化设计了支撑臂及弹簧,对扶正器整体做了受力分析。验证扶正器设计的合理性,得到最终扶正器的模型。 关键词:扶正器;结构设计;仿真 Abstract With the developme
nt of Chi
nese eco
nomy, the offshore oil i
ndustry has bee
n rapid developme
nt, the use of offshore oil facilities are more a
nd more.I
n oil facilities
need to use ce
ntralizer to e
nsure these facilities i
n the casi
ng ce
n of, a
nd curre
ntly used i
n the oil fields of the ce
ntralizer are some deficie
ncies.This paper mai
nly accordi
ng to characteristics of the ce
ntralizer, o
n the curre
nt a
nalysis of ce
ntralizer o
n market proposed five differe
nt desig
n schemes, a
nd proposed through a
nalysis a
nd compariso
n of the fi
nal solutio
n of the motor is used to drive the wheel electric ce
ntralizer, i
n order to improve the existi
ng ce
ntralizer is
not e
nough, improve equipme
nt utilizatio
n a
nd effective
ness.First, for the selected scheme of the detailed structure desig
n a
nd a
nalysis the the worki
ng pri
nciple, preparatio
n of the key parts of the processi
ng tech
nology; seco
ndly, usi
ng UG to establish three-dime
nal model of the ce
ntralizer a
nd the established model were motio
n simulatio
n, a
nd further optimize the structure.Fi
nally,thesupport arma
nd the spri
ng desig
ng MATLAB softwaretodothe overalloptimizatio
ntralizerforce a
nalysis.To verify theratio
nality ofce
ntralizermodel. Keyword: Electric ce
ntralizer;Structural desig
n 目录 1绪论1 1.1课题背景及研究现状1 1.1.1课题背景及研究意义1 1.1.2扶正装置的发展现状2 1.2课题研究的目的5 2扶正器的结构设计6 2.1扶正器工作的基本原理6 2.2扶正器设计方案的确定6 2.2.1伸缩式扶正器6 2.2.2变径式扶正器8 2.2.3扶正器方案的确定10 2.2.4小结10 2.3扶正器结构设计10 2.3.1轮式电动扶正器的结构及工作原理10 2.3.2轮式电动扶正器尺寸的设计12 2.4扶正器的安装15 2.5总结15 3扶正器的优化设计16 3.1机械优化设计的基本理论16 3.1.1机械优化设计的数学模型16 3.1.2机械设计的一般步骤17 3.2扶正器的优化设计17 3.3电机的选择21 3.4总结22 4扶正器的运动仿真分析23 4.1 UG软件简介23 4.2 UG中扶正器模型建立以及仿真23 4.3总结26 结论与展望27 结论27 展望27 参考文献29 致谢30
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